LintEater® Operator Manual | RLE202


Step  11  (cont) 

6. Once you feel you have reached the end, go to the interior, disconnect the vacuum or blower and look inside the vent to see if the brush has reached the end.  If the brush is not visible, and you felt the brush binding up when you were rotary cleaning, it may be necessary to finish cleaning from the inside toward the outside.

Step  12 

Removing  the  Rods  from  the  Vent: 

Method  1:  1. Continue to spin the rods in a clockwise direction as you pull the rods out of the vent.

2. Disconnect one rod at a time making sure not to

loosen the rods that are still inside the vent.

3. Attach the drill after disconnecting each rod to continue spinning the rods as you remove. Note: If you need to finish cleaning the vent from the inside, count the number rods used so you can estimate how far you have reached from the outside.


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