Diversity Equity Inclusion Strategic Plan_March03_2021


INDICATORS GOAL 1: Recruit and retain a diverse graduate student body. STRATEGY A: PROVIDE EQUITABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO EXPAND PhD FELLOWSHIPS TO SUPPORT ONE PROGRAM PARTICIPANT PER YEAR PER DEPARTMENT • Increased URM PhD applicant pool across all departments, • Increased success in recruiting and retaining URM PhD students across all departments, and • Increased fundraising STRATEGY B: DEVELOP PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING THE PIPELINE OF PH.D. STUDENTS BY BUILDING ON EXISTING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS AT THE COLLEGE LEVEL Increased admissions to PhD programs through summer programs; overall success on admission to PhD programs for summer participants. STRATEGY C: FIFTH-YEAR MASTERS BRIDGE PROGRAM Eighty-percent of the participants continue on to graduate school. STRATEGY D: DEVELOP AN INVENTORY OF MASTERS PROGRAMS TO EVALUATE THE INDICATORS USED BY DEPARTMENTS TO ADMIT PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Complete inventory of Masters Program and their admissions process for all Dietrich College programs compiled; Guidelines developed and shared with all Department Masters Programs. GOAL2: Provide an equitable and inclusive environment for graduate students. STRATEGY A: DATA COLLECTION • Long-term assessment of implemented strategies on a case-by-case basis • Completion of the focus group sessions • Completion of institutionalized pulse check for the college to monitor progress through data collection STRATEGY B: INSTITUTE MENTORSHIP TRAINING TO ALL FACULTY ADVISORS THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO THE NEEDS OF FIRST-GENERATION GRADUATE STUDENTS AND THOSE FROM URM POPULATIONS Integrated mentoring materials and training for faculty advisors through Associate Dean of Students. STRATEGY C: ESTABLISH ANNUAL COLLEGE-WIDE EVENTS FOR INFORMATION AND INTERFACING BETWEEN STUDENTS AND ADMINISTRATION Annual college-wide events per goals.



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