

Le GASL déménagera à la bibliothèque

CORNWALL | The City is now accepting ap- plications for the Flood Risk Reduction Re- bate, anewprogramtoassist homeowners in flooding-affected areas. Through the program, eligible homeowners can re- ceive a rebate of up to $3,600 for comple- ting improvements such as eavestrough downspout disconnections, backwater valve installations, foundation drain dis- connections and lot grading. “The goal of the program is to reduce the risk of flooding caused by sewer back-ups and reduce the burden on the City’s sani- tary sewer network,” said John St. Marseille, General Manager, Infrastructure and Mu- nicipal Works.“We also want to have the op- portunity for residents to take part in a dia- logue with City staff about flooding causes and protection measures.” Residents who are interested in applying are asked to fill out an application form on- line at Hard copies of the application form are also available for pick up at the Municipal Works office (1225 On- tario Street) during regular business hours (8:30 am to 4:30 pm), Monday to Friday. Le déménagement devrait commencer en juillet prochain. La collection du cen- tre sera entreposée temporairement dans un petit local de l’établissement. «Ce dé- ménagement est une excellente nouvelle pour le tourisme culturel, a déclaré Dawn Kiddell, chef de direction pour la biblio- thèque publique de Cornwall. Selon la dame, plusieurs individus intéressés par la généalogie ont souvent été, par le passé, envoyés au centre GASL pour obtenir des renseignements. Le vaste sous-sol de l’établissement rego- rge d’objets importants, dont plusieurs pièces du défunt théâtre Capitol. L’espace avait aussi été construit pour pouvoir agir comme abri à l’époque de la guerre froide.


CORNWALL | Les dirigeants du centre de Généalogie et archives St-Laurent Inc. (GASL) n’ont plus à s’inquiéter. Le GASL a signé un bail avec la Ville de Cornwall et pourra réaménager ses archives au sous- sol de la Bibliothèque publique de la ville. On se souviendra que l’avenir du centre GASL était en péril puisque l’édifice qui hé- berge sa vaste collection, le 127, chemin Anthony, avait été mis en vente l’an dernier. Les membres du conseil d’administration GASL espéraient depuis longtemps pou- voir déménager les collections dans le sous-sol de la bibliothèque publique. «Ce serait bien plus facile pour nous tous, avait expliqué Mme White au Journal en avril dernier. Des employés de la bibliothèque pourraient aussi prendre soin de nos ar- chives.» Local real estate agent Brock Frost has submitted an offer to the Ligue nord-américaine de hockey (LNAH) in a bid to save the Cornwall River Kings. “I have made a conditional of- fer to the league,” said Frost. “Tech- nically, right now, there is no River Kings team in Cornwall.” According to Frost, negotiations are still under- way and he doesn’t know if the Kings will be back in Cornwall in time for September, but he remains hopeful. On May 23, the former owners of the club, David Small and Gokan Kara- kus, handed back the ownership of the team to the LNAH, stating that the lack of advertisement deals ulti- mately led to their downfall. Could the River Kings be saved?

Photo Francis Racine

Le centre GASL déménagera du 127, chemin Anthony au sous-sol de la Bibliothèque publique de la ville.

Rebate applications now accepted

A City representative will be in contact to review the application and schedule a site visit to review the necessary lot-level plumbing corrections required. Upon com- pleting the appropriate upgrades, a final inspection will be scheduled. The City will issue a rebate upon confirmation of work completion. Upon request, the City will also provide a summary letter to the resident of upgrades undertaken. “We anticipate there will be a high level of interest, so we are ask- ing for residents to be patient while we roll out this new program,” said St. Marseille. Homeowners are advised that some up- grades under the Flood Risk Reduction Re- bate Program will require a building permit and inspection to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code. This process is administered by the Building Permits Office and is separate from the Flood Risk Reduc- tion Rebate Program. Homeowners who did not experience flooding in 2010 or 2013 can still apply for the rebate program, however, priority will be given to those that experienced flood- ing or are in flooding clusters. Subject to

the number and value of rebate requests received, other non-flooded residents may be considered as well. Based on the success of the program and further Council approval, the City intends to budget up to $1.5 million over the next three years for the rebate program in order to assist as many homeowners as possible. The new rebate program is part of the Cornwall Blueprint, a comprehensive plan to deal with issues such as basement flood- ing reduction and environmental, water and infrastructure awareness. It serves to address two key pillars of the City of Corn- wall’s Strategic Plan; Quality of Life and Ef- ficient Services. Over 500 students from the St. Law- rence College in Cornwall graduated on June 6. Graduates from the school of Health Sciences were the first to re- ceive their diploma, at 10 a.m., followed by graduates from the School of Com- munity Services and the School of Jus- tice studies and Applied Arts at 1:30 p.m. Lastly, graduates from the School of Applied Science and Computing, the School of business, the School of trades as well as Tourism received their diploma at a ceremony held at 5 p.m. Graduates gather at Aultsville ..01)ŏ Une erreur s’est glissée sur la couver- ture de l’édition du 4 juin du Journal . On aurait dû lire: l e 30 mai dernier, les élèves de l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage …et non Le 30mai dernier, les élèves de l’École secondaire catholique L’Héritage . Le Journal tient à s’excuser auprès de ses lecteurs et lectrices, ainsi qu’à l’école L’Héritage.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of CORNWALL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Thursday, June 19, 2014, 7:00 p.m. NavCentre, Lecture Theatre 1950 Montreal Road, Cornwall The agenda will include reports from the Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer, the Chief of Staff, and the Auditors, as well as election of Directors, appointment of Auditors and By-law Amendments.


le jeudi 19 juin 2014, 19 h Centre Nav, Amphithéâtre 1950, chemin Montréal, Cornwall

L’ordre du jour comprendra les rapports du président du Conseil et de la directrice générale, du médecin-chef, et des vérificateurs, de même que l'élection des membres du conseil administration, la nomination des vérificateurs et la modification des règlements.

Jeanette Despatie Secretary of the Corporation

La secrétaire de la Société, Jeanette Despatie

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