
Lalonde acclaimed as OCSTA Regional Director for Region 10 Over 200 members of the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’Association (OCSTA) gathered, earlier this month, for the Annual General Meeting in Toronto, to elect regional representatives to the board and to acknowledge and honour the service and com- mitment of Catholic trustees. At the gathering, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Vice-Chair Todd Lalonde was acclaimed as OCSTA Regional Director for Region 10, which includes the CDSBEO, the Algonquin and Lakeshore CDSB and Renfrew County CDSB. Lalonde has served for nine years as trustee with the CDSBEO. “I am very honoured and excited to take on this new role,” he explained. – Francis Racine La Ville veut que les chiens soient en laisse Les membres du Comité consultatif municipal sur l’accessibilité (CCMA) veulent s’assurer que les propriétaires de chiens respectent les règlements. Entres autres, ceux-ci doivent s’assurer que leurs chiens soient attachés, gardés dans un espace clos ou tenus en laisse et qu’ils ne représentent pas un obstacle ou un risque non seulement pour les personnes souffrant d’incapacités mais pour tous les piétons. Pour se conformer au règlement 112-1998, les propriétaires de chiens doivent aussi s’assurer que leurs chiens soient sous surveillance lorsqu’ils sont tenus en laisse et qu’ils ne se trouvent pas sur leur terrain. Tout chien courant sans laisse pourrait être capturé par un agent municipal d’exé- cution de la loi ou un agent de police. De plus, la Ville demande aux propriétaires de chiens de s’assurer que leur bête est tenue en laisse lorsqu’ils se trouvent sur un terrain avant. – Francis Racine Weight restrictions lifted Half load restrictions across Cornwall and SDG have been lifted as of May 15. With the res- trictions lifted, haulers can now carry full loads in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act. The reduced load limits are necessary in order to preserve the integrity of certain roads during the spring thaw period. The streets that are subject to the reduced load limits include South Branch Road from Pitt Street to Boundary Road, Cor- nwall Centre Road from Pitt Street to St. Andrews Road (Highway 138), Cornwall Centre Road from Brookdale Avenue to city landfill site entrance, McConnell Avenue from South Branch Road to Highway 401, Tenth Street East from Boundary Road to Virginia Drive and Richmond Drive from Vincent Massey Drive north to the city limit. – Francis Racine Fifth Annual Seekers Choice Awards The fifth annual Seekers Choice Awards and Fun- draiser will take place on June 19 at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club. “After months of nomina- tions and voting, the winners have finally been selected”, said Julia Lucio, event coordinator. “We are so excited to announce the official top five in each of our ten categories.” Categories include Home Based Business of the year, Volunteer of the year as well as Literary Artist, amongst others. – Francis Racine Briefs / Brèves

Local students win gold in Fredericton Communauté • Commun i ty

Two grade twelve students from St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School were awarded a goldmedal at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Fredericton, for their project entitledThe Sixth Sensor. Cornwall high school students Jeremy Mallette and Samantha Peets won a gold medal on May 15, at the Canada Wide Sci- ence Fair in Fredericton, New Brunswick, for their project UPOD: The Sixth Sensor. The grade 12 students from St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School also won the Science Fair’s one-thousand dollar Canadian Acoustical Association Award. Mallette and Peets were awarded the all- expenses paid, week-long trip to the Canada Wide Science Fair at the United-Counties Science Fair, which took place in Cornwall this April. The two were able to run some real-life tests of their device at the CanadianNational Institute for the Blind’s Ottawa office. “The staff at the CNIBwere very supportive,” said Peets. “It was really exciting to see that our device can be useful. And with the feedback we’ve received from them, we realize we could do so much more with it.” The pair developed their Ultrasonic Personal Object Detector, or UPOD, as a wearable navigation device for the visually impaired.The UPOD uses tones that sound at an increasing speed to indicate that the wearer is getting closer to a nearby object. It can also sense different elevations. “We just came up with the idea in a moment

As one of 10 Gold Medal winners in the Senior Division at the CanadaWide Science Fair, Mallette and Peets are also eligible for $27,000 in scholarships from universities across Canada. They include $5000 from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Science; $4000 fromUniversity of British Columbia; $5000 from University of Manitoba; $5000 from University of New Brunswick; $4000 from University of Ottawa; and $4000 from University of Western Ontario. “United Counties Science Fair hopes this will inspire other youth in our region and show that experiences like this at the regio- nal and national level are available,” said JasonMarshall, chair of the United Counties Science Fair. Gabriel Valin, a student from L’Héri- tage in Cornwall, and Michelle Journeaux, from Glengarry District High School, also represented the region at the national event. Journeaux’s project looked at high frequency hearing loss and Valin’s project investigated ways to fix problems caused by the highly invasive grass called Phragmites commu- nis. “They are all incredible kids,” saidMike O’Neil, a local science fair organizer who accompanied the group. The United Counties Science Fair is held in Cornwall every April, and this year celebrated its 40 th anniversary. The fair is a non-profit organization that aims to encou- rage students to explore the many fields of science, and to develop critical thinking and reasoning skills.

of spontaneous inspiration,” said Mallette. “After that, we organized all the possibilities, weighed the pros and cons, and then started working on it.” Cornwall high school students Jeremy Mallette and Samantha Peets won a gold medal on May 15, at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

Confirmation à l’école Marie-Tanguay

C’est le 12 mai dernier que les élèves de la deuxième année de l’École élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay ont été confirmés. Comme le baptême, il est reçu une seule fois dans la vie d’un chrétien. Avec le baptême et l’eucharistie, il fait partie des trois sacrements de l’initiation chrétienne, c’est-à-dire des sacrements qui, ensemble, permettent de devenir un chrétien à part entière.

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