OUTDOOR RESORT PALM SPRINGS Membership Survey Dine More Frequently at Resort Page 5

69. I'm a dietitian who has spent my life working with seniors and their is not a good choice to have ONLY rich, pasta laden meals for the lunch specials. I love the shrimp salad, and order it often, but would like to see more "Mediterranean" type dishes like hummus and pita and veggies, salads with quinoa or tabbouleh and fresh herbs, tomatoes, small salmon, chick peas, feta cheese, peppers, pepperoncini, etc. I think the older population you've been serving is into the old-fashioned food, but those of us 55-ish are looking for healthier, lighter options, including more fish. DO love your pizza (some of the best in the valley) and your option for 1/2 sized salads. 70. More gluten free options


I prefer to dine and entertain at home as opposed to dining out.

72. Totally against HOA fees to increase to support the Bella Roma facility. We rarely use the facility. 73. I enjoy cooking and therefore cook on my lot. I think the restaurant is an asset to our resort. I plan to dine there more often next season 74. Sewer smell at Bella Roma outdoor dining area


Definitely healthier choices

76. Restaurant needs major renovations to ring it up to 5-star status. We strongly feel that each lot should be assessed a dollar value each month to improve the quality of the facility. For example, charging each lot an additional $50 a month in fees and then each lot would have $600 a year to use at the restaurant. This would give the restaurant a budget and also push people to use the restaurant more. 77. End game is it's too hard to compete with local restaurants given limited # of patrons in a 'private' area. 78. The restaurant is a convenience, not something I want to be tied to eating at or supporting financially.


Not everyone likes Italian food


Gluten free options.

81. The restaurant does is excellent job for all meals. We only go out of the resort just for change one in awhile


I spend minimum time at resort, lately.

83. Indoor dining area could be more attractive with better improvements to leasehold items. Flooring needs improvement. Outdoor chairs need attention. Cushions are all worn out. Better options may be available. Lighting inside needs some attention as same is not conducive to a warm and cheerful spot to dine. 84. I haven't stayed there since my husband passed away. It isn't fair for me to answer these questions. I based answers on "back then".


No ms. Used in salads etc.


Weekly dinner specials, i.e. all you can eat fish, prime rib,


A better selection of red wines.

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