
YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of December 20 to 26, 2015


ARIES You’re going to be doing a lot of travel- ling, so make sure the car is in good repair before hitting the road. You take this opportunity to change your cell phone or computer. TAURUS However much you try to stick to a budget, your generosity prevails and you really spoil your loved ones. You could face an unexpected expense as well. GEMINI You may be the person who tries to bring a smile to everyone’s faces. You feel responsible for the happiness of your loved ones and you go to a lot of effort to make things go smoothly. CANCER You may reach the nish line feeling pretty exhausted. A healthy diet should signicantly improve the situation and give you the energy to participate in lots of celebrations. LEO You’re quite the perfectionist as a host and want your guests to feel at home. You do everything you can to satisfy them, despite the extra effort this requires. VIRGO It’s not the time to put up the decorations when the guests are arriving. It’s better to just take a deep breath, enjoy the moment and accept that not everything is perfect. LIBRA Far from being conventional, you decide on the spur of the moment to spend the holidays away. You look to other cultures to do things differently this year. SCORPIO You’re particularly emotional during the holiday season this year. You decide to organize a small family reunion and experience the joy of intimate moments together. SAGITTARIUS You nally decide to focus on your relationship just before the start of the holidays. Take some time away from your responsibilities to calm your worries. CAPRICORN To your great surprise, your boss entrusts you with added responsibilities. The new situation looks strangely like a promotion with a generous pay increase. AQUARIUS If you’re single, you’re sure to be very surprised to meet someone interesting at this time of year. Your self-esteem improves considerably. PISCES Virtually all the festivities take place at your house, even though it wasn’t planned that way. Take care to be very tactful with some family members in particular.


ACROSS 1. Swimsuit com- ponent 4. Leave out 8. Go without food 12.Furnace fuel 13.Radial, e.g. 14.Wheel rod 15.Instigator 17.Insufficiency 18.Little songbird 19.Stared at 20.Large truck 23.Goof 25.Place for clouds 26.Distress 27.Opera solo 28.Eager 30.Razors 35.Geologic ages 37.Lunchtime stop 38.Boring tool 41.King Kong, e.g. 42.Nocturnal birds 43.Bureau 45.Off at a distance 48.Gather a harvest

49.Safeguard 53.Lighten 54.Terrible smell 55.Feel unwell 56.Hearty meat dish 57.Probability 58.Sweet potato DOWN 1. ____ constrictor (snake) 2. Fit out 3. Legendary Baba 4. Head the cast 5. High-flying toy 6. Presser 7. ____ your request 8. Sharp tooth 9. Skating jumps 10.Finely contoured 11.Roosevelt’s nick- name 16.Strong thread 19.Voiced 20.Health establish- ment

21.Corn spike 22.Halfway 24.Pokes fun at 27.Over


29.Well-kept 31.Worship 32.Morning conden- sation 33.Building shape 34.Female sibling, for short 36.Approached 38.Pasture mea- sures 39.Flour grain 40.Rental contract 44.Pour forth 46.Nourish 47.Inquires 49.NFL player, e.g. 50.Beam 51.By means of 52.Popular street name



HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 23 décembre 2015

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