SRS Program Fall 2022


each religion itself. I am also curious into looking how the Nation of Islam compares to its main branch counterpart.

Kenneth Sanford - “Addiction and Codependency” (poster session) My literature review will go over topics of addictions of all types. These addictions may even be illegal including drugs, gambling, money, or even codependent relationships with family or loved ones that may even classify as addiction. I will also go over how all these addictions affect people in positive and or negative ways, and why people fall to these addictions and/or codependencies. We will see if anxiety or depression will lead people to addictions, and see if what in people’s pasts lead them to being codependent. Matheus Santos & Nicholas Santos - “Technology” (session 2) We are going to talk about technology and their areas. Patricia Seller (session 16) - see Linder Jokiah Sewell - “The Three Monotheistic Religions: Traditions in Society” (session 8) I am writing a research paper, researching all three monotheistic religions and how they interact with society. How the traditions and teachings have led to what we now know and see of these religions in society. What communities are formed and why. Why do these religions have a certain impact and where do they have these impacts in the world? What separates religions that are so similar but viewed so differently in the world? Thus, I will compare and present what I find in these religions. Hopefully, I will be able to inform and give the audience an understanding I am majoring in Graphic Design. I will be explaining what I plan on doing my Student Research Symposium over. I want to explore more about human emotions but I want to put my own twist on things and be more creative. So I wanted to explore how superheroes express human emotions, and how they are relatable to the average person. I plan on creating a poster for the symposium expressing my ideas and showing how important emotions and feelings are even to extraordinary people. Hopefully people can relate to my piece and find peace in their own feelings and emotions. Jacopo Sottocornola - “Graphite: Chemistry and History of this Element” (session 19) In this presentation I am going to talk about graphite, an element really widespread in nowadays world. I am going to show the chemical and the historical sides of this element. I am going to start talking about its chemical structure and characteristics, to then talk about the role that this element has played in inventions and discoveries that have changed the world. Precisely, I am going to focused mainly in how graphite works in a nuclear reactor, but not just about that, this presentation will also discuss how graphite has changed other aspects of our daily life, like improving sports equipment. of why they see certain aspects of religions today. Jaamel Smith - “Superhero Emotions” (session 15)

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