King's Business - 1938-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

December, 1938

II. Stephen, the Deacon (Acts 6:5 to 7:53). 1. His election (6:5). 2. His persecution (6:11 to 7:1). 3. His address (7:2:53). III. Stephen, the Martyr (Acts 7:54-60). 1. His testimony (7:54-56). 2. His death (7:57-60). 3. The effect of his death (8:1-4). When Joseph Parker was quite a young lad, he was accustomed to hold arguments with infidels outside the great iron works on Tyneside. One day an infidel challenged him and said, “What did God do for Ste­ phen?” insinuating that if there had been II. G od ’ s D eliverance for S tephen

a God, He would have interposed to rescue him from the hands of his foes. Dr. Parker always said he believed that it was given to him in the same hour what he should say, and he answered, "What did God do for him? He gave him the power to pray for the forgiveness of those who stoned him.” It was a great answer.—F. B. M eyer . V IEW S AND REVIEWS [C ontinued from p a g e 406] tion of anywhere from $850,000,000 to $3,000,000,000 for this purpose. The projected plan for federal aid to edu­ cation will, if carried through, cost at least $500,000,000 and possibly $1,000,000,000. Appropriation bills, already drafted, would expend an additional sum of not less than $1,250,000,000 and as high as $3,500,- 000,000 for augmented armaments. New “farm relief” proposals provide for an additional outlay of at least $750,000,000 for agriculture. Plans for “liberalization” of “social se­ curity” payments would cost from $1,000,- 000,000 to $5,000,000,000 per year to carry out. Meanwhile the national debt soars -far above the $40,000,000,000 mark, and next year’s deficit, without the above-mentioned additional expenditures, promises to be be­ tween $4,000,000,000 and $5,000,000,000. FOOTBALL SCANDAL: University au­ thorities throughout the nation are viewing with agitated apprehension the gathering clouds which seem sure to break—quite soon—in a “football scandal” of national proportions. Several widely circulating magazines are known to be preparing exposés of wide­ spread corruption in collegiate athletic ac­ tivities. The "hiring” of players to attend a university, the competitive "bidding” of "scouts" looking for talent among the high schools, the sacrifice of scholarship in the interests of athletics, the compulsion upon instructors to force them to “pass” grid stars regardless of the quality of their work —all of these sinister factors have been common knowledge on many campuses for some time. The more sensational exposés now in the offing deal with bribery and corruption of players by “syndicates” of organized gam­ bling interests. The infamous "Black Sox” episode in baseball some years ago was “small change” compared to what seems to have become an established practice in cer­ tain intercollegiate circles, particularly in the East. Thoughtful observers recognize that the corruption of players is the logical result of the “system” that has grown up whereby our great educational institutions have come to claim standing and excellence on the basis of the performance of commercialized athletes, rather than on the ground of high scholarship. Is it not time that our educa­ tional institutions be conformed again to their original purpose—the training of minds and hearts, the development of char­ acter and the instilling of Christian ideals? It is hardly to be expected that college athletes, indoctrinated with atheism and [C ontinued on p a g e 444]

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