Head and neck pain is not the type of pain that you can push through and deal with for too long. For one thing, chronic pain in the head or neck is often associated with some sort of chronic health concern — one that you need to deal with, not ignore. Secondly, when you are dealing with constant pain in your head or neck, it becomes difficult to concentrate. This can have a negative effect on your personal relationships, your career, and more.
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Life Doesn’t Have To Be A Pain In The Neck
A L S O I N S I D E : Patient Success Spotlight • Exercise Essentials Healthy Recipe • Upcoming Screenings & Special Offers
Life Doesn’t Have To Be A Pain In The Neck
Headandneckpain isnot the typeofpain thatyoucanpush through and deal with for too long. For one thing, chronic pain in the head or neck is often associated with some sort of chronic health concern — one that you need to deal with, not ignore. Secondly, when you are dealing with constant pain in your head or neck, it becomes difficult to concentrate. This can have a negative effect on your personal relationships, your career, and more. The most common cause of neck or head pain is a muscle or joint problem. Working with the VCM team can help you to identify the cause of the trouble and begin taking steps to correct the issue, allowing you to find relief from the pain without having to commit to long-term pain management — which often includes the use of pain medications thatarepotentiallyharmful toyourhealthandnot likely to work as well over time. Unlike pain medications that become less helpful the longer they are used, therapy provides long-term relief from pain by correcting the joint or muscle concern with targeted therapies likeflexibilityexercises,musclestrengthening techniques, and guided stretches that target core joints and muscles. Ofcourse,notallneckorheadpain is thesame,sounderstanding the basicsofwhatyouaredealingwith is thefirststep toachievingrelief. Head Pain 101 Therearea lotofdifferenttypesofheadachesthatyoumayexperience, and each can be caused by its own different reason. For example, migraines can be caused by environmental factors, food allergies or
even as a result of stress. There are headaches that can develop due to sinus pain and headaches that will develop when you are dehydrated. There are also headaches that will develop when you are exposed too long to loud noises. There is no singular fix for each of these different types of headaches, which is why attempting to treat every headache you experience with the same medication frequently doesn’t work. Oneof themostcommoncausesofheadaches thatareeasily treatable with physical therapy is radiating headaches, which are caused by stress in the joints and muscles of the neck. This causes pain to radiate from the topof theneck into thehead,especiallysurrounding the ears. There are a lot of reasons why radiating headaches could develop, including as a result of lack of movement and stiffness in the neck. This buildup of irritation can be treated with regular physical therapy,especially through theuseofmassageandflexibility exercises that target the muscles in the neck.
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Visit www.vcmpt.com to schedule an appointment at Vineyard Complementary Medicine.
Posture Tips The ideal sitting posture is when you imagine a vertical straight line from your ears to your shoulders, elbows, and then to your hips. While using your phone, use a pillow, backpack or even a jacket tucked under your arms to help prop up your arms while holding your phone. Tip: Keeping your ears in line with your shoulders prevents overuse of all the muscle attachments to your head and neck and avoids pain stiffness and headaches.
Neck Pain 101
Addressing the Core Problem The majority of neck and head pain can be helped with one simple strategy: strengthbuilding. It frequentlyhappens that theabsolutecauseof thestart ofapain in theneckorhead isaresultofpoorpostureorquickenedmotion, andbuildingcorestrength,aswellasstrength in theneck,canmakeahuge difference in your ability to handle tasks without experiencing chronic pain. Keep in mind that the neck and head are sensitive areas, so attempting to treat the pain at home can be dangerous and may not be effective. Working with a physical therapist is the safe way to ensure that you are practicing positive techniques to find relief from your aches and pains.
In many situations, pain that develops in the neck can be associated with one of two major problems. The first is upper-back pain that begins to radiate into the neck. The second is arthritis. Cervical arthritis causes frequent aches in the neck and shoulders. This pain is generally worse when there are sudden changes in weather or at the end of the day, and while over-the-counter medication may make the pain less severe, it won’t eliminate the pain entirely. Thebiggestproblemposedbycervicalarthritis is that thepainwill typically cause a loss of range of motion in the neck, which actually increases your risk of injury as a result of a sudden movement and causes regular discomfort and frustration as you are not able to utilize your neck in the way you normally could. There are plenty of situations in which pain in the neck as a result of cervical arthritis grows so severe that it can cause chronic poor posture and even a reduction in height.
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Patient Success Spotlight “Before I came to VCM, I was in pain most of the time and I couldn’t turn my head very far in either direction. I couldn’t even look up. Now I am almost completely out of pain and I have regained almost full movement.” - Peter M.
Upcoming Clinics, Free Screenings & Special Offers WORKSHOPS • VCM LIFE HACK: 6B's To Eliminate Pain February 12th, 6pm-7pm No Charge • VCM LIFE HACK: Heal ThySelf-Chinese Cupping For Pain Relief March 25th, 6pm-7pm No Charge CLINICS • 5-Point Acupuncture Every Tuesday, 4pm-5pm $20.00 • KIDS & TEENS Scoliosis Screening Every Wednesday, 2:30pm-4pm No Charge. • ADULT Pain-Free Movement & Posture Screening Every Wednesday, 2:30pm-4pm No Charge.
Pictured left to right: Susan Sanford, VCM President/ CEO,PeterMeleney,&ScottSavoie,PhysicalTherapist)
Schedule your free consultation today by call- ing 508.693.3800 and get results like these!
Healthy Recipe Crunchy Chicken Mango Salad
thinly sliced diagonally • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast • 1 medium mango, sliced • ½ cup coarsely chopped fresh mint • ¼ cup sliced scallions • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
• ⅓ cup orange juice • 3 tbsp rice vinegar • 3 tbsp less-sodium soy sauce • 1 tbsp toasted sesame oil • 2 tsp sambal oelek (optional) • 6 cups thinly sliced napa cabbage • 2 cups sugar snap peas,
Directions Whisk juice, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and sambal oelek (if using) in a large bowl. Add cabbage, peas, chicken, mango, mint and scallions; toss gently to coat. Serve the salad sprinkled with sesame seeds.
Exercise Essentials Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes!
Reiki Restoration 30 Restore your physical and emotional well- being in 30 minutes for $30! Offer Expires March 31st. Appointmentsmustbescheduledbyphoneorinperson. Massage Purchaseandusea60minor90minmassage and save 20% . Enjoy 60 min for $108 or 90 min for $148. Massagesmustbebookedthroughourwebsite(vcmpt. cpm/request-new-appointment/ Offer Expires March 15th Use promo code VALENTINE 20
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