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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 NOMINATIONS OUVERTES Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) invitent de nouveau la population à proposer des candi- datures pour le Prix JP St. Pierre de Prescott et Russell. Les intéressés ont jusqu’au 28 octobre 2019 pour déposer une candidature. Deux prix, au maximum, seront octroyés. Les candidatures peuvent être déposées en se rendant au site sui- vant : e ONTARIO CANCELS SOME FEE INCREASES The Government of Ontario is implementing a five-year plan for driver, vehicle and commercial fee increases. Key driver, vehicle and commercial fees will not increase until July 1, 2020. This is the third round of driver and vehicle fee increases that have been cancelled by the government. A two per cent increase to remaining fees took effect on July 12, 2019. – Francis Racine


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé, le 18 juillet dernier, la nomination d’un conseiller spécial en matière d’inondation. « Je souhaite la bienvenue à quiconque veut nous aider, a déclaré le maire de Clarence-Rockland, Guy Desjardins. Que la province veuille nous aider, c’est un signe positif. » Doug McNeil conseillera la province quant aux moyens de réduire les effets des inondations et veillera à ce que les collectivités se relèvent rapidement. Celui-ci évaluera également les rôles et responsabilités actuelles des gouvernements, des agences et organismes participant à la gestion des inondations. Notamment, il identifiera les possibilités d’amélioration, examinera les opinions reçues et élaborera des recommandations. —archives


VACANCES ESTIVALES Prenez note que nos bureaux seront FERMÉS LES SEMAINES DU 28 JUILLET ET 4 AOÛT Au cours de la SEMAINE DU 4 AOÛT, aucun de nos journaux ne sera imprimé. SUMMER HOLIDAYS Please take note that our offices will be CLOSED during the WEEKS OF JULY 28 AND AUGUST 4 None of our newspapers will be printed during THE WEEK OF AUGUST 4 DE RETOUR À NOS BUREAUX LE LUNDI 12 AOÛT.


The mayor of Clarence-Rockland, Guy Desjardins, is hopeful the recent ap- pointment of Special Advisor on Flooding will help the area battle future floods. “I’m all for it,” the mayor stated following the Province’s announcement of the ap- QPJOUNFOUPG%PVH.D/FJM PO+VMZi)F .D/FJM IBTLOPXMFEHFPGUIFJNQBDUTPG áPPEJOH)FLOPXTIPXJUXPSLTu The new Special Advisor on Flooding has been involved in many aspects of water resource planning, operations, and man- agement, including hydraulics, hydrology, stormwater management, and water control TUSVDUVSFT)FQMBZFELFZSPMFTJOUIF Flood of the Century on the Red River and MFEUIF'MPPEXBZ&YQBOTJPOQSPKFDU XIJDI included a provincial review of floodway op- erating rules and flood protection studies of NJUJHBUJPONFBTVSFTGPS8JOOJQFH i5IFBQQPJOUNFOUJTBTUBSU u%FTKBSEJOT outlined. “I welcome anyone who is willing to help our community. The appointment JTBQPTJUJWFTJHOGPS$MBSFODF3PDLMBOE B sign that the province is willing to help us.” .D/FJMXJMMBTTFTTDVSSFOUSPMFTBOESF - sponsibilities of governments, agencies and organizations involved in flood management, including any opportunities for improve- NFOUSFWJFXGFFECBDLSFDFJWFEJEFOUJGZ

Clarence-Rockland mayor Guy Desjardins — archives

focused recommendations; and ensure all recommendations are consistent with the province’s ability to implement them. A8FIFBSEGSPNQFPQMFBDSPTTUIFQSPW - ince and saw first-hand the damage caused by flooding in so many communities,” said .JOJTUFSPG/BUVSBM3FTPVSDFTBOE'PSFTUSZ  +PIO:BLBCVTLJi8FXBOUUPIFMQ0OUBSJBOT protect what matters most, and the Special Advisor will help better prepare our province for flooding in the future.”


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