

Pour l’amour des quilles PAGE 2

Port now owned by City PAGE 8

May 4 mai 2016

V. 6 N. 24

The gift of storytelling

Dominic Gauthier is a storyteller, a man of many stories. PAGE 6

Emily Vivarais (milieu) et son équipe, formée de Katelyn Lalonde, Kelsey Burke, Sabrina Gatien et de l’entraîneur Paul Flaro, s’envoleront tous pour Calgary le 6 mai prochain, afin de prendre part au championnat de quilles national. — photo fournie

Pour l’amour des quilles


bientôt, avec son équipe, à un championnat de quilles national. Les quatremembres de l’équipe, soit Emily, Kelsey Burke, Katelyn Lalonde, Sabrina Gatien et leur entraîneur Paul Flaro, s’envoleront tous pour Calgary le 6 mai prochain. « J’ai vraiment hâte, a déclaré l’élève de L’Héritage. C’est la première fois que je me monte à bord d’un avion. » L’athlète prendra donc d’assaut les allées de quilles, les 7,8 et 9 mai prochains.

L’infatigable sportive devra jouer un total de 21 joutes en seulement trois jours. « Ça va être difficile, a-t-elle souligné. Nous allons devoir faire bonne figure. » Mais ce n’est pas par hasard que l’équipe de filles sénior, nommée les Olympia Senior Girls Team, ait réussi à se tailler une place dans un tournoi qui regroupe les meilleurs joueurs de quilles du pays. En effet, les quatre jeunes filles ont remporté le tournoi provincial de quilles, qui a eu lieu à Botlon,

au SkyView Lanes. « Ensemble, nous avons joué 4300, a expliqué Emily. Bien que ce soit un chiffre élevé, nous n’avons gagné que de 112 points! » Même si elle se dit très compétitive, la jeune athlète souligne que jouer aux quilles lui permet d’acquérir de la patience, tout en s’amusant. « Ça m’apprend vraiment à me concentrer, a-t-elle fait valoir. J’espère y jouer toute ma vie. »

Emily Vivarais adore jouer aux quilles et pratique ce sport depuis sa tendre enfance. « J’ai commencé à jouer lorsque j’avais quatre ans, a-t-elle expliqué lors d’une entrevue avec Le Journal . C’est tout ce que je connais. Le bowling , c’est ma vie! » Maintenant âgéede 18 ans, elleparticipera

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre recently held a volunteer appreciation tea, where special guests shared their volunteerism stories. Pictured from left are guest speaker Jimmy Kalaitzis, from Fresh 104.5 morning show, coordinator of Administration Services Ann Surch, volunteer Jessie Bousquet, Community Engagement officer Tammie Menard, guest speaker Sue Steward, an agent with Re/Max Cornwall Realty Inc., and executive director Bonnie Ruest. — supplied photo Volunteer Tea Faire de l’activité physique

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Dans le cadre d’une tâche de leur cours d’éducation physique, des élèves de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle ont fait de l’activité physique avec des résidants de la Résidence Chartwell McConnell, le 28 avril dernier. Selon l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, l’activité physique joue un rôle important dans le maintien de la santé, du bien-être et de la qualité de vie. Les personnes qui pratiquent l’activité physique améliorent non seulement leur santé et leur longévité, mais deviennent aussi plus productives et ont de meilleures chances d’éviter les maladies et les blessures. — photo fournie

BROCKVILLE 16 Central Ave E 613-341-8700

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wing it For Kids Sake Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall is organizing its annual Wing it For Kids Sake event, on May 27, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the Cornwall Legion. Come enjoy chickenwings and try various sauces from several different Cornwall restaurants, all the while listening to live music from members of Spare Parts and Lost Boyz. For tickets or information: 613-933-8035. Tournoi de golf du Club Richelieu Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall organise son 20 e tournoi de golf annuel, le 3 juin prochain, au Club de golf Summerheights. Les joutes se termineront par un souper de homards à volonté. Information : Richard Lalonde au 613-932-4513, ou Michel Pilon au 613-937-0473. Chorale Centennial La chorale Centennial présente son récital printanier le 6mai prochain à 20 h, au théâtre Aultsville. Plusieurs artistes locaux se joindront à la chorale, dont Seaway Winds-saxophone – quartet et la chorale de filles de Glengarry. Les billets sont disponibles au Home Hardware, à la loterie du Cornwall Square, au comp- toir de billets du complexe civique de Cornwall et auprès des membres de la chorale. Free Clerical Training Course Tri-County Literacy Council is offering a free clerical course that focuses on aspects of office procedures in preparation for entry-level positions. Experience with Microsoft Office products and the Internet will be beneficial.The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the school environment after a prolonged absence and people changing careers.The seven week course starts May 24. For Information or to register: 613-932-7161 Moccasin Model Club The Moccasin Model Club at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. Friends of Vets The Friends of Vets support group meets on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street.There is parking in the back of the building . communautaire community link Le lien The

Information day

Families of students with special needs enjoyed one-stop-shopping access to community services on April 27 at an information day organized by Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School (CCVS). The event featured displays staffed by a variety of community agencies including: Beyond 21, Cornwall Community Hospital Child and Youth Counselling Services, Single Point Access and Laurencrest Youth Services. Parents could find out about transition services for native students with special needs moving on to work or post-secondary studies, job programs for youth, student support services for special needs students attending college, recreational opportunities, mental health support and housing services. Pictured are Debra Brault and husband Brock Brault, speaking with Bernadette Van Gurp, centre, assistant executive director of Community Living Stormont County. — supplied photo

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

CHOD : rapport financier accepté


for only $ 50 per year


corrects, je ne peux pas donner une opinion non qualifiée, puisque comme organisme à but non lucratif, vous vous fiez souvent à des bénévoles », a déclaré le comptable. Le rapport du comptable portait également sur deux rajustements qui seront annoncés dans un avenir prochain. CHOD FM est propriétaire d’une dette envers la Société canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique SOCAN. Cette dette, qui s’élève à plusieurs milliers de dollars, pourrait en effet être réduite. « Il semble que vous ayez trop payé, a expliquéM. Gravelle. Nous aurons tous les détails dans quelques semaines. »

Pour la deuxième fois en moins de sept mois, les membres de la radio CHOD FM ont pris part à une assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) de l’organisme sans but lucratif. Même si l’ordre du jour de l’AGA spéciale ne comportait qu’un article, soit la présentation des états financiers, la réunion a duré plus de deux heures. « C’est la suite de l’AGA, qui a eu lieu en novembre 2015, a expliqué la présidente de l’assemblée, Bernadette Clement. C’était

If you wish to subscribe to Le/The Journal and receive it by mail, simply complete the coupon below and send it with your payment of $50 per year (HST included) to : Le/The Journal, 625 Montreal Road, Cornwall, ON K6H 1C3. Subscription will start upon reception of payment. Si vous désirez vous abonner à Le/The Journal et le recevoir par la poste, complétez le coupon ci-dessous et faites-le parvenir, accompagné de votre paiement de 50 $ par année (TVH incluse), à : Le/The Journal, 625, chemin Montréal, Cornwall, ON K6H 1C3. L’abonnement débutera sur réception du paiement. Abonnez-vous pour seulement 50 $ par année

Le directeur général de CHOD FM, Marc Charbonneau, observe attentivement le président du conseil d’administration de la station, Denis Pommainville, lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle, le 26 avril dernier. — photo Francis Racine

une réunion avec beaucoup d’énergie. Mais c’est correct, puisque la radio, ça nous tient à cœur. » C’est donc Alain Gravelle, comptable de la firmeWelch LLP, qui a vérifié les dossiers financiers de la station communautaire francophone de Cornwall et Alexandria. Rappelons que cet exercice a été effectué à la demande de plusieurs membres de la station lors de la dernière AGA. « Vous nous avez présenté une résolution demandant que les chiffres soit vérifiés par une firme comptable, a souligné Denis Pommainville, président du conseil d’administration (CA) de CHOD FM. Le CA, à la suite des recommandations, s’est mis à la recherche de firmes. » M. Gravelle a donc commencé par expliquer que, selon lui, il n’y aurait eu aucune fraude ni malfaisance. Seule la gestion du bingo lui a semblé floue. « Bien que les montants qui entrent et qui sortent, en ce qui concerne le bingo, semblent

D’autre part, CHOD-FM a obtenu du CRTC et d’Industrie Canada, il y a quelques années, l’autorisation de doubler sa puissance émettrice afin de rendre accessible son service de radiodiffusion à plus d’une cinquantaine de communautés francophones supplémentaires de Prescott et Russell. Patrimoine canadien a donc versé une aide financière de 171 697 $ dollars au projet, une somme qui pourrait être réclamée par ce même organisme si le projet ne peut se concrétiser. Les deux rajustements, ainsi que l’état financier de la station, ont satisfait la plupart des membres de CHOD, puisque ceux-ci ont voté, presqu’à l’unanimité, l’approbation du rapport avec les modifications. « C’est le temps de cesser de regarder en arrière, a déclaré Georgette Sauvé. Nous devons parler pour la communauté. Nous devons regarder en avant! »

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The gift of storytelling

Dominic Gauthier, a true storyteller, poses with art from the Suppression, the comic book he hopes to launch before Christmas. — photo Francis Racine

With a nostalgia filled voice, Gauthier then goes on to explain how, as all of his friends grew older, the stories they told seemed to stop. “They would talk of girls and work,” he explained. “But there I was, still thinking of different stories. I would take walks and just come up with all these little ideas.” Yet the Cornwall native found a way to exploit his gift. Packing his suitcase, he made his way to Niagara Falls, where he studied filmand scriptwriting. “It was a great experience,” he recalled. During his time there, he wrote several different scripts. “Nearly every idea I had was put on paper,” he added. “That’s when I came up with a script for something called

Suppression.” The story revolves around events happening after world peace is finally attained. “Although we’d all love to attain world peace, we often don’t really think about what that would cause,” remarked Gauthier. The happening creates overpopulation on Earth.This leads an organisation, calling itself Unknown, to create an assassination system which, in essence, brings balance to the residents of Earth. But everything changes when the system goes haywire. “It’s a pretty dark story,” admitted the storyteller. The wheels were then set in motion to make the story into a motion picture. “We

had actors and we filmed a good portion of it,” said Gauthier. “But we never managed to finish it. I took it pretty hard.” Fast forward some time, the Cornwall native became what he calls a struggling artist. “I was living in Toronto, broke,” he admitted. “I was in a small, overpriced apartment. I knew I had to do something.” The storyteller therefore decided to do something drastic: come back to his roots. “Imovedback toCornwall,” he recalled. As life went on, the stories were still appearing in his mind and he constantly wrote. “I have four different projects that I want to pursue in the future,” announced Gauthier. His most important one is located right in front of him, on his kitchen table. A poster


In Dominic Gauthier’s study is a bookshelf, neatly organized. It holds different stories and is truly an extension of the imaginative man. He’s a storyteller, a man of many stories. His mind has always produced these stories, the product of a vivid imagination. “When I was younger, my friends and I would always create stories of superheroes,” he said, during an interview in his Cornwall home. “We were inspired by Wolverine, Captain American and their likes. Yet, after a while, we would create our own superheroes.”

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

sporting different faces, as well as the big title SUPRESSION, rests next to a booklet containing several neatly drawn black and white comic book pages. “Suppression stayed in limbo for some time,” he said, grabbing a hold of the booklet. “Life got in the way I suppose.” But it appeared fate had different plans for Gauthier. The writer, who had always

was asking for in less than an hour and I was instantly hooked,” expressed the author, pointing to themagnificently drawn pieces. The duo therefore started working together, creating one page at a time. “We started the project about two years ago,” added Gauthier. “It’s a slow process but it’s getting there.” The typical comic book boasts 22 pages,

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available

Dominic Gauthier took part in this year's Cornwall and Area Pop Event (CAPE), at the Benson Centre. — supplied photo

wondered what would’ve become of the interesting topic behind the idea, decided one day to resurrect the story into a comic book. “I had no clue what I was doing,” he agreed, smiling while he readjusted his glasses. “I went on this website where freelance artists go to find jobs. I wrote down the synopsis at around 7 a.m. and went to bed, not thinking a lot about it.” When he awoke in the afternoon, he had 28 applications within the span of 10 hours. “I was pretty surprised,” he confided. But it didn’t stop there. In a matter of a week, he had received 109 applications to work on his project. “I wanted to trim it down, so I contacted 10 of themost talented ones, inmy opinion, and asked them to draw some of the characters. I was going tomake my choice after seeing all of them.” But again, fate stepped in. “Right before I was about tomakemy decision, I received one more application,” said Gauthier. Gene DeCicco, who boasted an incredible portfolio, had done work in the past for Marvel Comics. “He created the artwork I

but the writer hopes that the first issue of Suppression will consist of 24. “It’s not that big of a difference and I know how I want it to end, I need those extra two pages,” he pointed out. The author hopes to have the first issue completed just before Christmas. “We have 20 pages now, so we’re nearly done,” he stated. “From there, we’re going to go see publishers and try to get them to take it.” What would be his favorite outcome? “I would love for the comic book to be picked up by Image,” explained Gauthier. Image Comics is an American comic book publisher, founded in 1992 by several high-profile illustrators, as a venue where creators could publish their material without giving up the copyrights to the characters they created. It remains one of the largest comic book publishers in North America. The writer also hopes to create 40 issues of Supression, as the story is already complete. “I already have it all finished,” he confirmed. “There’s nothing I would love more than to become a fulltime writer!”



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Port now City property

As of June 2016, the Port of Cornwall, located at the foot of Edward Street, will be co-owned by the City of Cornwall and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. — photo Francis Racine

Revitalization Project, was presented to the community by the now defunct Groupe Renaissance, three years ago. The initiative was to launch the redevelopment of Cornwall Harbour, located in the historic Cotton Mills District of Le Village BIA, in order to allow it to become a popular mixed-use destination for residents and visitors alike. This project proposes that the existing 45,000 square feet metal storage building be converted into a 60,000 square feet commercial, cultural, artistic, and natural destination. Utilizing parts of the existing structure, the architectural plan integrates a complete renovation of the building and its surrounding area. Through this adaptive re-use project, Groupe Renaissance and its partners hoped that the harbour could be transformed into a vibrant attraction for Cornwall and a destination for St. Lawrence Seaway visitors. Although the project seems to have been shelved, the Port of Cornwall may very well still yield the City with much needed waterfront opportunities.

the elected officials of both communities and it will be released to the public once it is officially signed by both parties. “By taking ownership of the port, we will be able to control the future use of a critical piece of waterfront land,” said Cornwall mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy. “This significant achievement signals a new era of cooperation and collaboration between Cornwall and our neighbours in Akwesasne.” The agreement marks the culmination of numerous meetings and negotiation sessions involving officials from the City, Akwesasne and the Federal Government, over the past two years. Consultants have been engaged in conducting significant analysis of the Port lands. “I am pleased by the efforts of the negotiation committee thus far, and I look forward to working closer with our neighbours, the City of Cornwall, said Akwesasne Grand Chief Abram Benedict. This transfer will demonstrate our commitment to finding innovative ways of creating opportunities for both our communities.” “The bilateral committee is doing its due diligence to ensure our communities are

well-positioned in this divestiture, while also being mindful of the need to take control of this key piece of land,” added O’Shaughnessy. An important part of Cornwall’s history The Cornwall Port area, located at the foot of Edward Street, played a vital part in Cornwall’s growth. Improvements, which began in the late 1950s, resulted in a fully serviced port of entry harbour. In 1956, the Seaway was built and it was decided then that Cornwall would have a port about one kilometer in length, to accommodate shipping and receiving for local factories. The port was established in 1962 and opened in 1967. The harbour was initially used to receive supplies for companies such as Courtaulds, Domtar Fine Papers, ICI Industries and other companies that had located in the Cotton Mills Area. Today, the warehouse at the bottom of Edward Street continues to receive and store material, for local companies, that mostly arrives by seaway transport. The port’s occasional use is by navy frigates and tall ships. Redeveloping the land A project, dubbed the Cornwall Harbour


A valuable parcel of waterfront land will now be co-owned by the City of Cornwall. Ownership of the Port of Cornwall, owned for a number of years by the federal government through Transport Canada, will be transferred in the hands of the City and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA) in June. A bilateral committee, made up of staff and elected officials from the City andMCA, has been negotiating with Transport Canada on the divestiture and the surrounding lands. The specific terms of the deal with Transport Canada cannot be released at the current time due to a standard confidentiality agreement; however, the details will be shared once the transfer is completed. At the same time, a joint public entity, called the Cornwall Akwesasne Port Development Commission, is being established to oversee themanagement and long-term development of the port under the umbrella of a co-owners’ agreement. This agreement has also been approved by

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

La Caisse de Cornwall en bonne santé

You can now place a personal classified ad for FREE in Le/The Journal. Maximum 40 words. The ad will appear 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Commercial classified ads are accepted for only $5.00 (+ HST) a week (prepaid). Classified Ads FREE consécutives à la fois. Les petites annonces commerciales sont acceptées pour un coût de 5,00 $ (+ TVH) par parution (payable à l’avance). GRATUITES Petites annonces Vous pouvez maintenant placer une petite annonce (classée) GRATUITEMENT dans Le/The Journal . Maximum 40 mots. L’annonce paraîtra 2 semaines

hausse. « Nous avons, au total, 22 756000 $ en réserve, a dévoilé M. Beaudry. C’est une hausse de 10,7 %. » Les intérêts s’élèvent à 5 214 000 $, soit 7,8 % de plus qu’en 2014. M. Beaudry a aussi profité de l’occasion pour annoncer son départ de la Caisse populaire Desjardins de Cornwall. Celui-ci retourne travailler à Caisse Rideau-Vision à Ottawa.


La Caisse populaire de Cornwall a les reins solides. C’est ce qu’ont fait valoir ses dirigeants lors de la 24 e assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) de la coopérative financière le 25 avril dernier.

Le directeur général de la Caisse populaire Desjardins de Cornwall, Denis Beaudry, a tenu à remercier les sociétaires ainsi que les employés de la coopérative financière. En effet, l’homme qui dirigeait la Caisse depuis maintenant six ans repart vers Ottawa pour des raisons personnelles. En guise de remerciement, les employés de la Caisse lui ont remis un chandail de hockey de Cornwall, qu’il arborait fièrement lors de la 24 e assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) de la coopérative, le 25 avril dernier, au Best Western. — photo Francis Racine

En effet, la Caisse populaire a rapporté un actif du bilan de 280 million $. « La Caisse de Cornwall est une institution forte, a-t-il expliqué. Nous sommes l’une des caisses les plus performantes en Ontario! », a fait valoir le directeur général, Denis Beaudry. Selon son rapport, les prêts auxmembres s’élèvent à 251 millions $, une hausse de 15,8 %. Entre autres, 47 % des prêts ont été faits à des entreprises, tandis que 53 % ont été attribués à des particuliers. Les réserves de la Caisse sont aussi à la

Pour sa part, le président du conseil d’administration, Luc Quesnel a tenu à rassurer les sociétaires que l’institution continuerait d’être entre bonnes mains. « La relève est forte et très intelligente », a-t-il déclaré. Ce dernier a aussi partagé les résultats d’un sondage que la Caisse a fait parvenir à ses membres. « Près de 70 % de nos sociétaires se disent satisfaits de nos services. On se classe parmi les meilleurs chez Desjardins », a-t-il fait valoir.

613- 938-1433 ✆ F196030_TS

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


La promenade d’honneur cherche des candidats et candidates Le comité organisateur de la promenade d’honneur est à la recherche de candidats qui pourraient devenir le prochain lauréat ou la prochaine lauréate à être inauguré en septembre. Rappelons que pour être choisi lauréat de la Promenade d’honneur, le récipiendaire doit avoir fait preuve de fierté envers sa langue et doit en avoir fait la promotion, tout en affichant fièrement ses couleurs et ses convictions. De plus, il doit être engagé activement dans sa communauté en organisant, en coordonnant ou en participant à diverses activités dans le milieu culturel, éducatif, sportif ou autre. Les intéressés peuvent soumettre une candidature par courriel à ou par la poste à Promenade d’honneur, à l’intention de François Bazinet, 15628, chemin de comté 43, Finch, Ontario, K0C 1K0. – Francis Racine




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OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

Part-time workers and Students

Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

For additional information about these positions and how to apply, visit click on « About » and then « Job opportunities » or send us your cv to

PRODUCTION  5 POSITIONS  • Production workers - days, evenings, weekends

RESTAURANT  16 POSITIONS  • 3 lines cook • 1 dishwasher • 12 cashiers

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

The deadline for submitting your applications is May 6, 2016.

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

Le Club Richelieu recherche des commanditaires Le Club Richelieu de Cornwall prépare son 20 e tournoi de golf et souper de homards à volonté, qui aura lieu le 3 juin prochain. Le club recherche donc des commanditaires. Pour la somme de 150 $, une entreprise aura droit à une pancarte portant son nom, son logo ainsi que ses coordonnées, au départ d’un trou. Lors du souper, le nom de ladite entreprise sera affichée comme commanditaire durant une présentation Power Point de photos des équipes de golfeurs participantes. Établi à Cornwall depuis plus de 68 ans, le club compte 24 membres actifs. Depuis 2008, le Club Richelieu de Cornwall a remis 79 385,20 $ à la jeunesse des environs. De plus, le club a dévoilé, le 12 septembre 2010, le Monument de la francophonie au parc Lamoureux. Renseignements : Richard Lalonde, président, 613 932-4513 ou 613 932-1364. — Francis Racine


Following on the heels of another successful Spring Clean-Up Week event, the City of Cornwall is launching a new Adopt-A-Street program in the community. Through the program, residents and groups ‘adopt’ a particular street, sidewalk or park and agree to pick up litter in that area on a regular basis. The City, in turn, provides safety training and supplies and also picks up the litter collected at designated points, as required. “This represents a great partnership between the City and community minded volunteers,” said Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy. Fittingly, the Adopt-A-Street program originated at the grassroots level. Residents Rod and Marie-Paule Millard moved to Cornwall several years ago. Seeing an issue with litter, they began picking it up on a regular basis while out walking along Nick Kaneb Drive and they encouraged others to do the same. They researched the Adopt-A- Street experience in other communities and brought it forward to the City’s Municipal Environmental Advisory Committee (MEAC) and City council where it was well-received. Pictured are Rod and Marie-Paule Millard. — supplied photo Adopt-A-Street Tournoi de sacs de sable

EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses fins demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

• Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail • Avoir un horaire flexible pour projets spéciaux RÉMUNÉRATION : Bonne commission DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible


IS LOOKING FOR A SALESPERSON IN CORNWALL The ideal candidate is a retired or semi-retired person with excellent interpersonal skills who wants to earn extra money. REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales an asset • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Respect deadlines

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule flexibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

Les équipes du Centre Charles-Émile-Claude (CCÉC) et de la paroisse St-Félix- de-Valois se sont affrontées, le 28 avril dernier, lors d’un tournoi amical de sacs de sable. En tout, une trentaine de membres ont eu la chance de rencontrer de nouveaux visages tout en ayant du plaisir. Le CCÉC est un organisme sans but lucratif offrant plusieurs services aux aînés francophones de Cornwall. — photo fournie

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à : Send your resume by email to:

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of May 1 to 7, 2016


ARIES You’ll quickly recover all your energy and enthusiasm if you take the time to rest a little. You feel a kind of enlightenment that opens the way to a form of spirituality. TAURUS You show a lot of imagination. You might tackle a great masterpiece that will be very profitable for you. You will make a bit of an effort in gathering your friends together and organizing a small party. GEMINI You are responsible for an event that brings together several people. You discover a new side of yourself as you overcome your shyness. CANCER You are given some new responsibilities at work. They will enable you to develop new skills, which could lead to a raise. LEO You may have the opportunity to make a surprising journey, such as a pilgrimage. If you go, you will broaden your horizons, both personally and professionally. VIRGO There is a lot of emotion in the air, and this inspires you to make some big chan- ges. You may even decide to go around the world on the spur of the moment. LIBRA You are faced with an important deci- sion. Take some time to think before answering, or you will always be ques- tioning the choice you made. SCORPIO There’s a lot of work on the horizon. You may work on a file that is secretly entrusted to you. This could earn you a nice sum of money. SAGITTARIUS You may experience love at first sight with a person who turns out to be your soul mate. You both understand at first glance that you were made for each other. CAPRICORN If you’re moving in the near future, do the rounds of home decorating stores in order to make your new surroundings more to your liking. Weigh your words before you express an opinion. AQUARIUS You undertake a major cleanup in your circle of friends, especially if you are owed money. You may feel puzzled in one way or another when someone confides in you. PISCES There is a good chance that you’ll be offered a promotion at work; it will allow you to settle some of your financial worries. You finally see a bright future opening before you.


ACROSS 1. Ease off 4. Old wound 8. Identical 12.Notable time 13.Operatic melody 14.Hammer part 15.Property owner 17.Lawn broom 18.____ a boy! 19.Showy spring flowers 21.Crack and rough- en 24.Sailboat 26.Flight 27.Quilting party 28.Express 32.Large tree 33.Madison Avenue employee 35.Iron or Stone 36.Parade entry 38.Curious 39.Corn on the ____ 40.Fine dishes 42.Manager 43.Hand warmer 46.Ace 48.Mountain feed-

back 49.Part of NFL 54.Dry up 55.Black-____ pea 56.Animosity 57.Painting and dance 58.Ruby and cerise 59.Wooden fastener DOWN 1. Electric fish 2. Bikini piece 3. Prohibition 4. Pepper’s mate 5. Intersected 6. Basketball’s con- tents 7. Wireless set 8. Screenplay 9. Sad exclamation 10.Manufacture 11.Rams’ mates 16.Submerge 20.Three minutes in the ring 21.Musical staff sign 22.Corridor 23.BBs, e.g. 25.Defective auto

27.Cleanse with water 29.Filled tortilla 30.Selves 31.Confederate sol- diers 34.Modified 37.Stage players 41.Enclosed 42.Heckler’s cry 43.Tableland 44.Cake decorator 45.Not this 47.Disencumbers 50.Popeye’s yes 51.Nibble 52.“You ____ My Sunshine” 53.Drumstick



Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 4 mai 2016

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