Inscriptions • Registrations
It’s no secret that sports are good for your health. Better coordination, endurance, strength and muscle tone are just some of the physical benefits that are gained through exercise. It also helps to reduce stress. And what better way to play a sport than to join a team? In addition to keeping you fit, team sports help you improve your ability to work with others towards achieving a common goal. And learning how to make a place for yourself within the team, trusting your teammates, encouraging others, accepting criticism and following the rules are all lessons that will benefit you in your free time as well as in your professional or personal life. '"-- "650./&
Being part of a sports team is also a great opportunity to socialize and share your love of the sport with people who are as enthusiastic as you. In addition, mutual assistance and advice from teammates will help you progress quickly. And you can be sure that your teammates will be counting on you to be another source of motivation for them to get moving. Playing a team sport is also a great way to have fun. There’s something out there for everyone: volleyball, basketball, handball, football, baseball, hockey, soccer, water polo, ultimate Frisbee and the list goes on. So, what are you waiting for? Join a team that suits you.
You’d like to get fit but have no idea which sport to choose? Here are five criteria that will help you make an informed choice. 1. Your personality Do you love sports? Activities such as mountain biking, skiing and climbing are ideal for surpassing yourself. If you prefer to relax or be in harmony with nature, think about trying yoga, tai chi, hiking or canoeing. You’re a homebody? Exercising in your pool, lifting weights or jumping rope will allow you to keep fit at home. 2. Your preferences Naturally, your choice depends on what appeals to you. You love expressing yourself creatively, or chatting as you work out? You prefer the great outdoors and thrills? You won’t be able to socialize as much if you choose weightlifting over a team sport, and dancing is more artistic than running. 3. Your goals Do you have specific goals? If you want to improve your flexibility or endurance, for instance, find out about the benefits of sports that appeal to you and then pick one that will help you to reach your objectives. 4. Your free time Time is an important factor. Cardio classes will probably take up less of your time than a tennis match, for example.
5. Accessibility Cost is sometimes a deciding factor, but other criteria also have to be taken into account, such as time and location. Si- gning up for a class whose schedule constantly forces you to rush or to travel long distances could end up discouraging you in the long run.
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Yoga, skiing, soccer or maybe ballet: have you made your choice?
Russell Minor Broomball Ballon sur glace Registration Inscription
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Wednesday / mercredi le 19 sept. &Wednesday / mercredi le 26 sept.
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7 :00 – 9 :00 pm• 19 h – 21 h Both nights at the Russell Youth Centre Building (behind Russell High School)
LEARNING LEAGUE No experience required For girls and boys ages 5 to 15 Every Saturday night at the Russell Arena
LIGUE D’APPRENTISSAGE aucune expérience requise Pour filles et garçons de 5 à 15 ans Tous les samedis soirs à l’aréna de russell
Price / prix : 200,00$ Contactez / Contact Tanya – 613-222-1138
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Russell Minor Broomball Ballon sur glace Russell
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