CEO Warrior February 2018

ARE YOU MAKING THESE 3 MISTAKES IN YOUR BUSINESS? If you owned a boat and it kept taking

or expecting their employees to improve but not setting an example of improvement in their own life. Sure, you might say that you read a book or you attended an industry networking event, but is that the level at which you want your employees to improve? Probably not. If you want your employees to actively engage in growth, they need to see you leading the charge by constantly improving yourself. MISTAKE #2: YOU’RE NOT LEADING YOUR CUSTOMERS Has this ever happened to you? You give an estimate to a customer but they say that they are going to get estimates from other businesses too. And then you don’t hear back … until you find out they hired someone else with a lower estimate. Doesn’t it drive you crazy when customers choose a cheaper option, even if it means that they get inferior products or services? It’s as if they reviewed their estimates and chose the cheapest one based solely on the price, without giving any consideration to the other factors that offer higher value. However, what service business owners fail to realize is that this often happens because of a leadership issue! That’s right — chances are you’re not leading your customers. If you invested in your own growth and business education, did you look at the bottom line and choose a cheaper option based solely on the price tag? I can’t tell you how many times I encounter service business owners who express frustration at cheap clients but, in nearly the same breath, tell me that they don’t want to invest in themselves by attending my Service Business Edge event. These are related challenges! If you’re not willing to lead by example and invest at a higher level in yourself, you can’t expect your customers to follow your leadership and be willing to invest in your services instead of the cheapest option. Raise the bar for yourself, and you’ll raise the bar of your customers. MISTAKE #3: YOU’RE NOT LEADING YOURSELF The third costly mistake

that many service business owners make is failing to lead themselves. Now, this might sound crazy to you because you might think, “How can I lead myself?” The answer is found in a phrase I say often: “The way you do anything is the way you do everything.” What that means is if you settle for less than the best in your life, then that type of thinking will impact all areas of your life. Unfortunately, many service business owners do exactly that. They wish they could get out of their truck and build a bigger, more successful business, but they continue to accept running a business in a beat- up truck with a forgettable brand while competing on price for low-paying customers. If you want to improve your life, you need to lead yourself. You need to step up and say, “I will no longer choose to accept my current situation. Instead, I will invest in myself to be the best I can be, and that will help me create the life that I want.” Want to change the game in your life? Invest in the best to become the best. Period. It’s that simple. The way you do anything is the way you do everything. That’s a massive shift we see at Service Business Edge. When service business owners decide to invest in themselves and attend our game-changing four- day event, many think, “Why didn’t I do this years ago?” and they realize it was because they weren’t leading themselves toward growth, but were instead choosing to accept something less than they desired. ONE SIMPLE SHIFT There is one simple shift that will change it all. Go to right now and sign up for our June event. This simple act will raise the standard in your life. Starting today, you will begin leading your employees, your customers, and yourself to a higher level, because you will be leading at a higher level.

on water, what would be your job as the captain of that vessel? Well, you probably would want to delegate someone else to bail out the water while you figure out where the hole is so it can be fixed. The problem is most service business owners are too busy bailing, and they act like they don’t even realize there’s a hole in their boat! Here’s the shocking truth that I tell people all the time: What you don’t know could be hurting your business in very costly ways … and you didn’t even realize it! Many service business owners are making three mistakes in business right now that are costing them money. Are you? Fortunately, they can be fixed with one major change. Read the three mistakes, identify which ones you might be doing, and find out what you can do to solve it … MISTAKE #1: YOU’RE NOT LEADING YOUR EMPLOYEES As an employer, you probably expect your employees to constantly improve. You want them to be better tomorrow than they were today. That’s a fair expectation. After all, you want your company to grow, and you know that growing employees will help your company grow. But here is the mistake that many service business owners make: They’re not leading by example. You send your team to additional training … How often are you taking additional training? You give your employees opportunities to hone their skills … How often are you taking the time to hone your own skills? I’ll bet that you’d love it if an employee spent their own time to become better at their skills so they could work at a higher level. Well, let me ask you this question: Do you spend your own time to become better at your skills so you can work at a higher level? The truth is many service business owners aren’t leading their employees in this area. They are wishing

The costly mistakes stop here. The change starts now at


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