
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 4&7&3"-*446&43"*4&%*/)&3*5"(&.&&5*/( STEPHEN JEFFERY

&/#3&'r#3*&'4 VOLS DE RADARS MOBILES Quelqu’un quelque part dans Prescott- Russell a un, ou peut-être deux, radars de vitesse mobiles qui appartiennent aux Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR). Jérémie Bouchard, directeur intérimaire des travaux publics des CUPR, a annoncé qu’un autre de ces radars mobiles avait disparu. C’est la deuxième fois en quelques années que les CUPR se font subtiliser un de leurs radars mobiles. – Gregg Chamberlain SCHOOL PARKING The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council approved a request from The Nation Municipality for No Parking signs on Route 500 West, near the entrance and exit points for Cambridge Public School parking lot. Because of the pandemic, more parents choose to drive their children to and from the school rather than have them ride the bus. Temporary parking of private vehicles along the road near the school is creating traffic hazard problems for school buses going in and out of the school’s parking lot. – Gregg Chamberlain ULTRASOUND PURCHASE A portable ultrasound device described as the “gold standard” for emergency medicine has arrived at Winchester District Memorial Hospital. The device would be used to help diagnose cardiac arrest, internal bleeding and pregnancy issues. It could also support treatment interventions such as draining fluid from the abdomen or inserting chest tubes. Donations to the hospital foundation’s general equipment fund paid for the $71,074 device. – Stephen Jeffery CENTRE ALIMENTAIRE Une délégation des Comtés unis de Prescott-Russell (CUPR) fera une présentation sur le projet de centre alimentaire régional proposé lors de la conférence virtuelle de l’Association des municipalités rurales de l’Ontario (ROMA) de l’année prochaine. Le conseil des CUPR a récemment approuvé une recommandation en ce sens. – Gregg Chamberlain

The effects of a Russell heritage conser- vation district on renovations, permits, and taxes were key areas raised at a public meeting on the proposal last week. Russell Township held its final public meeting on the proposed heritage district last Tuesday . If approved, the district would cover the “old village” core of Russell, and would include both residential and com- mercial areas on both sides of the Castor River . According to a proposal document, the district’s creation would help with “protecting key views, streetscapes and first impres- sions when entering this part of the village”. Township staff and consultants fielded questions from both residents and busi- ness owners inside the proposed zone on a range of topics, including the possibility of rate rises, extra permit fees, and how much freedom an individual property owner would have to renovate under the plan. 8IJMF SFTQPOEJOH UP RVFTUJPOT BCPVU potential tax increases, MTBA principal Mark Brandt, who helped prepare the report, said there were no plans to deliberately raise rates for properties inside the heritage conservation district. But he said property values, and subsequently taxes on the build- ings, could rise if the heritage designation was seen to add value to the area in the real estate market. Brandt said development pressures from neighbouring Ottawa meant a heritage dis- trict would protect some of the village values and guide planning decisions. He said the district was a “management tool” rather than a way of preventing growth and changes to individual properties. “You could allow the development pres- sures to happen, and not do things like heritage conservation districts, and let your community get overrun and become very plain and be one of those places you could find anywhere with no unique character,” #SBOEUTBJEi8FXBOUUPFODPVSBHFPSHBOJD evolution of the village, much like it’s hap- pened traditionally over well over 100 years, but at the same time, do it in a way that protects the value.”

La semaine dernière, les résidents et les propriétaires d’entreprises ont posé diverses questions sur le projet de district de conservation du patrimoine pour le village de Russell. — photo Stephen Jeffery

Resident also asked whether there would be additional fees for heritage permits or applications. Planning and Building and &DPOPNJD%FWFMPQNFOUEJSFDUPS%PNJOJRVF Tremblay said the decision would be made by the council, but other municipalities in &BTUFSO0OUBSJPXJUIIFSJUBHFDPOTFSWBUJPO districts either did not charge or had a small fees. “It’s something we’ll have to evaluate, the amount of time we’re spending on reviewing,” she said. “Usually when we have fees that are implemented, we compare ourselves

XJUIPUIFSNVOJDJQBMJUJFTUIBUIBWFBO)$%  and if they have no fee or a minimal fee, I’m comfortable with that as well.” Residents living inside the district, if approved, were encouraged to speak to council staff before undertaking major projects or submitting a permit, in order to determine whether any further information was required. The completed report on the heritage district is expected to be presented to the township’s council and voted on during one of its regular meetings this month.

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fois la partie fonctionnement et la partie tra- vaux d’équipement, s’élèvera 140 948 100 dollars. Les recettes découlant de l’impôt foncier uniquement s’élèveront à 48 041 800 dollars. Le service des finances des CUPR attend que la Société d’évaluation municipale provinciale fournisse des détails sur les données de l’évaluation foncière pour la

L’augmentation de l’impôt foncier découlant du budget 2021 des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) sera de 1%. Le conseil des CUPR a approuvé le bud- get final pour l’année prochaine lors de sa

réunion du mercredi 25 novembre. Selon Valérie Parisien, direc- trice des finances des CUPR, ce pourcentage se traduira par une augmentation de 4

région de Prescott- Russell. Une fois ces informations reçues, le ministère pourra prépa- rer les taux d’imposition de 2021 pour toutes les catégories de propriétés

The United Counties of Prescott-Russell 2021 budget is now approved with a one- per-cent tax increase.

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398 1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383

dollars pour chaque tranche de 100 000 dollars de valeur imposable d’une propriété résidentielle dans les CUPR . Le budget total pour 2021, incluant à la

dans la région pour l’approbation du conseil afin de permettre la préparation des avis d’imposition foncière définitifs qui seront envoyés par la poste au printemps.

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur principal • Senior Director YVAN JOLY Directeur des ventes • Sales Director GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. MARCO BLAIS, CARL LALONDE Infographie et prépresse • Layout & Prepress PUBLICITÉ • ADVERTISING: NOUVELLES • NEWS:

Federal financial help for small busi- nesses in Eastern and Southern Ontario will continue during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mélanie Joly, federal minister for eco- nomic development and official languages, 4."--#64*/&441"/%&.*$3&-*&'$0/5*/6&4 the pandemic and has helped more than 12,000 small- and medium-sized businesses 4.&T NBJOUBJOUIFJSFYJTUJOHTUBGG DPWFS operation costs, and continue to support local and regional economies.“Small- and medium-sized businesses have been hit hard

Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right tomodify themor to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.

announced October 2 continued fund- ing for the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF), through UIF'FEFSBM&DPOPNJD

CZ$07*% uTUBUFE Joly. “The Regional Relief and Recovery Fund is here to help them.” 'FE%FW0OUBSJPXJMM

Le gouvernement fédéral continue à offrir une aide financière aux petites entreprises pendant la pandémie COVID-19

Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission. Avis : En cas d’erreur ou d’omission, la responsabilité du journal ne dépasse, en aucun temps, le montant de l’espace de l’erreur en cause. Attention: In case of error or omission, in no way will the publisher be liable for more than the amount charged for space concerned.

%FWFMPQNFOU"HFODZGPS4PVUIFSO0OUBSJP 'FE%FW 0OUBSJP  5IF 333' CFHBO JO May this year during the early stages of

get another $184 million to dispense through the RRRF to assist businesses in Southern BOE&BTUFSO0OUBSJP


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