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communautaire community link Le lien The «Bizarre» tournoi de quilles Tournoi de quilles organisé le 6 novembre à 12 h 30, le 12 novembre à 12 h 30 et le 13 novembre, à 9 h et 13 h à la salle de quilles d’Embrun. Les équipes doivent être formées de cinq joueurs et chaque équipe doit partici- per à quatre joutes. Les fonds amassés seront versés au Centre Novas. Réser- vation et information : 613-443-3036 Jour du Souvenir à Casselman Organisée par le corps de cadets 2804 Casselman, la c érémonie du jour du Souvenir sera célébrée le 6 novembre à 10 h au cénotaphe près de l›église. On November 6, Remem- brance Day ceremony will start at 10 a.m. at the cenotaph beside the church. Organized by 2804 Casselman Army Cadet Corps. Dîner communautaire Le jeudi 10 novembre 2016 à 11 h au Centre J. Urgel Forget. Au menu : jambon, patates escalopes, légumes et gâteau. Pour réserver (avant le 7 novembre à 17 h) : Annette Sauvé : 443-2175. Tirage 50/50. Après dîner : Conférence sur lamaladie d’Alzheimer. Groupe Action organise un sou- per bénéfice de fèves au lard, le 11 novembre prochain, à partir de 17 h, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb à Embrun. Cette campagne est pour les familles de la communauté d’Embrun et la région. Chevaliers de Colomb d’Embrun Souper fèves au lard et macaroni organisé par les Chevaliers de Colomb d’Embrun le 11 novembre à 17 h. Repas servi par Traiteur Viau Catering. Gra- tuit pour les enfants de moins de 10 ans accompagné d’un adulte. Cérémonie du jour du Souvenir Cérémonie du jour du Souvenir, le 11 novembre à 15 h, au cénotaphe sur le terrain de l’hôtel de ville d’Em- brun. Cérémonie bilingue organisée en partenariat par le Club Richelieu Embrun, la municipalité de Russell et la Légion canadienne, filiale 372-Rus- sell. Invitation spéciale aux organismes de la paroisse St-Jacques qui veulent déposer une couronne (communiquez avec nous S.V.P.) et à leurs membres. Information : Maurice Godard au 613- 443-2868 Souper-soirée des anniversaires Le Club de danse de Casselman organise un souper pour souligner les anniversaires, le 11 novembre à 18 h, suivi d’une soirée dansante à 19h, au Complexe J.R. Brisson à Casselman. Pour réservation et information : Gisèle Séguin au 613-764-5559 ou Guylaine Généreux au 613-764-5218. Souper bénéfice pour la campagne d’habits de neige
Recreation review report requires further study
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
A consultant report on The Nation municipality’s parks and recreation department leaves council and administrationwith 11 recommendations on the table to consider. Mayor François St- Amour finds interesting the reading of the report, but lacking in some critical details. “They (consultants) are giving us a few ideas,”Mayor St-Amour said during an Oct. 20 telephone interview. “But it’s going to have to come back to council (for study).” A copy of the 21-page report from consultants Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton is available onThe Nationwebsite. It examines how The Nation recreation department has managed and maintained all of the parks, facilities and programs that the municipality has acquired since the provincial amalgamation, two decades ago, of four smaller municipalities into one large rural one. The report noted that the department “is striving to achieve a balance of high- quality service, efficiency, as well as effectiveness” since the amalgamation. The main challenges for department staff include: aging infrastructure, a wide range of recreation demands from residents who are spread across a large geographic area and also represent a wide variety of age ranges and personal interest, pressure tomaintain services at their present levels even while interest in some recreation services seems to be dropping, and alsomanaging everything within budget limitations. A colour-coded rating system was used for evaluation with green as “good”, yellow as “improvement desired”, and red as “improvement needed”. In the three areas evaluated in the study for quality, effectiveness and efficiency of services, the report’s final assessment was yellow for each one. The report noted good things about recreation department practices in each area. It credited the department for having a volunteer support program in place to help keep operating costs down for various public recreation services,
Le rapport d’évaluation d’un consultant portant sur le Service des loisirs de La Nation semble suggérer que la municipalité va bon train; par contre, il y aurait place à amélioration quant aux besoins locaux enmatière de loisirs, et ce, d’unemanière plus économique et efficace. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
having a citizen’s advisory committee on parks and recreation, having an asset management plan in place to help guide future improvements and additions to parks and recreation infrastructure and programs, and a centralized and automated booking system in place for recreation services. Problems noted in the report’s briefs include: lack of accurate assessment of citizen satisfactionwith parks and recreation facilities, programs, and services other than “anecdotal comments”, a formal management strategy for the volunteers who help with recreation services, including a more official “appreciation recognition” system for volunteers, and a more detailed and clearer set of terms of reference for the citizen’s advisory committee, to avoid confusion about its purpose and responsibilities.
The report also noted the municipality needs a recreation master plan and also a business case process to help manage existing recreation assets and plan for future needs. Consultants suggested energy management and equipment preventive maintenance programs to help with day-to- day costs, and an annual building condition and review report on the state of facilities. A review of the current user-fee system for hall rentals was also recommended, along with reducing the number of assets in the facilities’ portfolio to both helpmake recreation operations more cost-effective and reduce operation expenses. The report noted that compared to other municipalities of similar population size,The Nation had a large number of small community centres and other recreation facilities, yet the lowest user-fee rental system. “It’s hard to compare ourselves with others,” Mayor St-Pierre said, regarding the overall report. “We are quite a bit different from other municipalities. We are always open to (public) feedback.” The complete report, in both French and English, is available at www.nationmun.ca. Des 600 billets vendus cette année, voici le nom des gagnants suite au grand tirage 2016 des Chevaliers de Colomb. Notez que les heureux gagnants ont pour la plupart reçu leur chèque durant le souper de doré du 22 octobre dernier, pour lequel 200 billets avaient été vendus. Grand prix de 10 000 $ : Chris- tian Longtin et Nadia Blanchard. Prix de 1000 $ : Guy et Dan Dignard, Dorille VanHoof,Yves Séguin et Marc LeBlanc. Prix de 400 $ : Madone Brisson et Steven Faucher ainsi que Christian Ménard. Prix de 100 $ : Stéphane et Nicole Séguin, Diane Ouellette, Philippe Ryan, Raymond Landry, Christine McCoal, François Cousineau, Denis Lavictoire, Étienne Bour- bonnais,Yves Séguin, Jean-Paul Surprenant, Bill et Susan Toll, Lise Weners et Serge Millaire. – Vicky Charbonneau Grand tirage annuel des Chevaliers de Colomb
Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
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