
Ordre de la francophonie et Prix Jeunesse : appel aux candidatures Les organismes et les particuliers ont jusqu’au lundi 12 décembre 2016, à 17 h, pour soumettre des candidatures à l’Ordre de la francophonie de Prescott et Russell et au Prix Jeunesse Thomas-Godefroy. $0--&$5 * 7 * 5 r  $0..6/ * 5: Ces reconnaissances seront d é cern é es par l’Association canadienne-fran ç aise de l’Ontario (ACFO) de Prescott et Russell à l’occasion du 19 e Banquet de la Franco- phonie de Prescott et Russell. Cette année, phonie - organisme communautaire; Ordre de la francophonie - francophile - aucune cat é gorie d’âge; Prix jeunesse Thomas-Go- defroy 14-19 ans; Prix jeunesse Thomas- Godefroy 20-35 ans.

l’événement aura lieu le samedi 8 avril 2017. Pour l’édition 2017, quelques change- ments ont été apportés dans les cat é gories de mises en candidatures. Dans la section de l’Ordre de la francophonie de Prescott et Russell, jusqu’ à quatre candidatures seront retenues, comme par le passé, à la différence près que la sous-cat é gorie « b é n é vole », et la sous-catégorie « organisme communau- taire » ont é t é précisées. D’autre part, la cat é gorie francophile sera ouverte à un r é cipiendaire de n’importe quel â ge. Traditionnellement, cette cat é gorie é tait plac é e sous celle de l’Ordre de la francopho- nie et était destinée à des récipiendaires âgés de 35 ou plus. Elle devient maintenant une cat é gorie sans âge. Les catégories sont donc les suivantes : Ordre de la francophonie - cat é gorie ouverte - 35 ans et plus; Ordre de la francophonie - b é n é vole - 35 ans et plus; Ordre de la franco-

Les intéressés peuvent se procurer des formulaires en se rendant à

School trustees study trends Results of an IPSOS-Reid culture survey prompted a report to the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) on trends in student choices for their course and study plans. Valerie Allen, schools’ superintendent, and Student Success Principal Frank Hummell outlined to district trustees, during a recent session, how the UCDSB is providing more course options for students in its curriculum programming. The IPSOS-Reid survey noted increased enrolment in day-school e-Learning for some subjects and also for the board’s after-school continuing education, summer school co-op education, and the Specialist High Skills Major programs, which help direct students who have specific career goal in mind.The report from Allen and Hummell included recommendations for following up on the survey results to further improve course offerings.Those recommendations include listening to student feedback on course selection, creating a district-wide secondary timetable, more professional development support for teachers of online courses, and a new Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) component for the Specialist High Skills Major program. – Gregg Chamberlain

Cycling Tourism in the region


Cashing inon the growing tourismpotential for Prescott-Russell of recreational and adventure cycling was the goal of twomid- October workshops. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell Recreation Trail Inc. (PRRT) and Tourisme Prescott-Russell Tourism (TPRT) co- hosted workshops for local businesses and interested individuals, Oct. 18 and 19 in St-Albert and Alfred, on the theme of cycle tourism. The Ontario By Bike Network (OBBN) provided guest speakers for the workshops, to explain both the opportunities and benefits to the local tourism sector in targeting the adventure and eco cycling trends in tourism. Presenters also provided details on business certification with the OBBN. “Cycling has been a key tourismattractor for the region over the past few years now,” stated Martin Lacelle, TPRT executive director. “With this new partnership with Ontario By Bike Network, we can move forward in promoting Prescott-Russell as a cycling destination not to be missed.” Workshop speakers explained how recreational cycling is growing as part of the typical vacation trip plan. Avid cyclists may plan their entire holiday around a long- distance cycling tour, while other vacationers may limit the cycling part of their vacation plan to a day or afternoon outing, among other activities. Businesses, whether tourism operators or those in the food-and-beverage or other service sectors, must understand “the unique needs and desires of cyclists” to attract them as clients. OBBN speakers highlighted Ontario’s growing cycle tourism sector, both at the local and regional levels, the existing infrastructure for that sector, including trails and support services, and the impact that cycle tourism has on the economy. In 2014, cyclists average three overnight trips in Ontario. Statistical survey review indicates 38 per cent of cyclists during their trips spent more than $100 on accommodations, 36 per cent spent more than $50 on food and drink, and that 95 per cent spent at least a quarter of their holiday budget on various tourist-related activities during each day of their trip. The most popular activities for cyclists included visiting cultural sites and museums, shopping, wine-tasting, and dining out. “We are excited to bring together the local business community, residents and tourism operators to share information about this growing market,” stated Louisa Mursell, transportation options executive director.

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