Reform Judaism - Siddur


GOD’S GIFT OF PEACE AND PROTECTION E ¬x §n «¨W §e The children of Israel shall keep the Shabbat, observing the Shabbat as a timeless covenant for all generations. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever. For in six days the Creator made heaven and earth and on the seventh day ceased from work and was at rest. 1

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E ¬x §n «¨W §e V’sham’ru v’nei yisra’el et ha–shabbat, la’asot et ha–shabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam. Beini uvein b’nei yisra’el ot hi l’olam, ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai et ha–shamayim v’et ha–arets, uva–yom ha–sh’vi’i shavat vayinnafash. The service continues with the Chatsi Kaddish on the following page or the Amidah on page 140.

Amidah and Shabbat morning Kiddush . The verse unites the themes of creative activity and rest. It reminds us that the Shabbat requires preparation ahead of time if we are to enjoy the rest that it offers. 1 Ex 31:16–17.

E ¬x §n«¨W §e ... shall keep ... The special nature of Shabbat is again recalled as we come to the end of this section of the service. Similarly an alternative verse is inserted here on festivals to mark the occasion. The same passage is also inserted into the Shabbat morning

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