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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN VANKLEEK HILL’S ROUTE 34 REHAB PROJECT WORK RESUMES GPSUIFXJOUFS8PSLPOUIFVOEFSHSPVOEQPS - tion of the project and other matters would resume in 2019, with the goal of completion by the end of summer. Boil water notice temporary drinking water supply, phone the contractor’s 24-hour emergency number at 613-932-6571. preparation. Residents in the area are also urged to either boil water for drinking or stock up on bottled water until the advisory is lifted. For any other questions, phone the municipal office at 613-678-3003 or check the municipal website for details. The township has also issued a tempo- rary boil water notice as a precaution for home and business owners for any food

Work crews are on the job now to get the Route 34/High Street improvement project finished in Vankleek Hill. Cornwall Gravel Ltd. had its crews begin work Monday on underground construction work to finish up the project by the end of summer. Champlain Township will post regular updates on project progress, and any unforeseen delays on the Highway 34 Reconstruction Facebook page. 8PSLPOUIFQSPKFDUCFHBOMBTUZFBSXJUI the original goal of having everything com- pleted by the end of December. Unforeseen obstacles with the underground soil profile, heavy rains which limited some construc- tion work plans, and other matters delayed completion of the project as planned, and created disruptions for neighbouring home- owners and businesses in the village centre. The township and contractor worked out a plan to get the main surface work done and temporary pavement installed, to allow that part of the village to reopen to normal traffic

This year’s part of the work schedule includes final improvements to the water main along the route. During construction there may be low-pressure situations or unexpected breaks in the main, affecting water supply to neighbouring homes and businesses. Traffic control, including tempo- rary closure of driveways as work on main replacement progresses, is scheduled during construction. A temporary drinking water supply setup will be installed to serve homes and busi- nesses during replacement of the water main. Officials from Cornwall Gravel will review house connections with owners before the start of the main replacement. Some tem- porary shutdowns of water service may be necessary during replacement of the main and the contractor is responsible for giving 24-hour advance notice if that is necessary. If there are any problems with the



Le Village de Grenville amorcera la collecte des matières organiques dès le 7 mai. « Cette nouvelle collecte, qui sera obliga- toire pour toutes les municipalités à compter de 2020, amènera des changements dans nos habitudes quotidiennes, a déclaré le maire de Grenville Pierre Thauvette. Votre collaboration à ce projet collectif est essen- tielle pour le bien de l’environnement. » La distribution des bacs bruns roulants pour l’extérieur, ainsi que des petits bacs de cuisine, est en cours dans la municipalité. Le tout est accompagné d’un feuillet informatif pour bien guider les citoyens à cette nouvelle collecte. De plus, des séances d’information ont été offertes le 17 avril dernier aux écoles et aux citoyens, en collaboration avec la firme Cycle environnement. La collecte de matières organiques a comme but de réduire collectivement la quantité de déchets produits, de réduire MFTÊNJTTJPOTEFHB[ÆFGGFUEFTFSSF (&4  et de diminuer l’empreinte écologique. Le

compostage est aussi une façon de voir nos résidus comme une ressource avec un potentiel de valorisation. Le collecte de compostage vise à se conformer à la Politique québécoise de ges- tion des matières résiduelles, qui oblige la valorisation des matières organiques d’ici 2020. Information sessions were offered on April 17 to schools and citizens, in collaboration with Cycle environnement. —supplied photo The Village of Grenville will begin collecting organic matter on May 7.


Les travaux du projet d’amélioration de la route 34 et de la rue High, dans le centre de Vankleek Hill, ont repris en avril. Les résidents et les propriétaires d’entreprises pourraient avoir à faire face à des interruptions d’approvisionnement en eau pendant la période des travaux, qui devrait se terminer plus tard au cours de l’été. Un avis temporaire d’ébullition de l’eau est en vigueur dans les quartiers qui pourraient être touchés par le remplacement de la conduite d’eau principale. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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The body of a deer, killed over the first weekend of May while trying to cross County Road 17 near L’Orignal, is an unpleasant visual reminder to motorists to be alert and exercise caution, now that spring has removed the last traces of winter snow from local highways and backcountry roads. Deer and other animals are now more common sights, and potential traffic victims, for drivers speeding along the roads. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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