T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S tians at morning and afternoon serv ice.:—Dickens. They speak against you. , It is not without significance that Peter uses the same word as had been used by the chief priest (Jn. 18:30). Here and in v. 14; 3:16 and 4:15 are the only places in the New Testament with the exception of Jn. 18:30 where the word occurs. The word indicates the growth of a .widespread feeling of dislike showing itself in calumny. (See Acts 28:22; 17:6.)—Camb. Bible. Doing as Jesus Did. 1 Samuel 26. Memory Verse: “ Christ also pleased not Himself.” Rom. 12:3. Approach: This morning I am going to draw a picture, but not on the black board, or on a piece of paper, but on your minds, and I want it to be such a good picture that BEGINNERS you can see it even AND PRIMARY though it is not on Mabel L. Merrill something that you can see - with your eyes. The one who listens the best will get the best picture. The first thing in this picture is a king sound asleep out in the woods, and by his side right close to his pillow lay his big spear and s bottle of water, and all around him lots and lots of soldiers for this king had his army with him. Then standing by this king and looking right down into his face is a man, and near him another- man and they are whispering to each other and being very quiet, for they do not want to waken the sleeping king. Now how many of you can really see the picture in your mind? Now let us bow our little heads and ask Jesus to be with us as we listen to the wonderful story about this picture. Lesson Story: The king who lay asleep was King Saul, and he was the first king who ruled over the Jews, God’s chosen people. God had been their king and guided them, but when they kep^ asking for an earthly king, finally God told one of His prophets to make the
216 sensuality are most odious to God and destructive to man’s soul, and it is a sore judgment to be given up to them.-— Henry. You that carry flesh and blood about with you perceive the conflicts of the flesh against the spirit. The flesh as well as the devil aims to ruin the soul.— Love. Which war against the soul. Literally “ carry on a campaign against.”— Troy. Harboring secret sin will eventuate in open defeat and ruin. —-Parsons. Who hindereth and trou- bleth thee more than the unmortified lusts of thine own heart?—Wesley. Un confessed sin breeds in its lurking place and multiplies its hateful offspring.— South. Sin is an ill guest, for it al ways set's its lodging on fire. Who would not shut his door on such a guest or if he be known to be lurking within, who would not drag him out? How foolish are those who treat such, an enemy with more care than their best friend.—Vaughan. v. 12. Conversation honest among the Gentiles. The unbelievers round about were speaking against the Chris tians as evil-doers. The duty of the Christians, therefore, was to have their conduct so seemly and consistent in the eyes of their watchful neighbors that by their good works those neighbors might in the day of visitation by divine grace, glorify God for them.— Christian Worker’s Com. The world does, not doubt Christianity as much as Chris tians.— Sel. We have no right to sing “ In the cross of Christ I glory” unless we are willing to add “ by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the w o r ld .—Simpson. Satan has no tool like the professor of religion whose life is not actually directed and sus tained by the indwelling Son of God.-H Dickie. One repulsive Christian drives ^away a score of prodigals.— Drummond. Hypocrites are the greatest dupes the devil has. They serve him better than any others but receive no wages.— Col ton. A mere profession of Christianity is like the plumes upon the hearse which bears men to their graves.— Spur geon. There are some people who may be called the reproaches of ministers and these are they who are great hear ers, talkers and admirers of ministers but never obey the doctrines delivered by them.— P. Brooks. When we see what some people do all the week-ssj people who are staunch at church—we can’t help thinking there are a good many poor souls who are only Chris-
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