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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 RESTAURATION DE LA GARE D’EMBRUN Lors de la réunion ordinaire du 2 mai, le conseil municipal de Russell a approuvé certains travaux pour le projet de restauration de la gare d’Embrun. Il a approuvé un devis de Heritage Grade Architectural Restoration Services d’un montant de 17 570 $, TVH non com- prise, ainsi qu’un rapport sur les travaux électriques à effectuer dans la phase 1. -Christopher Smith RUSSELL REFRESHMENT TRUCKS During the regular meeting on May 16, Russell Township council voted to approve a bylaw that would allow the township to license, regulate and govern refreshment vehicles, also known as food trucks, in the township of Russell. No licences have been given out as yet but inquiries from interested vendors may be made at the municipal office on Notre-Dame Street in Embrun. -Christo- pher Smith SEMAINE DE LA FIERTÉ DE RUSSELL Lors de sa réunion ordinaire du 2 mai, le conseil municipal de Russell a approuvé la demande de Richard Thain de hisser le drapeau de la fierté à l’hôtel de ville en reconnaissance de la Semaine de la fierté. La Semaine de la fierté dans la capitale canadienne se déroulera du 20 au 29 août, et Russell soulignera l’occasion par une cérémonie et le lever du drapeau à l’hôtel de ville le 20 août à 10 h. -Christopher Smith
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Les électeurs du canton de Russell et des autres collectivités environnantes qui souhaitent voter par anticipation pour les élections provinciales devront se rendre au centre communautaire de Marionville pour le vote par anticipation. Le bureau de vote du 2 juin, jour des élections, se tiendra au centre communautaire Camille Piché à Embrun. —photo d’archives
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Simard said it is “not logical” to have an BEWBODFQPMMJO.BSJPOWJMMFXIFO&NCSVOJT a more central location for the majority of WPUFST4IFIBTDPOUBDUFE&MFDUJPO0OUBSJP about the issue. -F3FáFU/FXTSFDFJWFEBSFTQPOTFGSPN &MFDUJPO0OUBSJPUPBOFNBJMRVFSZBCPVU the situation. FNBJMFE&MFDUJPO0OUBSJPBCPVUUIFTVC - ject. Lefebvre announced on his Facebook page that he will seek the position of mayor in the October municipal election. He filed his nomination papers Monday, May 2. j7PUJOHJO&NCSVOJTPGGFSFEPOFMFDUJPO day, June 2, at Camille Piché Community $FOUSFBU#MBJT4USFFU vTUBUFE&MFDUJPO Ontario. j8JUISFTQFDUUPUIFBEWBODFQPMMT UIF Returning Officer conducted a geographic as- TFTTNFOUPG&NCSVOBOEDPOUBDUFE3VTTFMM Township. The Returning Officer was advised that the Camille Piché Community Centre would be unavailable for advance voting and was offered Centre Communautaire de Marionville, also under Russell Township, for the full 10-day advance voting period. 'VSUIFS XIJMF$IFWBMJFST%F$PMPNC)BMMBU Forget Street was used as both an advance and polling day location in the 2018 general election, it is now closed. As a result, the location in Marionville was secured as an advance voting location.» j&MFDUJPOT0OUBSJPLFQUBMMWPUJOH MPDBUJPOTXIFSFQPTTJCMF%VFUPJTTVFT SFTVMUJOHGSPNUIF$07*%QBOEFNJD &MFDUJPOT0OUBSJPIBTFODPVOUFSFETPNF challenges securing locations in many communities. Our Returning Officer secured locations that meet the criteria to serve electors in communities across the province, including those established in the Glen- garry—Prescott—Russell electoral district.»
With the June 2 provincial election voting day less than a week away, one of the six candidates vying the for the GPR seat is worried about how the advance poll setup for Russell Township might affect the final voter turnout. “Something seems strange,” said Amanda Simard, the incumbent Liberal MPP, during a phone interview. Simard referred to the advance poll site for voters in Russell Township and also for those in nearby communities like the Village PG-JNPHFTJO5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ BOE also the Village of Vars. In the last provincial election and others before then, the advance QPMMTJUFIBTBMXBZTCFFOJO&NCSVO5IJT year it is in Marionville at the village com- munity centre. The village is part of Russell Township, but it sits on the borders of the township, /PSUI%VOEBT5PXOTIJQJO%VOEBT$PVOUZ and the City of Ottawa’s eastern rural area. Simard fears that the distance to drive to Marionville for the advance polls may deter some people from voting this year if they are not able to access the online poll on June 2 voting day. She cited seniors and others who may not have their own vehicle or access to public transit as among those who may not be able to vote this year if they cannot get to the advance poll. “It’s 20 minutes travel time,” Simard said, regarding the Marionville advance poll location. “That’s a lot, especially with the price of gas.” She also expressed concern that any voters who did go to Marionville might be confused about the site for the advance poll since the village spans three municipalities.
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