Welsh Language and Culture Strategy English

Pillar 3: Embedding Welsh across the University

We will continue to focus on compliance with the requirements of the University’s Welsh Language Standards, contributing to the objectives of Welsh Government’s Welsh Language Strategy, Cymraeg 2050. In doing so, we will enhance opportunities to embed and promote the Welsh Language across our community and enhance our investment in areas that are key to supporting our ambitions, such as translation.

• Further invest in our Translation Services to better equip the University to achieve bilingualism across greater aspects of the institution’s work. • Implement robust systems for data collection involving the Welsh language – including detailed data on take-up of Welsh-medium academic provision; Welsh-language ability and use within the student and staff body; and greater levels of sophistication in data to enable targeting Welsh-language students for recruitment. • Ensure greater inclusion of the Welsh language in all University-run public events. BY 2027 WE WILL: • Actively promote the Welsh language and Wales’s unique culture and heritage to international students and partners, including those engaged through our international partnerships and Transnational Education programmes. • Support all Faculties and Professional Services Directorates to exceed their delivery against the requirements of the University’s Welsh Language Standards and to consider them as baseline targets rather than the objective. • Review our engagement with the Seren Network and other recruitment programmes to publicise the opportunities available and

BY 2024 WE WILL: • Continue to improve our marketing and communication with Welsh-speaking audiences and non-Welsh-speaking audiences in Wales, providing authentic bilingual communication for all current and prospective Welsh-domiciled students. • Increase recruitment of Welsh-speaking students across all three Faculties by making the promotion of Welsh-medium provision and the University’s Welsh-language community a strategic priority in the Faculties and Schools’ marketing and recruitment plans. • Deliver a campaign to highlight the University’s profile as a Welsh-language and bilingual employer offering excellent career prospects. • Ensure work conducted in Welsh across research, teaching and professional services is recognised through professional development reviews and workload management. • Extend opportunities for staff to use their Welsh in meetings and events through greater use of interpretation and the use of as many digital technology opportunities and platforms as possible. • Ensure a greater conversion rate of our Welsh-speaking students to Welsh-medium or bilingual study opportunities and provide active offers to enable students to take up these opportunities within the mainstream provision.

• Develop an internal policy for enabling simultaneous translation at internal meetings and scope the creation of a dedicated simultaneous translation room and/or greater use via zoom.

planning, embed bilingualism within our positive recruitment practices, and scope a fast-track graduate recruitment programme to install our Welsh-speaking graduates in areas of our business.

highlight graduate career prospects. • Implement a more integrated and sophisticated approach to workforce

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