Welcome to DUCKS An introduction for parents
Lovely blues Nicholas, Age 6
1. Welcome
• Welcome from the Head of DUCKS
Page 3
2. The School
• Contacting DUCKS
Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
• School Hours
• Parent Complaints Procedure
3. DUCKS A to Z
Page 8
4. Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage
Page 34
5. Welcome to Key Stage 1
Page 46
Welcome from the Head of DUCKS
Dear Parents,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your family to DUCKS and I look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has the best possible start to their learning journey. Children here are happy; they are simply excited to come to school. This is directly attributed to the team of incredible professionals who understand what it takes to create a warm and caring environment for our youngest learners. Walk through our doors each day and you can be sure of a warm welcome where every child is known, valued and celebrated. Exploration, enquiry and high quality play based learning are part of the fabric of daily life here at DUCKS. We pride ourselves in creating a warm family feel where trust is built so that children have the room needed to ask questions, investigate answers and create worlds. Surrounded by green open spaces, we match the enthusiasm of our teachers and teaching assistants with the wonderful outdoor spaces and resources that Dulwich College has to offer across the campus. We even have our very own Forest School where outdoor skills are further developed and mastered. Children’s interests and passions lie at the heart of our robust, high quality Early Years curriculum. Our learning focused environment provides the space needed for children to direct and shape their experiences in partnership with our Early Years specialists. As our older children advance through DUCKS, we encourage greater links with our local community and increase the opportunities for leadership that help develop skills of confidence, communication and collaboration. As the first educators of your child, we know that parents are the keystone to a child’s early learning experiences. At DUCKS, we hold true to the sense of belonging created by ensuring strong bonds between home and school. Enabling children to feel safe and secure while being challenged through enriched learning experiences leads to happy, safe learners. Morning chats and smiles, formal reports, open mornings, home-link books and Parents’ Evenings are key examples of the value we place on supportive dialogue that maintains the well-being and learning of all our DUCKS children. I am very much looking forward to working together with you and celebrating your child’s next steps in learning.
With warm regards
Miranda Norris Head of DUCKS
Contacting DUCKS
School Address DUCKS
87 College Road London SE21 7HH 020 8693 1538
School Office Miss Emily Lynch
lynche @ dulwich.org.uk
Personal Assistant to Mrs Norris
Mrs Emma Millett
millette @ dulwich.org.uk
Infants’ School Registrar
Mrs Polly Twisk
twiskp @ dulwich.org.uk
Kindergarten Registrar DUCKS Executive Assistant
Head of DUCKS Mrs Miranda Norris
norrism @ dulwich.org.uk
Deputy Head Mrs Joanne Parker
parkerjm @ dulwich.org.uk
Early Years Co-ordinator Mrs Annette Dipré Head of Kindergarten Miss Sally Donaldson Deputy Head of Kindergarten Mrs Tracey Greenwood
diprea @ dulwich.org.uk
donaldsons @ dulwich.org.uk
greenwoodt @ dulwich.org.uk
To contact your class teacher you can speak with them at the beginning or end of the day, write a note in the contact book, leave a message with the school office or send an email.
School hours
Kindergarten The children can attend the Kindergarten for the following sessions;
Full day
8.00 am to 4.30 pm
School day
8.45 am to 3.15 pm
Morning session
8.45 am to 11.45 am
Infants’ School Early Years
The school day begins at 8.55 am and finishes at 3.30 pm. It is usually divided into three sessions, although the specific times of morning break may vary according to timetable commitments.
Drop off
8.45 am – 8.55 am
Morning session
8.55 am to 11.50 am or 11.55 am
Lunch and playtime
11.50 am – 1.00 pm (Nursery) 11.55 am – 1.00 pm (Reception)
Afternoon session
1.00 pm – 3.30 pm
Key Stage 1
The school day begins at 8.55 am and the day finishes at 3.30 pm and it is usually divided into three sessions.
Drop off
8.45 am – 8.55 am
Session 1
8.55 am – 10.30 am
10.30 am – 11.00 am
Session 2
11.00 am – 12.30 pm
Lunch and playtime
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Session 3
1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Wrap Around Care (available for an additional charge).
Breakfast is from 8.00 am - 8.45 am
After School Care runs until 5.00 pm
Parent Complaints Procedure
Introduction DUCKS is one of the five schools of Dulwich College and has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils. However, if parents do have a complaint, they can expect it to be treated by the College in accordance with this Procedure. Parents can be assured that all concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and confidentially. Documentation and Record-keeping A copy of this procedure can be found on the College website and is available to parents, pupils and staff. Correspondence, statements and records relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential except to the extent required by paragraph 6(3)(f) of the Education (Independent Schools Standards) (England) Regulations 2015 (as subsequently amended), by the Secretary of State or where disclosure is required by the Independent Schools Inspectorate under Section 162A of the Education Act 2002 (as amended), or under other legal authority. The College maintains a record of all parent complaints for at least three years for regular review by senior management and for inspection purposes. The record states whether the complaint was resolved at the preliminary stages or proceeded to a panel hearing. In the case of a complaint relating to a child in the EYFS the record will state the action taken as a result of the complaint. The College will provide ISI or Ofsted, on request, with a written record of all complaints made during any specified period and the action taken as a result of each complaint. Complaints by EYFS Parents Parents of children in the EYFS may complain to the ISI and/or Ofsted: • ISI, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London EC1A 9HA (telephone 020 76000 100). • Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD (telephone 0300 123 1231). The College must investigate a written complaint relating to its fulfilment of the EYFS requirements and notify complainants of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of having received the complaint. The time limits specified in Part B of the Procedure (held on the web site www. dulwich.org.uk ) shall be adapted by the College in relation to such a complaint in order to comply with this requirement.
An introduction for parents DUCKS A to Z
Field of flowers Sebastian, Age 5
An A to Z of DUCKS
Organisational Terminology used at DUCKS Kindergarten: 6 months to rising 3 years, part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Maximum class sizes in the Kindergarten are Babies 6, Toddlers 18 and Ducklings 26. Infants’ School: 3 to 7 years, covering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from 3 to 5 years and Key Stage 1 (KS1) from 5 to 7 years. There are four Early Years (EY) classes, two Nursery and two Reception and four KS1 classes, two Year 1 and two Year 2. In the Infants’ School the maximum class size is 22. Access to your Child’s Records Parents/carers who wish to view their child’s personal file must request this in writing to the Head of DUCKS or Head of Kindergarten. In providing access, DUCKS has regard to data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulations and in particular will take measures to safeguard records which refer to other pupils or third parties. Allergies and Medical Requirements If your child has any specific medical requirements, we ask that you give full details of these needs on the Entry Profile before your child starts at DUCKS. Any requirements can also be discussed during a home visit or at our New Parents’ Evening. This will ensure that any adaptations to meal times or your child’s day to day requirements are in place ahead of them starting with us. We have a number of measures in place to ensure that medical and dietary needs are met, including: training on EpiPen use, allergy and medical alert information and access to the Dulwich College Medical Centre staff for specific advice and support in meeting individual children’s needs. Please see page 49 for food allergen information. Arrival and Departure It is part of DUCKS’ ethos to give a warm welcome to each child at the start of the day. In the Kindergarten, the Head or Deputy Head, welcome the children at the start of the day and key people say goodbye at hometime. In the Infants’ School, class teachers or teaching assistants welcome and say goodbye to each pupil at the classroom door. Any specific information provided by parents/carers will be recorded and shared with the appropriate staff. Examples of information that can be communicated on arrival include: • requesting the school gives a child prescribed medicine during the school day • informing the school that there will be a different adult collecting a child at the end of the session or day • confirming an early departure from DUCKS for a child Staff will not hand a child over to anyone other than the known parent or carer. Parents/carers must fill out the Alternative Collection Arrangements Form prior to a child being collected by a different adult. We will accept email notification of a different person collecting your child if your arrangements change during the day.
In the Kindergarten, we would like to have photographs of anyone who regularly collects your child. Please bring a photograph of the nominated adult(s) with you on the first day of your child’s attendance. Attendance If your child is away from school due to illness we request that you inform us by email on DUCKSabsence @ dulwich.org.uk on the first day of non- attendance and keep us informed as to when your child will be returning to school. If you are unable to email, please phone the DUCKS Office on 020 8693 1538 to confirm the absence and send a letter to the Head of DUCKS or Head of Kindergarten when your child returns confirming the reason for the absence. If you wish to take your child out of school during the term for any other reason than illness, you must submit your request in writing to the Head of DUCKS or Head of Kindergarten beforehand. We strongly recommend that parents avoid taking their children out of school during term time, even at the beginning or end of term as these few days are important in settling the children or rounding off a term together as a school community. Assesment and Record Keeping To support our planning of a rich and varied curriculum that reflects the children’s interests and learning, we carry out the following assessment and record keeping on Tapestry our online record: • Observations • Photographs This is available to parents via a secure login. Between the age of 24 and 36 months a report on the prime areas of development will be written and discussed with the parents. At the end of Reception, the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is completed and shows each child’s progress in the seven areas of learning. This document ensures the teacher’s planning meets each child’s needs and that progress is monitored.
Other assessments and records include: • Work samples • Baseline assessment • Formative assessments • Tracking sheets • Reports • Standardised reading and maths assessments • ASPECTS, PIPS and INCAS
Parents are welcome to make an appointment to view their child’s profile folder, assessment records or work books via their child’s key person or class teacher.
Bed Time All the children have a very busy day and so an early bedtime is strongly recommended to ensure a positive day for your child at DUCKS. Before School Care and Beyond the Classroom (Infants’ School Only) The Infants’ School offers fully supervised Before School Care and After School Care, which we call Beyond the Classroom. Please note that places are limited. Before School Care runs in the Hall and Library from 8.00 am - 8.45 am every morning. Children are offered a breakfast of cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt and juice or water until 8.30 am. We offer a range of activities and after tidying up, the children are taken to their classes at 8.45 am. Before School care is an additional cost and this paid on a termly basis in advance. Beyond the Classroom runs from 3.30 pm for Early Years and Key Stage 1. The children are given an afternoon tea and we offer a wide range of activities and clubs. These include: Art, Chess, Clay modelling, Cricket, Dance, Drama, Football, Lego, Multisports, Rugby, Sewing, Swimming and Tennis. Clubs are run by Teachers, TAs or external coaches. Beyond the Classroom is an additional cost and this is paid on a termly basis. The cost includes the afternoon tea. A Beyond the Classroom request form is sent home near the end of each term and you will receive notification of the clubs your child has been offered before the end of term. Pick-up time is 4.30 pm from clubs, stay and play runs until 5 pm. We do ask that, if you are unavoidably held up, you contact the school and let us know your estimated time of arrival. Please remember Before School Care and Beyond the Classroom are not a drop in facility and must be booked in advance using the form sent via DUCKSPost each term or via the School Office. Community Action and Prefects At the College prefects are voted into their posts every year. There is a DUCKS prefect and he liaises with school, ensuring the prefects provide support e.g. leading assemblies, supporting DUCKS Readathon and Sports Day, helping at DUCKS and working with the children and adults during the school day. At the beginning of the academic year, Dulwich College boys from Year 10 upwards can volunteer for Community Action. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to work in the wider community and develop skills beyond those taught in a classroom and they are excellent role models to our children here at DUCKS. The College boys attend for a session each week to carry out a variety of jobs with the children and for the staff. Curriculum The curriculum offered at DUCKS provides the children with a solid foundation for all future learning through a focus on characteristics of effective learning throughout the EYFS and a skills based curriculum covering the National Curriculum subjects. Our environment further
supports the curriculum with enriched opportunities to learn through our Forest School provision, a strong Wellbeing programme and preparation for life based in British/Human values through age appropriate activities. Positive relationships are nurtured and valued from the start of each child’s time at DUCKS creating a well-supported teaching and learning environment. Curriculum Evening At the beginning of every year we welcome all parents/carers to a Curriculum Evening. This offers you the opportunity to see the classrooms and meet the staff. You will also find out about the teaching and learning and organisational routines your child will follow during the year. Attending this evening is an essential part of your child entering their new school or class as every child’s journey is different, even if older siblings have previously been a member of the school. Data Protection In order to carry out its ordinary duties to pupils and parents, DUCKS (and Dulwich College) uses and handles the personal information (or data) of current, prospective and former Kindergarten and Infants’ school children and their parents/carers. At all times this is done in accordance with data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulations. Detail on how your data is used and safeguarded is set out in the DUCKS Data Protection Privacy Notice and other policies referred to in that notice a copy of which is available on the DUCKS website www.dulwich.org.uk/ ducks or can be obtained from the Kindergarten or Infants’ School offices. DUCKSPost We use DUCKSPost, an electronic mailing system, to send all communications including: the weekly newsletter, questionnaires, class trip information and permission slips, academic and pastoral reminders, club information and invoices, Friends of DUCKS messages and circulars. We will use the email addresses recorded on your child’s Entry Profile so please ensure that these are accounts you access regularly. You can add email addresses e.g. of an au pair or nanny or a work email account via the mail box settings on DUCKSPost. When you join DUCKS we will send you an email with a link to a secure personal online ‘mailbox’. This is where you can view all the messages received from DUCKS, including any attached documents. By default you will not need your password to access your mailbox in this way, although you can request it at any time by going to http://duckspost.dulwich.org. uk . If you prefer not to receive emails for any reason you may ‘unsubscribe’ from the service using the link in the email. In an emergency situation such as the school being closed due to snow, we use the same system to send text messages to the mobile phone numbers we hold for you. These will be automatically sent by email as well and will also be recorded in your online mailbox.
Entry Profile We have a very detailed Entry Profile document which we ask you to complete prior to your child starting at DUCKS. The Entry Profile provides you with the opportunity to give us a fully comprehensive picture of your child and their development and learning to date as well as anything that you feel is important for us to know before they start at DUCKS. The Entry Profile is given to parents/carers at the New Parents’ Evening and we request it is returned by the New Children’s Afternoon at the latest. This ensures all relevant information is shared with the appropriate staff for your child’s successful start at DUCKS. The Entry Profile information is also confirmed at the start of every academic year. First Aid Most accidents involving children at DUCKS need minor first aid combined with TLC and reassurance. A number of staff hold Paediatric First Aid certificates. If a child has an accident of a more serious nature, a First Aider will assess the situation and ensure the injury is treated appropriately. If your child has an accident whilst at school, this will be recorded on an accident form or electronically at the Infants’ School. We will inform you about the accident verbally, by phone or when you collect your child, or else via the Home Link Book in the Infants’ School. If your child is collected by another adult and you would like accident information to be communicated directly to you, please inform your class teacher or key person. We have procedures for emergency first aid as well as a procedure for transporting children to the Dulwich College Medical Centre where trained nurses and doctors are available or, if required, to hospital. Friends of DUCKS (FoD) All parents automatically become a member of Friends of DUCKS when their child joins our school. FoD is led by co-chairs, a committee and class representatives. The purpose of FoD is to support the school, organise class events, run activities at Founder’s Day and raise money for charity. The main events in the FoD calendar are the Christmas Fair, AGM, Summer Party and second hand uniform sales.
Golden Rules The Golden Rules underpin our values.
We believe the Golden Rules create a positive approach to developing the correct behaviour and attitudes to school life. We are gentle We are kind and helpful We look after property We listen We are honest We work hard The Golden Rules are displayed throughout DUCKS, they are discussed and modelled during school assemblies, taken with us whenever we are away from DUCKS and explored during class Circle Time in the Infants’ School.
Head Lice Anyone can get head lice no matter how clean and careful they are and we ask that you check your child’s hair regularly. If you find head lice you must treat them promptly and inform us in order for us to alert other parents, as once lice infestation starts, it can spread rapidly. There is no need for your child to miss time at school; as soon as they have been treated they can return to their class. We are visited termly by a nurse who checks the children for head lice and nits.
Long hair must be securely tied back with blue hair accessories only.
Home School Links • Best Work Books
When your child joins the Infants’ School, a Best Work Book will be started for them. Each half term a piece of your child’s work is added and by the end of Year 2, your child has a unique collection of work
reflecting their journey through DUCKS. • Curriculum and Pastoral Information
You will receive an overview of Nursery and Reception learning and activities via DUCKSPost at the end of every week. All Infants’ School children will receive a copy of the class timetable and Golden Rules at the beginning of each academic year. • Home-Link Books Home-Link Books are used in EY and KS1 to record comments about your child’s reading and to exchange short messages regarding academic or pastoral queries. Please ensure that this book is in your child’s book bag every day. Home-Link Books are an excellent way to organise a meeting with a teacher. • Show and Tell Every child enjoys bringing in artefacts, photographs or other mementos of a special time or significant importance to them. Class teachers will find time in the school day or week to ensure all children have the opportunity to share their “Show and Tell” object with the class. • Special Books Special books are an opportunity for EYFS children to share important things together with their friends at DUCKS. They are for recording significant events in your child’s life and to help us to build a bigger picture of your child’s life outside of school. • WOW Boards, WOW Trees and DUCK of the Week At DUCKS we really value the important role you play in your child’s education and how much you know about them. This information is invaluable when assessing your child’s development. Throughout the EYFS we encourage you to help us celebrate your child’s WOW moments by recording significant achievements on our WOW boards or trees such as getting dressed by themselves or sharing toys with a sibling.
Illness It is preferable for children to be at home when they are unwell. Staying at home helps to speed up recovery and supports the school community in reducing cross infection between the children and staff. If your child becomes unwell whilst at DUCKS i.e. has a high temperature or shows other signs of infection for example vomiting, diarrhoea or developing a rash, we will contact you and ask for them to be collected as soon as possible. If we cannot contact you, we will telephone your emergency contacts, as given on the Entry Profile, and ask them to collect your child. It is essential that your emergency contacts are aware of their responsibilities in respect of this.
Minimum exclusion periods for common illnesses are:
Exclusion period and/or treatment
Until vesicles have crusted over but a minimum of 5 days from the onset of the rash. Return when able to cope with a full day at DUCKS No exclusion period necessary unless eyes are sore and weepy, however, antibiotic eye drops must be provided 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea and/or vomiting, having eaten properly and having had a normal stool. When well enough to cope with a busy day at DUCKS
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
Hand, foot and mouth
Until lesions are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment
4 days from onset of rash
5 days from onset of swollen glands
Treatment required but exclusion not usually required
4 days from onset of rash
Whooping Cough
48 hours from commencing antibiotic treatment or 21 days from onset of illness if no antibiotic treatment Covered in swimming pools, gymnasiums and changing rooms. Please inform your class teacher.
All of these exclusion periods are the suggested minimum. If children remain unwell and unable to cope with a busy day at DUCKS, it may be necessary for them to have a longer period of time off school. This can be discussed with the key person or class teacher.
Jewellery Jewellery may not be worn except for watches, studs for pierced ears or jewellery relating to specific religious beliefs. Earrings must be removed at home or by the child. Key Person The role of the key person is established in the EYFS section of DUCKS, that is Kindergarten, Nursery and Reception, and continues throughout your child’s time with us. The key person is there to provide an ongoing attachment relationship with your child. The nature of this relationship will naturally change and develop during their time at DUCKS. The aim of the key person relationship is for each child to feel special, individually cherished and thought about by someone in particular while they are away from home. In the EYFS your child’s key person is your initial point of contact for sharing information.They are someone with whom your child builds a relationship from the settling in period onwards. Throughout their time at DUCKS, children will work closely with all the adults in the class and through this develop their relationships beyond those they have established with their key person. Late Collection and Non-collection In the instance of a child not being collected from DUCKS after a reasonable amount of time, fifteen minutes has been allowed for lateness, the following procedure will be initiated by staff: • inform the senior member of staff on duty if a child has not been collected • the office will check for any information regarding changes to normal routines, parents work patterns or general information. If there is no information recorded, the parents/carers will be contacted on the numbers provided for their home or work. If this fails, the emergency contacts will then be contacted as per the child’s records; • the senior member of staff on duty and one other member of staff must stay behind with the child (if it falls outside normal operating hours). During normal operating times, staff ratios must be met and planned for accordingly; • if the parents/carers still have not collected the child, the senior member of staff on duty will telephone all contact numbers available every 10 minutes until contact is made. These calls need to be logged on the full incident record; • in the event of no contact being made by 6pm, the person in charge will ring the Social Services Emergency Duty Team 020 7525 2696 for advice and Ofsted 0300 123 1231 to advise them of the situation; • two members of staff will remain in the building until suitable arrangements have been made for the collection of the child. The child’s welfare and needs will be met at all times.
Lost Property Please label all items of clothing to help the staff return the correct uniform, clothing and belongings to the correct child. During the school day, children have many situations when they are taking off layers of clothing, e.g. to engage in water play, clothing being washed after a very messy activity, at playtime, PE, swimming or going for a sleep. If all items of clothing are labelled it ensures that we are able to quickly and efficiently return clothes to the correct child. Lost property in the Kindergarten is kept in the Duckling hallway and in the Infants’ School it is kept in a chrome bin by Early Years and Curlew Class (Key Stage 1). At the end of each term any unclaimed items are given to Friends of DUCKS for the uniform sale or donated to charity. Lunch and Snacks DUCKS is committed to offering children healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet the individual needs and requirements of each child. All food allergies or special dietary requirements will be taken into account and, in discussion with the parents/carers, catered for. Please do not provide your child with additional snacks or drinks as these may pose a risk to any children with allergies. Please speak to any member of staff about the ingredients in any meal if you need any further information about allergens. If you wish to bring homemade food for your child to share with their friends we ask that you complete the Ingredients Checklist. Shop bought cakes must also have the list of ingredients clearly labelled. Cakes must not contain any trace of seeds or nuts. During the school day, all children are offered a mid-morning snack and access to water at all times. In the Kindergarten, children attending for a full day are offered breakfast and afternoon tea. In the Infants’ School, children booked into Before School Care may have breakfast and for those in Beyond The Classroom, afternoon tea is served. Lunch is a two course meal and is provided on site by our own chef and kitchen assistant. We offer beef, halal chicken and vegetarian options and do not serve any nut products. The lunch menu is attached to the weekly newsletter, available on the school website and is also displayed throughout DUCKS. Mealtimes are a happy, social occasion for staff and children to eat together in each of the rooms. Positive interactions are shared and enjoyed at these times. For our younger children a record of what your child has eaten for lunch is displayed outside the Toddler and Duckling rooms.
Medication If your child needs to have prescribed medicine administered whilst at DUCKS, the Medication Request Form must be completed. This is available from the Kindergarten rooms, or Infants’ School foyer by the Parents’ Notice Board and on the DUCKS parent portal www.dulwich.org. uk/ducks/login . Medication given at DUCKS must be prescribed and the prescribing label must state the child’s name and date of birth. We remind parents/carers that DUCKS staff take on the additional responsibility of administering medication on a goodwill basis and will do their best to ensure that medicine is given when a parent/carer has requested. However, there may be instances where events beyond staffs’ control means that this is not possible. If you want or need to guarantee that medicine will be administered at an exact time then we request that you come and administer the medicine yourself. Paracetamol or ibruprofen medication If a child has a raised temperature when at DUCKS, we will take the following measures based on our knowledge of your child and how we observe them to be at that time. For a temperature up to 38.3°C, current medical advice is not to give paracetamol or ibruprofen. We will, however, closely monitor any child who does have a mild temperature. We would be more concerned if a child also appears unwell and fractious. If a child is suffering from a temperature of more than 38.3°C before 12 noon, we will contact you before administering any medication. After 12 noon we will check that you have given us permission to administer paracetamol or ibruprofen to reduce the temperature, especially if they appear to be unwell and are fractious. In general, if a child quickly recovers with paracetamol or ibruprofen, it is fine for them to stay at DUCKS, however, if a child remains unwell, develops other symptoms or is very lethargic, we feel the best place for them is at home. Our decision will be based on our knowledge of the individual child. Mobile Phones and Cameras At DUCKS we do not allow the use of mobile phones and cameras beyond the front door and we would ask parents/carers not to use their phones when they are on the DUCKS site, whether inside or outside. Staff only use their mobile phones at the times and in the areas designated by the Mobile Phone Policy. Newsletter Each week we publish a newsletter via DUCKSPost. Our newsletter keeps parents/carers informed about the weeks’ events, as well as special features such as DUCK of the Week in the Infants’ School, important dates, and Friends of DUCKS information. The newsletter covers the whole of the week at DUCKS in the Kindergarten and Infants’ School.
Online Safety At DUCKS, we recognise the huge importance and positive opportunities that computing provides the children as learners and that increasing numbers of digital devices will be part of children and young people’s lives in the future. DUCKS staff are well placed to help establish boundaries and good practice guidance, in partnership with parents. Our commitment is to provide children with an excellent education extending to the digital environment. Our DUCKS ICT Acceptable Use Policy is available on the website. Our acceptable use policy for the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at DUCKS is as follows; • I will look after property, laptops, mice, headphones, cameras, tablets and all other equipment and when turning the a computer on and off • I will share equipment • I will use kind language when talking to others through the computer • I will only use websites or play games which my teacher/parent/carers have allowed me to use • I will tell my teacher/parent/carers if anything or anyone makes me feel uncomfortable or if there is a problem • I will remember to leave mobile phones and tablets at home • I will remember not everything I read on the internet may be true • I will remember that sometimes attachments can contain viruses so I will only open attachments from people I know • I won’t give out my personal details, such as my name, address or school on the internet Outdoor Activity As you know, DUCKS is situated in a wonderful location, with a variety of outdoor spaces on our doorstep. Staff plan activities and lessons to incorporate these into the curriculum as well as using them for daily routines. The spaces we use regularly are: • The Kindergarten garden for daily outdoor opportunities • The Early Years and Key Stage 1 playgrounds for free flow learning, play times and clubs • The Eller Bank fields (at the front of the school) are used for clubs,
Sports Day, nature walks and outdoor PE in summer • The orchard is used for Forest School for all ages.
We are delighted how this area of the school has grown, as a learning environment it is an area we will continue to develop.
Outings All the pupils at DUCKS will go on outings related to a topic, a story theme or a place to enjoy. At the beginning of each academic year you will be contacted via DUCKSPost and your permission requested for your child’s attendance on trips/outings. Any photographs will be published in the weekly newsletter and displayed on the foyer screen. These outings range from a walk to the College, a half day visit to a nearby place of interest or a full day outing. College mini buses, hired coaches and on some occasions public transport may be used. Every trip is risk assessed and the trip leader will organise the correct ratios of adults to pupils. Parents will be informed if we require extra adult supervision. Parents and Carers Parents and carers are a hugely important part of the DUCKS community. We want to make you all feel welcome and included. We hold talks throughout the year on topics that we feel will be useful and relevant to parents with children at DUCKS. There are lots of opportunities for parents and carers to work with their children in school and these are advertised in our newsletter each week. We believe that children benefit most when parents/carers and staff work together in partnership to ensure quality care and learning for the children. DUCKS staff welcome parents/carers as partners and this relationship needs to be built on trust and understanding. It is important that we support parents/carers in an open and sensitive manner. A two way sharing of information, knowledge and expertise is key to this. Parents and Carers Week Parents and Carers Week is an annual event at DUCKS. This is an opportunity for you to participate in school life and special events including: • stay and play classroom sessions • joining in PE, Music lessons or Library visits • open classrooms • shared reading We hope you can join us during this fabulous week and experience learning with your child/ren.
Parents’ Evening In the Kindergarten, parents/carers are invited in to meet their child’s key person to discuss their child’s progress. In this meeting we look at each child’s learning journey and discuss their development and learning. In the Infants’ School, parents’ evenings are a time when you can meet the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress and attainment. The specialist teachers are also available to talk to Infants’ School parents/carers during these evenings. The dates and appointment request forms will be sent out via DUCKSPost. You will receive a written confirmation the week prior to the parents’ evening. In the Summer Term Year 1 parents/carers are invited to a meeting with the Head of DUCKS and their child’s class teacher. This is an opportunity to start considering your child’s options after completing Year 2. This is followed up by a further meeting in the Michaelmas Term, to ensure we work in partnership with you throughout the transition to your child’s new school and you have a clear understanding of your child’s progress and attainment. Policies DUCKS and Dulwich College have policies and procedures that cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Some of our policies are available on the DUCKS website www.dulwich.org.uk/ducks and you are welcome to request a paper copy from the School Office.
Daffodils Charlotte, Age 3
Reports and Targets In the Kindergarten each child receives a short target report at the end of the Michaelmas term and an end of year report. Access to each child’s learning journey is available through Tapestry – our online learning journal. In the Infants’ School your child will receive a written report each term following the schedule set out below. The end of year report reflects on all subjects taught during the academic year.
Nursery Targets and Settling In Report Reception Targets and Settling In Report
Targets and Progress Report Targets and Progress Report Targets and Progress Report Targets and Progress Report
Next Steps and End of Year Report Next Steps and End of Year Report End of Year Report
Year 1
Targets and Settling In Report Targets and Settling In Report
Year 2
End of Year Report
Safeguarding Everyone at DUCKS works together to ensure that we are all kept safe. The lead members of the DUCKS team for safeguarding are Mrs Miranda Norris (Head of DUCKS) and Mrs Tracey Greenwood (Deputy Head of Kindergarten). If you have any concerns in respect of safeguarding they can both be contacted on 020 8693 1538. Contact Telephone Numbers for Southwark Safeguarding officers; • Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) (020 7525 3297) • Early Help Service (EHS) (020 7525 2714) • The LA Schools Safeguarding Coordinator is: Mr Apo Çağirici (020 7525 2715) • Ofsted (0300 123 1231) Our full safeguarding policy is available throughout DUCKS and on our website.
Security We take the security and safety of the school community at DUCKS very seriously. We work hard to maintain a welcoming environment for everyone who comes to our school. DUCKS has a robust visitor procedure to ensure we know who is on site at all times. This is essential, in case of fire, for example. These measures include; • All staff wear ID badges on black staff lanyards • All visitors sign the visitors book and wear a visitors badge with a red lanyard • We always politely challenge anyone not wearing a visible ID card • Asking parents to use the correct entry and exit points to our school at all times To maintain the security of our buildings and site it is very important that only DUCKS staff open the main entrance doors and gates to the buildings. This ensures that visitors are welcomed by DUCKS staff and they are directed appropriately. If you see anyone acting suspiciously on site, please inform the School Office immediately. Kindergarten Entry to the Kindergarten is by video entry phone and we ask that parents do not let other people ’tail gate’ when they come into the building. Internally, the blue door is kept locked throughout the day. When you arrive, if there is no one at the blue door, please ring the door bell next to the door and a member of staff will let you in. We ask if you arrive early for the morning session, to wait in the hallway and make use of the Library. This ensures staff can clear away breakfast and set up the room for a calm start to the day. If your child attends the Baby Room, please use the Baby Room entrance to the right hand side of the building. The Baby Room staff will let you in at 8.00 am when the room is ready to receive children. Infants’ School All visitors will be signed in and issued with a visitor’s badge on a red lanyard by the School Office staff, this must be worn visibly. Entry to the Infants’ School during the day is through the front door where you will be greeted.
Safer Recruitment We operate the following procedures to ensure the safeguarding of children at DUCKS: • we provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of children • applicants for posts at DUCKS are clearly informed that the positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Candidates are informed that appropriate checks will be carried out before posts can be confirmed. Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information. • we abide by Ofsted and ISI requirements in respect of references and police checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unfit person works at DUCKS or has access to the children. One person on every interview panel has completed safer recruitment training. • volunteers, including students, do not work unsupervised • we abide by the Protection of Children Act 1999 requirements in respect of any person who is dismissed from our employment, or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have led to dismissal for reasons of child protection concern • we have procedures for recording the details of visitors to DUCKS and take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into DUCKS, so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children. All visitors must wear a visitor’s badge on a red lanyard. • the deployment of staff within the setting allows for constant supervision. Where children need to spend time away from the rest of the group, any intervening doors will be left ajar. Social Networking Sites At DUCKS we are aware of how social networking sites allow you to share messages, images and videos instantly after an event and that many of our families have friends and relatives across the world with whom they want to share their child’s school achievements. However, we need to ensure our Safeguarding Policy and procedures are upheld. We request that any messaging, images or videos that you want to share with friends is done through a social networking site that is password protected such as flickr. Please do not post any DUCKS messages, images or videos on websites such as Facebook that have privacy settings but are not password protected.
Special Events At DUCKS we share the children’s achievements and reflect on events and festivals through performance and experiences in the school and wider community. You will be invited to attend many of these events and we hope you can join us to support and celebrate the children’s achievements. In the Kindergarten, the children will take part in a Christmas party, an Easter egg hunt and Fun Day. Ducklings will also join Sports Day and have a leavers’ Assembly at the end of the Summer Term when the children showcase their achievements made during the year. All children are also involved in focused weeks such as Book Week and Science Week. Each year the children in the Infants’ School will present a class assembly based on their current learning. Reception and Year 1 classes present a play in the Michaelmas term. In the Summer Term Year 2 use the Edward Alleyn Theatre for their final play and also present their leavers Assembly to parents/carers. These are fantastic opportunities for the children to develop the confidence required to express themselves to an audience. The children also participate in the following events, to which parents/ carers are invited: • Harvest Festival Service at St Stephen’s Church • Christmas Service at DUCKS • Easter Service at St Stephen’s Church • Inter-school swimming galas
• Inter-school sports days • String and piano concerts
You will receive reminders for the dates and times of these events via a paper calendar each term, the newsletter and DUCKSPost nearer the time. This information is also available at the online calendar on the DUCKS website www.dulwich.org.uk/ducks .
Transition Through DUCKS We believe that all children should feel comfortable and as emotionally secure as possible when entering a new phase or year group at DUCKS. All staff aim to build on the work of the family and take steps to ensure that the child is valued as an individual within the setting. We understand that children enter school from a variety of backgrounds and settings and with a range of experiences. We welcome all children as individuals and will meet their needs accordingly. We value close links between practitioners and families as this ensures that children and their families know what to expect when starting a new phase. We aim for smooth transitions for each child from home into DUCKS, between each room and moving into and throughout the Infants’ School. This is achieved through clear communication and information sharing during handover meetings and settling in visits. In addition home visits allow your child to begin to develop a relationship with their key person. Throughout the EYFS, information about a child’s learning journey is available to the next room or class and then onto Year 1 teachers. This ensures continuity in your child’s progress and supports smooth transitions. Transition from Baby Room through to the Nursery Class In the Baby Room we plan the settling in to be flexible and responsive to the individual baby and their parents/carers. When moving to the Toddler Room parents/carers will be formally introduced to the room and to their new key person. Children generally move from the Toddler Room to the Duckling Room with the same staff team so they maintain the relationship with their key person through their time in these rooms. The journey from the Duckling Room to the Nursery classes is a significant transition as the children are moving to ‘big school’. We aim for the children to have a gentle introduction to their new Nursery class through visits in small groups during the Summer Term. This allows each child the opportunity to play in their new environment and become familiar with the Nursery. The Duckling Room children have sessions with the Infants’ school PE and music teachers. They have other visits during the year to use the outside space and join in assemblies and productions. Nursery class teachers visit the Duckling Room to see children within the Kindergarten setting during the Summer Term and we also meet as a staff team to discuss the children’s individual needs. Parents/carers are sent letters informing them of which class their child will join in the Summer Term. Parents/carers and children are invited to a New Children’s Afternoon in the Infants’ School in the Summer Term. All of the above helps introduce children to the staff, the environment and bridges the transition facilitating a smooth settling in. Transition from Reception to Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) The transition from Reception to Year 1 is a process rather than an event. Reception children visit the Key Stage 1 classes and playground weekly during the last half of the Summer Term and meet their new teachers. Parents are invited to meet their new teacher in the Summer Term.
Transition from Year 2 to Year 3 DUCKS children go on to join a variety of local independent and state schools for Year 3, and we have excellent relationships with all those schools to ensure that transition at the end of DUCKS is a positive experience for the children. Each Junior School is different and our aim is to find the right next school for each child. We will work with you in preparation for the 7+ assessments and help you to choose your child’s next school based on academic ability, personality and interests. Children are prepared for 7+ throughout their time at DUCKS and parents are guided through the process, from a 7+ talk in the Lent term, specific parents’ meetings with Mrs Norris in Year 1 and 2, and visiting Heads of local Junior Schools. Once schools for Year 3 are determined, smooth transition is encouraged through school taster days and visits from Year 3 teachers to see the children and talk with our teachers here at DUCKS.
Pastel flowers Federico, Age 6
Travelling to DUCKS DUCKS is involved in a number of local initiatives to support safe and sustainable travel to school. We are active members of the Dulwich and Herne Hill Safe Routes to School group and our Travel Plan is Gold Accredited by TfL. Walking, cycling or scooting to school We actively encourage sustainable travel to DUCKS. If you walk, cycle or scoot, please use the marked pathway to either the Kindergarten or Infants’ School. We have bike and scooter racks outside the Early Years gate and along the side the Infants’ School building and a shed to store prams and buggies. Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled. Items left in the scooter or bike racks and shed are left at your own risk. Lower parking area for parents The upper car park is solely for staff use and should not be used as a walkway to the Infants’ School. The lower parking area in the morning is only for the use of Kindergarten parents and cars using this area must have a permit. If you require a permit please see Polly in the Kindergarten Office. It is essential that the permit is clearly displayed on the vehicle being admitted to the parking area and that you pass on all the relevant information to who else may be driving the car.
The lower parking area operates during the following times:
Before School Care: Kindergarten parents only.
End of School: From 2.45 pm cars can flow in and out. All cars must be out of the parking area by 4.45 pm at the latest.
Unfortunately, cars cannot be left in the lower car park during the day.
Drivers must be aware at all times of parents and children walking into school and be mindful that pedestrians will be using the pedestrian gate entrance and walking along the edge of the parking area. We would also ask that parents do not park illegally on the zig zag lines by the zebra crossing or the double yellow lines by the school gates. We politely request that parents respect the private residents’ parking on The Ferrings. The safety of your children is paramount and we urge you to drive safely and park legally and considerately. At DUCKS we take road safety very seriously. Please take time to read our Safe Routes newsletters sent to you each term. We do not tolerate dangerous driving and ask you to respect our rules, and those in the Highway Code, for the safety of all the children. We are very grateful to Friends of DUCKS for preparing the extremely informative map to help you with the school run (overleaf).
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