At the first meeting of every academic year, Dietrich leadership (Dean’s Office leadership staff and department heads) will discuss each department’s scorecard and the overall Dietrich College scorecard. This will be a way to gather advice and hold the group accountable for the results. It will also be a time to consider new ideas and initiatives. The dean will retain a proportion of the yearly budget allocation to distribute across departments based upon the results of the scorecard. Every May each department head will submit an objective narrative of the department’s successes and challenges in implementing the diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and progress towards goals. This document will be an input to the yearly raise that the department head receives. RESOURCES While many of initiatives and strategies proposed can be undertaken without resources, others require additional funds. We recommend that current resources be allocated towards this effort and that fundraising efforts prioritize obtaining additional funds to implement this plan. The following is a list that require resources, ordering in increasing level of funds needed: • Diversity awards • Conferences/events • Developing/delivering training programs • Seed money for research • Seeding research initiatives • Post-docs • Visiting positions • Cluster hires/senior hires (new slots) All except the items involving hiring and visiting positions could be accomplished with modest resources. For example, the other items could be funded to a reasonable level with approximately $200,000 per year. A diversity, equity and inclusion incentive fund could be created, and faculty and departments could apply for funding for any of the articulated initiatives. Several mechanisms are needed to raise money for these initiatives, particularly creating new faculty slots. We recommend the following initiatives: • Fundraising: Include DEI as a central priority of Dietrich fundraising. • Taxes: At this time, the dean does not tax master’s programs and executive education programs. A small tax on these initiatives could go toward DEI projects. • Recycling: Following a departmental retirement, the dean can take 20% of the allocation going to that faculty member and reserve it to fund these initiatives. This is how University of Massachusetts, Amherst, funds its diversity initiatives.
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