OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Clubhouse Comments/Suggestions Page 2
19. Disappointed ES kitchen unusable during the majority of the season. Cancellation of events very bad.
Just disappointed with the kitchen delays.
Having a useable kitchen would be nice.
22. Whomever agreed to put tile on the pool deck should be beaten. What a waste of money. 23. Why isn’t the ES kitchen in service? Whoever has been responsible for the remodel has missed the mark and it should be reflected in his/her employment. 24. It's a shame we had no kitchen for this season...hopefully completed and up and running for Oct 20202
Needs updating. Looks tired.
26. The survey is silent on infrastructure in this old park. A major issue in focus groups. Stop spending money on cosmetic appearances. Take care of our underground plumbing and electrical, roof etc. as the priority. 27. The bar needs atmosphere, it should look like a bar, not an afterthought tucked in the corner. Lower the lights in the evening!!! More TV's (it's called a Sports bar!) The bar should also be able to operate in the afternoons on the pool deck, making better use of staff, and extending service outside. Wine selection is terrible, pricing is all over the map ($5.00 for a glass of wine, $8.00 for the bottle at one event I attended). Better quality cocktail program would be great, our selection is terrible, and ingredients are awful. CHARGE ACCOUNTS! We should be able to charge to our lots, it's so simple and our Jonas system can do that, WHY can we not do this it's not 1984 anymore, every club in the world allows member charging but we don't Come on Board!!!! Many of us go outside the resort for happy hour because our bar is simply terrible.
Kitchen is taking too long
Kitchen still not available.
Get the kitchen at ES finished!
31. Ladies’ shower facilities need upgrade to shower heads and repair to ceiling is required, ceiling fan covers are very dirty. Curtains are very outdated and need to be replaced. Five years in the park we have never seen the fireplace work’ is it needed? Does it work? Who looks after it? Wood beams could be refinished in white to brighten the place up. 32. Lack of completion of the kitchen remodel at ES is totally unacceptable. Whoever was/is in charge of this mess should be fired. Open Bar Area needs an improved method of walk up ordering. 33. Most of the attention $$ has been spent at ES over the past couple of years. LP appears to be a second thought. LP essentially is a large Ballroom. 34. Rules in the clubhouse need to be enforced. There are too many owners in this resort who feel like they are entitled and can do whatever they want in the ballroom. 35. We’ve spent enough money in this area. Let’s concentrate on our infrastructure like the roads and equipment.
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