Diversity Equity Inclusion Strategic Plan_March03_2021



GOAL 1: B uild and foster a positive work environment for staff in Dietrich College. STRATEGY A: GATHER DATA TO CONTEXTUALIZE AND MAP THE ENVIRONMENT • Annually document the demographics of the staff across multiple dimensions of diversity • Identify where to build upon current dimensions • Create strategies to address needs • Revisit strategic plan to create recommendations based on findings • Use the staff climate survey to assess progress in sense of belonging • Survey the staff every 3 years to monitor current climate & the impact of efforts STRATEGY B: INCREASE THE VISIBILITY AND RECOGNITION OF STAFF CONTRIBUTIONS INCLUDING EFFORTS MADE BY STAFF TO FOSTER A POSITIVE WORK ENVIRONMENT • Staff recognition awards are established • Staff are represented on Dietrich College and CMU websites STRATEGY C: INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES AND FUNDING FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH TRAINING AND COMPETENCE BUILDING • Practice of annual review and career mapping established for all staff • Require that every department report on the number and kind of professional development opportunities that were offered and completed by staff STRATEGY D: DEVELOPMENT OF A STANDING COMMITTEE (OR COUNCIL) FOCUSED ON DIVERSITY, INCLUSION AND EQUITY IN DIETRICH COLLEGE • Establish the initial committee GOAL 2: Recruit, retain and cultivate diversity with our staff. STRATEGY A: REVIEW JOB DESCRIPTIONS, DEVELOP A REPOSITORY OF PARTNERS TO MARKET OPEN POSITIONS, AND ESTABLISH A CLEAR ONBOARDING PRACTICE FOR NEW STAFF • Develop and require specific training for staff tied to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as supervision and other job skills



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