OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Vision/Mission Statements/Core Values Page 21

239. You will never be a Premium RV Resort until you repair the satellite pools, laundry, and showers in the satellites. You need upgraded facilities 240. I don’t get involved in different aspects of the resort and much of it is due to what I hear about people fighting over the stupidest things, specifically anything to doing with tennis, pickle ball and golf. This is aimed at the mutual respect aspect of these statements. 241. I’m very dissatisfied with the lot appearances. Through the years the inconsistency of the A&A committee not following set guidelines and allowing owners to do things to their lots that shouldn’t have been allowed has now become out of control. There is very little enforcement. Also, many lots have so much “junk or treasures” on it, it looks like a trailer park instead of a 5 Star Resort. There should be guidelines. 242. The vision statement is fine, as long as we don't try to become too exclusive and lose our great diversity of owners. The mission statement is great. 243. This will be a challenging year for the world and also ORPS. For the sake of all owners, projects that are not deemed "necessary" be postponed so the Resort is able to withstand the difficulties ahead with Covid-19. 244. Always strive for excellence without extravagance 245. This park was never intended to be a premier park. I believe we are now exactly what we were intended to be. We have a good mix of income and ability levels just as any sound community should have to keep balance and continue to survive. 246. We have many willing and able owners who love to volunteer their time, thus adding to the sense of community and saving us a great amount of money. I feel that management is eliminating volunteers in favor of paid staff. It seems like our opinions don't matter anymore. 247. Perfectly said. 248. Very slow to make improvement that benefits the resort and enjoyment for the majority. It took 3 years to get the correct pickleball. In-fighting of the Board. 249. Didn’t seem to be anywhere else to put this comment but here. This is a 55+ resort primarily, yet golf & tennis are overstressed. What happens when age precludes these sports? Pickleball is difficult enough & crafts, wood & metal working need emphasis. 250. The statements are fine but they are followed by some staff (front desk). They should be rated individually. 251. Board is using these statements to try to continually make ever more enhancements and new things to ORPS that are not needed or wanted by owners. 252. We rent our RV and don’t live here, so I’m not qualified to answer all questions.

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