

19.Not nope 20.Kilt, e.g. 21.Coarse file

39.Prevail 41.African



mammal, shortly

Week of June 8 to 14, 2014

Blueberry orange cheese cake Bluberries and orange give a new twist to this classic dessert. INGREDIENTS: • 375 ml (1 1/2 cups) graham cracker crumbs • 30 ml (2 tbsp) sugar • 3 ml (1/2 tsp) cinnamon • 3 ml (1/2 tsp) nutmeg • 90 ml (6 tbsp) butter, melted • 1 l (4 cups) cream-style cottage cheese • Heavy cream • 6 eggs • 375 ml (1 1/2 cups) sugar • 125 ml (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour • 45 ml (3 tbsp) thawed frozen

22.Admired actor 24.Bamboo eater 25.Wallet item 27.Now 29.Deserts 30.Army vehicle 31.Fidgety 34.Marry 37.Stop



ARIES You actively look for solutions if you’re experiencing some tension in your relationship. Take the time to plan some quality time with your loved one. TAURUS If you’re single, a stranger might suggest going around the world with him or her. A business trip is really profitable if you can master another language. GEMINI There is lots of work on the table, and it is filled with small details that take ages to settle. You could benefit from a promotion, but it will materialize gradually. CANCER Your leadership is called upon. Peo- ple like you as a matter of course and follow you easily. You could suggest some projects either at work or to your loved one. LEO Your children are rather demanding. What’s more, you’re sure to get in- volved in their school activities. You get the green light from the bank to finance an important project. VIRGO You’re usually a very talkative sort of person and this week you prove that to be true. You are espe- cially endowed with an ability to express yourself clearly and to be understood. LIBRA This is a good time to ask for a loan or to consolidate your debts. Don’t hesitate to ask your boss for a pay raise; he or she won’t be able to refuse you. SCORPIO A new challenge awaits you. It seems that a new start is begin- ning to take shape on the horizon. You could very well undertake some steps to return to school. SAGITTARIUS Your health could be an obstacle to your progress. Take the time to look for a good doctor or a miracle treatment, which will improve your quality of life considerably. CAPRICORN You enlarge your network of pro- fessional contacts and your circle of friends. You succeed in combin- ing business with pleasure at work as well as in your leisure activities. AQUARIUS Whether you’re self-employed or not, you work on quite a deman- ding project that promises to pay dividends, but only on the long term. It is important to be patient. PISCES A training session over the sum- mer will allow you to obtain an im- portant accreditation. You could go on a trip that really improves your self-esteem.

44.Kind 45.Valley 47.Includes 49.High peak 50.Convertible, e.g. 52.Feel unwell 53.Take wing

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Fido’s foot 4. Festive occasion 8. Slacken 12.Lamb’s parent 13.So be it! 14.Bygone days 15.Harden 16.Noblewoman 17.Injury memento 18.Soap-making substances 20.Robbed 21.Take a cab 23.Talked 26.Pass into law

28.Give motion to 32.Daddy’s boy 33.Proprietor 35.Misbehaving 36.Begged 38.Nasal tone 40.Airport device 42.Dark in color 43.Enraged 46.Hired help



58.Experts 59.Slick


DOWN 1. Wooden pin 2. Astound 3. Steak order: hyph. 4. Storm 5. Pile up 6. Was in front 7. Whatever 8. Method 9. Daft 10.Voiced 11.No longer are

orange juice concentrate • 5 ml (1 tsp) vanilla extract • 1 ml (1/4 tsp) salt

48.Peeve 49.Sharp 51.Clumsy person 54.Sherbets 55.Nation 56.Naught

• 250 ml (1 cup) dairy sour cream • 30 ml (2 tbsp) confectioners’ sugar • 250 ml (1 cup) frozen blueberries, thawed



DIRECTIONS: Set out a 23 cm (9 inch) springform pan. Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg in a bowl. Stir in butter. Press the mixture on bottom and about three-fourths up sides of the spring- form pan. Chill crust while prepar- ing the filling. Drain cottage cheese (reserving the cream), press through a coarse sieve and set aside. Measure reserved cream and fill to 250 ml (1 cup) with heavy cream. Beat eggs until very thick. Add sugar, beat- ing until light and fluffy. Blend in the sieved cottage cheese, the cream and flour, orange juice concentrate, vanilla extract and salt. Turn filling into crumb-lined pan. Bake at 175 ºC (350 ºF) oven for 1 hr and 10 to 20 min. While cake is baking, prepare topping. Combine sour cream, con- fectioners’ sugar and blueberries in a small bowl. When cake is ready, turn off heat. Open oven door and gently spread cake with topping mixture. Cool in oven until cake is at room temperature. Chill. Recipe and photo : Cooking with cheese, Delair Publishing Company.


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

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