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Which party has the job plan that pays?


palities with much-needed investment in Glengarry-Prescott-Russell.» Drouin cited his experience working with Startup Canada for understanding the needs of local entrepreneurs and a job-focused business climate. «We need to strengthen the entrepre- neurship culture in Canada,» he said. «I’m happy that we are committed to providing $200 million every year to spur innovation

helping local governments reduce their infrastructure budget burden involves inc- reasing the annual federal gas tax subsidy to municipalities by a cent a litre. «We will create 54,000 jobs in construc- tion, manufacturing and transit operations across Canada,» he said. «"e NDP is com- mitted to helping small cities and towns o$er more transit options and providing long-term investment for roads, bridges and vital infrastructure. We’d transfer the funds straight to cities and small towns so projects get o$ the ground sooner.» Laurin emphasized the party’s economic strategy also covers the agricultural sector. «Small farms are also an integral part of the local economy of GPR,» he stated. «We will maintain the integrity of our supply-ma- naged egg, dairy, and poultry sectors and the rural incomes they support. We will ensure that rural livelihoods are real livelihoods by investing in rural economies, expanding business risk management programs, and supporting new and young farmers. We will provide for an innovative and high value-ad- ded food processing sector, to expand local markets for farmers while creating skilled jobs for regional economies. «My priority has been to strengthen the local economies of our communities,» stated Pierre Lemieux, incumbent Conservative MP. «We need a strong and robust business sector to o$er the services that the people of our communities require and to create local jobs. To this end I have worked with local businesses and associations to announce almost $29million in federal funding to help

strengthen small and medium businesses and create jobs throughout the riding. I will continue these successful initiatives if re- elected.» "e MP also cited Conservative govern- ment policies for lowering small business tax rates and keeping «payroll taxes such as Employment Insurance premiums and CPP premiums low» so that businesses then havemoremoney to invest in improvements and expansion. «"is is a winning recipe for economic growth and job creation within our com- munities,» Lemieux stated. «Our low tax initiatives for businesses have resulted in 1.3 million net new jobs being created in Canada, thousands of which were created right here in GPR.» «"e Green Party supports small and medium-size businesses,» stated Gene- viève Malouin-Diraddo. «We would put small businesses !rst by reducing red tape for business owners and enacting ‘"ink Small First’ legislation, which would ensure that new federal laws and regulations would enhance, rather than hinder, an economic environment where local businesses and entrepreneurs can thrive.» Malouin-Diraddo targeted infrastructure as critical for business growth and success. «We would provide funding to improve infrastructure so that businesses can thrive and provide better means to deliver goods and services,» she said. «We would help with the expansion of broadband Internet to promote media and online sales.»

Jobs and economic development remain key issues in the election for most Cana- dians. In the !nal week leading up to Election Day Monday, EAP posed this question concerning economic development and job creation to the four main candidates

running for the Glen- garry-Prescott-Rus- sell riding seat. What kind of speci!c help or support can the federal government, through YOUR party, provide this riding? Speci!c as in terms of dollars or in-kind support, and actual consultation with regional leaders on the needs of the GPR.

growth (in Canada). "is will provide direct support to business incubators and accelerators and successful small businesses who want to grow. We will also invest $100 million a year in the Industrial Research Assistance Program, which will include a small busi- ness innovation and

In the !nal week leading up to Election Day Monday, EAP posed this question concerning economic development and job creation to the four main candidates running for the Glengarry-Prescott- Russell riding seat. What kind of speci!c help or support can the federal government, through YOUR party, provide this riding?

Francis Drouin, the Liberal candidate noted that the unemployment rate in Glen- garry-Prescott-Russell is 8.7 per cent, almost two per cent above the national average. «It’s unacceptable,» he stated. «A Tru- deau-led government will nearly double federal infrastructure investment to al- most $125 billion, compared to the current (Conservative) $65 billion, over the next decade. "is historic new investment will strengthen the middle class, create jobs, grow our economy, and provide munici-

research program. My job will be to sit down with local mayors, economic development o#cers, entrepreneurs, and other stake- holder groups to identify priority projects to get them funded through this program.» «"e federal government must become a partner in infrastructure and transit,» decla- red Normand Laurin of the NDP. «"e NDP has a clear plan to work with provinces, territories and municipalities to invest in public transit and core local infrastructure.» Laurin noted that the NDP strategy for

15 370 votes par anticipation dans Glengarry-Prescott-Russell


attendre pour faire leur devoir de citoyen. » Malgré des délais lors de certaines pé- riodes d’achalandage, le vote s’est bien dé- roulé. Quelques électeurs masqués ont fait tourner les têtes à Hawkesbury et L’Orignal, mais cela n’a pas a$ecté le déroulement des journées de vote. Lors des dernières élections en 2011, 9781 personnes avaient voté par anticipation, soit 16,85 % du total des voix. « Il y a une hausse, mais il ne faut pas oublier que les gens avaient quatre jours pour voter comparativement à trois lors des dernières élections », a rajouté Mme Lanthier. Cette fois, 84 340 électeurs sont appelés aux urnes et le vote par anticipation repré- sente déjà 18 % de ce nombre. En 2011, 84 347 électeurs étaient inscrits sur la liste et le vote par anticipation avait atteint 11,5 %.

Tout comme dans le reste du pays, où le nombre de votes par anticipation a atteint de nouveaux sommets, les électeurs de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell se sont dépla- cés en grand nombre du 9 au 12 octobre pour faire leur choix décisif. En e$et, 15 370 citoyens ont voté à tra- vers la circonscription, causant des temps d’attente dans certains bureaux. « Oui, il y a eu de l’attente, mais c’est comme quand vous allez à la banque, a indiqué la directrice de scrutin au bureau central de Hawkesbury, Murielle "érèse Lanthier. Il n’y a pas eu d’incident, sauf un monsieur à Rockland qui s’est fâché car il devait attendre. Mais quand il y a 5000 personnes en une journée qui vont voter, il se peut que les gens doivent

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