
Team effort pays off in activities for underprivileged kids

street and allow them to do something good

Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon and from



like practise sports,” explains Benoit Crête,

1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. For kids fromages 7 to 15,

For more information or to bring your

member of the Old Mill Park parent

who want to register to participate at the

registration form : Benoit at 726 Portelance

committee. The committee not only wants

activitiesofferedby theOldMill Parkparent

St. (613 632-3822), Richard at 725 James St.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart recently

kids to participate, but also parents. “The

committee, registration forms will be

(613 632-2548)or100%Actifsat421-B,Cartier

donated sports equipment to the OldMill

parents should encourage their kids to

distributed on the streets surrounding the

Boulevard (613 632-2945).

Park parent committee in Hawkesbury so

participate in the activities organized at the

Sidewalk Sale

that underprivileged kids can participate

park,” says Crête. “We also ask for the help

The Business Improvement Area Commission has chosen July 7, 8 and 9 as the dates for

in sports.

of parents who would be ready to do

its annual Sidewalk Sale. During that time, Main Street from William to McGill will be

The kids of the neighbourhood

volunteer work at the park; it can be as little

closed to traffic. When they are not shopping, consumers can take in entertainment at the

surrounding the park will now enjoy this

as two hours a week.” The beginning of the

Place des Pionniers amphitheatre.

equipment to practise different sports such

ball hockey and soccer summer league will

Brunch In Pointe-au-Chêne

as hockey, soccer, football, baseball,

be celebrated with a barbecue lunch at the

Le Centre Communautaire Campbell, the former Pointe-au-Chêne church, hosts a

volleyball and basketball.

park July 2.

community brunch the fourth Sunday of every month. Breakfast is served by volunteers

The parent committee has beenworking

Other organizations from the region will

for $7 per adult and $4 for children under 12.

to provide free activities for kids since

also offer activities at the park this summer.

Focus On Fitness

January, organizing activities such as a

Each Tuesday, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.,

The CanadianMental Health Association’s Oasis centre at 21 Nelson St., Hawkesbury,

hockey tournament in February, where

games will be offered for kids from age 0 to

offers Focus on Fitness programs, including visits to the gym at Club 352, Nintendo Wii,

more than 75 kids participated.

6 by the Family Centre. Also, 100% Actifs

awalking club, presentations andhealthy lunches. For information, callDanika at 613-632-

“My goal is to get the kids out of the

will organize activities Tuesdays and

4924, extension 407.

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