Welsh Language and Culture Strategy English

This strategy is aligned to the ambitions set out in Swansea University: Our Strategic Vision and Purpose (2020), and specifically to the recognition that we are a cultural and economic anchor within our community, with a distinct role to play in driving regional development and promoting health and well-being, and we are proud to be a beacon for Welsh heritage, language and culture across our five key pillars: OUR CIVIC MISSION: We contribute to the cultural life of our community through our Taliesin Theatre, Great Hall and Egypt Centre, our South Wales Miners’ Library and Richard Burton Archives, while T ^ y’r Gwrhyd, our Welsh language centre in the Swansea Valley, embraces its community through the promotion of Welsh

In order to deliver our ambitions for the Welsh language at Swansea University, we have focussed this Strategy around four key pillars .

1. OUR UNIVERSITY CULTURE, ensuring that our University is home to a welcoming and

thriving, multilingual and multicultural community of students and staff;

2. THE LEARNER EXPERIENCE, nurturing a supportive environment that helps all Welsh language learners to progress, no matter what their level of proficiency;

OUR STUDENT EXPERIENCE: We will ensure that all students have the

BY 2027 WE WILL HAVE: 1. Engaged meaningfully with Welsh Measures of success

opportunity to learn more about and experience our Welsh heritage and culture and that services and information provided to the student body is bilingual, in accordance with the Welsh Language Standards. OUR LEARNING AND TEACHING: We respect students’ right to study through the medium of Welsh and will expand our range of opportunities for them to do so and enhance their employability accordingly. OUR RESEARCH: We are committed to working in partnership with our local communities as well as with communities around the world, learning from them as we support their development. OUR ENTERPRISE: We will promote Wales as a location that stimulates and rewards collaborative research and innovation, attracting international inward investment to the region.

6. Consolidated our position as a key provider of Welsh and bilingual education, becoming a destination of choice for Welsh-language students. 7. Fostered greater bilingual employability opportunities for students with a view to increasing a highly-skilled bilingual workforce in Wales. 8. Intensified our excellence in research involving Wales, in the delivery of research through the medium of Welsh and bilingually, and our contribution to impactful studies which guide national policy in Wales. 9. Increased our engagement with the international Welsh diaspora and celebrate our cultural richness and diversity at home and abroad.

Government’s aspiration of creating a million Welsh speakers by 2050 by enabling all students and staff to learn Welsh and to engage meaningfully with the culture and heritage of Wales. 2. Implemented a robust workforce planning process to further develop the institution’s aim to be a bilingual University. 3. Raised the profile of the Welsh language and the Welsh language community within the University and recognise the achievements of individuals working to promote this objective. 4. Increased the number of students taking our Welsh-medium provision to 750. 5. Enhanced our Welsh-medium offer across the disciplines at undergraduate and postgraduate level and promote an inter- disciplinary approach.


ACROSS THE UNIVERSITY, enabling us to comply with and surpass the requirements of the University’s Welsh Language Standards regulations, and


recognising the value of the Welsh language to our research and innovation activities, and its impact on our Civic Mission.

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