

District WI names new executive

ship, join President Anne-Marie Potvin of Navan, Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Meery of Orleans, and Liz Kardolus of Navan on the district board. District directors are : Cum- berland WI -Margot Pygas, Leonard WI- Marilyn Lowe, Navan WI-Catherine Hyde, North Russell WI-Doris Prescott and Russell Village WI-Judith Hubbard. Margery Dugdale was named Woman of Excellence for her extensive work in the ar- eas of agriculture, particularly with the Rus- sell Fair Board. The North Russell WI hosted the event, held at St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Rus- sell, with the theme “Protecting Our Lo-


RUSSELL l The Russell District Women’s Institute, made up of the Russell Village, North Russell, Leonard, Navan and Cum- berland branches, held their annual meet- ing in Russell on May 27, and named four Russell women to the district executive. Past President Mona Saunders, First Vice President Mary Inglis, ROSE coordinator Cherry Bekkers, and Tweedsmuir History coordinator Ina Henry, all of Russell Town-


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cal Environment”. Guest speaker was Candice Vet- ter. The ladies were each given a tree seedling, and were treated to entertain- ment by Ray Scharfe. The WI is an advocacy group founded by Adelaide Hoodless in 1897 to better the lives of women, their children and society. Some of the advocacyWIs all over the world have tackled in- clude tobacco advertising, street lights, road safety, food safety, support for small abattoirs, daylight savings time, health, law and justice, school busing, and water source protec- tion.

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The Russell District Women’s Institute held their Annual General Meeting on Monday, May 27, at St. Mary’s An- glican Church in Russell, with North Russell WI hosting. Shown here Susan Dunsfield (as WI founder Adelaide Hoodless) greets Mona Saunders, past president of Rus- sell District WI.

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Chevaliers de Colomb/Knights of Columbus Conseil 6301/ Council 6301 5, rue Forget/ 5 Forget Street Embrun

CLASSIQUE DE GOLF -2013 - GOLF CLASSIC Le comité organisateur du tournoi de golf annuel des Chevaliers de Colomb d’Embrun aimerait remercier tous les commanditaires, les bénévoles, les participants, le club de golf de Casselview ainsi que le Conseil 6301 des Chevaliers de Colomb afin d’avoir fait que notre événement soit un énorme succès! Une telle réussite n’aurait pu être possible sans chacune de vos très grandes contributions. Merci, et au plaisir de vous revoir l’an prochain, le dimanche 1er juin 2014. The organizing committee of the Knights of Columbus Annual Golf Tournament would like to thank all of our sponsors, our volunteers, our players, the Casselview Golf Club as well as Council 6301 of the Knights of Columbus in making this year’s event such a success! The Annual Golf Tournament would not be possible without each of your generous contributions. Thank you and we’ll see you next year on Sunday June 1, 2014!


7 h – 10 h


Livio Piovesan Président / President Tournoi de Golf 2013 Golf Tournament 613 443-6301

7 am – 10 am

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