Reform Judaism - Siddur


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4 For great is the Almighty and praised aloud,

awesome beyond all gods. 5 For all the peoples’gods are false gods, but the Creator has made the heavens.

6 Splendour and radiance are in God’s presence, strength and beauty in God’s holy place.

7 Give to the Eternal, you races and peoples,

give to the Eternal glory and strength. 8 Give to the Eternal the glory due to God’s name, bear an offering and enter God’s courts. 9 Worship the Eternal in the radiance of holiness, tremble before God all the earth. 10 Say among the nations ‘The Eternal rules!’ The world too is set firm and cannot be shaken. God will judge the peoples with justice.


1 Exi «¦W Shiru ladonai shir chadash, shiru ladonai kol ha–arets. 2 Shiru ladonai bar’chu sh’mo, bass’ru miyom l’yom y’shu’ato. 3 Sapp’ru va–goyim k’vodo, b’chol ha–ammim nifl’otav. 4 Ki gadol Adonai um’hullal m’od, nora hu al kol elohim. 5 Ki kol elohei ha–ammim elilim, vadonai shamayim asah. 6 Hod v’hadar l’fanav, oz v’tif’eret b’mikdasho. 7 Havu ladonai mishp’chot ammim, havu ladonai kavod va’oz. 8 Havu ladonai k’vod sh’mo, s’u minchah uvo’u l’chatsrotav. 9 Hishtachavu ladonai b’hadrat kodesh, chilu mipanav kol ha–arets. 10 Imru va–goyim Adonai malach, af tikkon teiveil bal timmot, yadin ammim b’meisharim

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