Reform Judaism - Siddur

Some congregations add verses 9–12:

9 Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as that day at Massah in the wilderness. 10 When your ancestors challenged Me, tested Me, despite having seen all that I had done. 11 Forty years I was provoked by that generation, thinking ‘A people whose heart confounds them, they cannot understand My ways.’ 12 That’s when I swore in My anger ‘They will never come to the rest I wish for them!’

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9 Al takshu l’vavchem kimrivah, k’yom massah ba–midbar. 10 Asher nissuni avoteichem, b’chanuni gam ra’u fo’oli. 11 Arba’im shanah akut b’dor, va’omar am to’ei leivav heim, v’heim lo yad’u d’rachai. 12 Asher nishba’ti v’api, im y’vo’un el m’nuchati.

Psalm 96

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1 Exi «¦W Sing to the Eternal a new song, sing to the Eternal all the earth. 2 Sing to the Eternal, bless God’s name, proclaim God’s salvation day after day. 3 Describe God’s glory among the nations and God’s wonders among all peoples.


guarantor of justice, the one value that can mediate the tensions that arise between nations and within them, the universal language we need in an unredeemed world. Personally we may ask, what was the new song we sang in the week that is past? What did we learn? How did we deal with those about us? What did we give to others?

ev Psalm 96 The Psalm comes to us with voices from outside our narrow world. All people and faiths are called upon to sing a new song to God. They are invited to admit how limited are the gods they call their own, and in their place to enter the sanctuary we know as our own place to meet God. But why this God amongst so many? Because God is the

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