Lonoke PT: Relief for Radiating Neck Pain and Headaches

Common Problems Associated With Neck Pain Whether you have back pain, neck pain, or radiating arm/leg pain, we can help. Your spine must be flexible, strong, and healthy in order for you to maintain a pain free body. We ensure that you’ll achieve the best results for your back/neck pain with the Lonoke & ProMotion spine programs.

UPPER NECK Pain or injury here is often responsible for headaches to the scalp and face. This area helps with overall body balance and the ability to rotate the neck. MID NECK Pain or injury here is responsible for weakness and pain to the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. LOWER NECK Pain or injury in this area often presents with limited motion and contributes to a forward head posture. As a result this increases strain on the neck causing muscle pain and tension.

Practice NEWS

Happy Work Anniversary Sheena!

She will celebrate her work anniversary on April 25th

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