OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey April 2020 Page 28 of 82
Figure 32: 8. Please indicate your satisfaction with the following aspects of existing communications at the Resort: E-Mail Communications (Constant Contact)
Under 56 AGE
50.4%, 398 Male GENDER 114 29.6% 205 53.2% 47 12.2% 14 3.6% 5 1.3% 385 100.0% 4.06 99 26.0% 200 52.5% 54 14.2% 21 5.5% 7 1.8% 381 100.0% 3.95
53.5%, 426 5/Less Years TENURE 144 34.9% 210 50.8% 33 8.0% 21 5.1% 5 1.2% 413 100.0% 4.13 131 31.8% 207 50.2% 47 11.4% 21 5.1% 6 1.5% 412 100.0% 4.06
4.5%, 36 Year Round RESIDE 20.0% 20 57.1% 6 17.1% 2 5.7% 0 0.0% 35 100.0% 3.91 7 6 17.1% 20 57.1% 5 14.3% 4 11.4% 0 0.0% 35 100.0% 3.80
68.8%, 546 No DOG OWNER 167 31.6% 277 52.5% 54 10.2% 24 4.5% 6 1.1% 528 100.0% 4.09 150 28.7% 267 51.1% 71 13.6% 25 4.8% 9 1.7% 522 100.0% 4.00
35.3%, 280 56 to 65
41.2%, 327 66 to 75 101 31.9% 166 52.4% 35 11.0% 11 3.5% 4 1.3% 317 100.0% 4.10 94 29.7% 155 49.1% 47 14.9% 15 4.7% 5 1.6% 316 100.0% 4.01
17.0%, 135 Over 75
49.6%, 392 Female
46.5%, 370 6+ Years
21.8%, 173 6-11 Months
73.6%, 584 5/Less Months 177 31.3% 304 53.7% 61 10.8% 19 3.4% 5 0.9% 566 100.0% 4.11 161 28.8% 294 52.6% 76 13.6% 19 3.4% 9 1.6% 559 100.0% 4.04
31.2%, 248 Yes 68 28.5% 125 52.3% 30 12.6% 14 5.9% 2 0.8% 239 100.0% 4.02 64 26.8% 121 50.6% 34 14.2% 17 7.1% 3 1.3% 239 100.0% 3.95
6.4%, 51
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
9 18.4% 31 63.3% 7 14.3% 2 4.1% 0 0.0% 49 100.0% 3.96 10 20.0% 27 54.0% 9 18.0% 4 8.0% 0 0.0% 50 100.0% 3.86
253 31.1% 423 52.0% 90 11.1% 39 4.8% 8 1.0% 813 100.0% 4.08 229 28.4% 409 50.7% 110 13.6% 46 5.7% 12 1.5% 806 100.0% 3.99
91 33.6% 133 49.1% 23 8.5% 21 7.7% 3 1.1% 271 100.0% 4.06 81 30.0% 136 50.4% 30 11.1% 17 6.3% 6 2.2% 270 100.0% 4.00
35 27.1% 71 55.0% 18 14.0% 4 3.1% 1 0.8% 129 100.0% 4.05 30 24.2% 69 55.6% 18 14.5% 6 4.8% 1 0.8% 124 100.0% 3.98
120 31.7% 193 51.1% 38 10.1% 24 6.3% 3 0.8% 378 100.0% 4.07 114 30.3% 185 49.2% 50 13.3% 22 5.9% 5 1.3% 376 100.0% 4.01
92 25.9% 191 53.8% 53 14.9% 16 4.5% 3 0.8% 355 100.0% 3.99 84 24.0% 180 51.4% 58 16.6% 22 6.3% 6 1.7% 350 100.0% 3.90
52 31.3% 76 45.8% 19 11.4% 16 9.6% 3 1.8% 166 100.0% 3.95 48 28.7% 72 43.1% 24 14.4% 20 12.0% 3 1.8% 167 100.0% 3.85
Totals Mean Timeliness
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Totals Mean
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