King's Business - 1927-11

November 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

scribing their life and mode of caring for the sheep. Prayer. Lesson Story: (The very intensity of the joy and excitement of this season oft­ en leads to irritability among children; and, unfortunately, Christmas is not al­ ways a time of good will. Let us as teachers make the Lord Jesus real as we bring this beautiful truth to their hearts.) Today .we shall not have a new story, but the most beautiful old story about the little Lord Jesus. First, you may sing me the song, “Away in a Manger,” and then I will tell you that story. In those days it was not easy to travel, from place to place like it is now. Joseph placed Mary on a burro and ma;de the long jour­ ney to Bethlehem, and when they ar­ rived there was no place for them to Stop, for all the other people had gone to Bethlehem also; The only place they could go was to a place where the cat­ tle were kept. There was no room for them in the inn; you know,, boys and girls, that was sqd that no place was found for Mary- and Joseph, for that night the most wonderful gift in all the world was given to Mary and Joseph, and to all the world. Who knows what that precious gift was ? It was a dear baby, the little Lord Jesus, Of course, every baby has to have a mother, and God chose Mary to be the mother ot Jesus. This wonderful baby did not have pretty little clothes, and a white crib like we have -today, and Mary wrapped the little Lord Jesus round and round with strips of cloth, and then for a cradle laid him in the manger, the box or trough where the hay was placed for the cattle. That was sad, but not nearly so sad as to have no room in our hearts for the Lord Jesus to come in. So many people in the world today are crowding Jesus, out of their lives. Dear boys and girls, the heavenly Father’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, the Lord Jesús. God gave the best He had, be­ cause He loved us. What can we give Him? You know when we love people we like to give them something’. Do we give something that is worn out or bro­ ken? We want our gift to say, We love. God wants our hearts. Then when we be­ long to JesUS, we will tell others of our great and loving Savior. Those who will not take the Lord Jesus as their Savior will have no home in heaven when they leave "this world. such a happy time of the year, when people are giving and receiving gifts. Would it not be lovely to make a gift to the Lord Jesus of ourselves, if we have not already done so ? Then, too, we can tell some one else about Jesus, and try to bring him to Him as a gift. When we give ourselves to Jesus He gives us everlasting life, and a home with Him forever. (To tell the Christ­ mas lesson, the story must come to each teacher for herself, for it can be only the expression of the meaning of the Father’s love to her own heart. Teach M. V. Prayer.) ü ? The Price “I would give the world to have your experience,” said a wealthy man to a de­ voted Christian lady. “That’s just what it cost me,” she replied. “I gave the world for it.” “Ye cannot serve God and Mammon” (Matt. 6:24).

purposes frequently- Vs. 13-14. In the midst of the conver­ sation between the angel and the shep­ herds there burst suddenly into view the angelic host praising God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men in whom He is well pleased." This verse is somewhat difficult, but the simplest interpretation seems to be that the language is a statement of the praises of God by the angelic host in His pres­ ence and that the coming of the Savior to earth is an evidence of God’s good pleas­ ure toward certain ones and a pledge of His peace to them, the ones “in whom He is well pleased” being those who are hungering and thirsting after .Him and His righteousness, ; Or it may be inter­ preted as a prayer that glory may be given to God in the heavenly places and that peace may be given to those ,men who are well-pleasing to God. V. 15. Upon the disappearance of the angels the shepherds proposed going to investigate the truthfulness of the mes­ sage. All that God says may be inspected and will be found to be correct in every particular. Archeological research in modern times has proved this fact to be true. V. 16. Upon their arrival in Bethle­ hem the message was verified by the facts. If people will step out by faith upon the Word of God, God will honor their faith and meet their needs. • V. 17. The shepherds reported to Mary and Joseph the message which the angels brought them concerning the child Jesus. V. 18, From this verse it appears that probably others were present when the shepherds arrived, besides Mary and Jo­ seph. The vision which they recounted was indeed a marvelous and glorious event. It was just a little glimpse into the future glory which shall be the her­ itage of every faithful child of God. Paul was not permitted to utter things which he saw in Paradise (2 Cor. 12:13). V. 19. Mary pondered their report in her heart and remembered them. This verse throbs with a mother love, such love as no one could possibly experience except her who was. blessed above all women. V. 20. The shepherds praised God for the wonderful vision which He . had granted to them. It is necessary for one to have his mind and heart directed to­ ward spiritual things and the eternal home of the soul in order that he may return to his work and do it with zest and earnest­ ness, doing it heartily as unto God and not as men-pleasers. — o — The Coming of the Christ Child Luke 2:1-20 Memory Verse: “Thou shalt call his name Jesus; for it is He that shall save his people from their sins.” Matt. 1:21, Approach: The little folk will enjoy a

There was no room in the inn for them, hence Joseph and Mary lodged in a stable. It is quite possible that the crowded con­ ditions of Bethlehem at this time were due .to the great influx of people on the same mission as theirs. The poverty of Mary and Joseph is seen in the fact that when the child Jesus was born, they wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. The fact that there was no room in the inn doubtless was a providential prophecy of the fact that the world has no place for Jesus, even to the present day. Apcording to the trend of events arid the develop­ ments ot the last few years, it seems that the world has less use for Jesus, gener­ ally speaking, than ever. V. 8 . There has been much discussion over verse 8 , since it states that shep­ herds were abiding in the fields at night at the time of the birth of the Savior. At Christmas time, it is said that shep­ herds could not remain in the fields be­ cause of the coldness of the weather. In reply to this objection it is well to note the fact that so far as the historical rec­ ords are concerned, nothing is said about Christ’s having been born on December 25. If this be the correct date, there is no real objection to this verse, because, as those who are familiar with the cli­ matic conditions at Bethlehem at that season of the year inform us, the weather is Sufficiently pleasant for shepherds to keep watch by night over their flocks, as is stated here by Luke. V. 9. “ And an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them.” There are myriads of angels (Rev. 5:11), but as to which one it was, one cannot tell. The angel Gabriel made the announcement to Mary that she was to be mother of the Lord (Lk. 1 :26-27). This vision of glory must have thrilled the shepherds. The appearing of the angel of the Lord and God’s glory to them argues the piety and consecration of the shepherds, for God never forcés His will and ways upon anyone contrary to his heart’s longing. The appearance of this unusual sight nat­ urally struck terror to their hearts (cf. Rev. 1:17). Vs. 10 and 11. “Be not afraid; for be­ hold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people; for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.” The good message of glad tid­ ings consisted in the fact that there was born “a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord.” “Savior” means “deliverer.” The judges whom God sent to Israel were saviors in the sense of deliverers, but Christ is “the Savior” of the world (cf. Jno. 4:42) and can “save to the uttermost” (Heb. 7 :25), delivering us out of this present evil world (Gal. 1:4), and from the wrath to come (1 Thess. 1:10), and eternally in glory (1 Pet. 1:5, 9). Christ is the Jew­ ish Messiah, being anointed (Isa. 61:1 ; Matt. 3:13-17, and Acts 10:38), and at His Second Coming will reign in Mount Zion (Psa. 2). The word translated “Lord” is the word which is used in the Septuagint translation of the Old Tes­ tament to translate the sacred name of God and was also used to refer to the Roman emperors in the days of Christ after they had been deified by men. Hence the angel proclaimed that the babe which was born was THE GOD-MAN. V. 12. The swaddling clothes were the sign for the shepherds. God uses insignificant things to accomplish His

sand table picture in connection with the Christmas les­ son. Tell them of t h e l o n g journey from Nazareth, the “little town of Beth­ lehem,” the crowded inn, the stable, and the manger with its glorious o c c u pant.

Bear in mind that our boys and girls of today, with few exceptions, have no idea of a stable. Picture the shepherds, de­

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