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Staying Active & Becoming Better Balanced Mantenerse activo y mejorar el equilibrio

Hay una infinidad de consejos que se transmiten de generación en generación sobre cuál es la clave para disfrutar de una vida prolongada y exitosa. Algunos dicen que el secreto para la longevidad y la felicidad es concentrarse en la familia; otros dicen que todo se reduce a encontrar la profesión adecuada. No obstante, cualquiera que sean sus valores y las decisiones que tome en su vida, existen varias verdades fundamentales que casi siempre se cumplen con precisión: para mantenerse saludable, debe mantenerse activo; y para mantenerse feliz, debe mantener el equilibrio en su vida. Equilibrio físico y mental Tenerunavidaactivaactivaymantener el equilibrio van de la mano de muchas maneras. Tener una vida activa se refiere a la cantidad de actividades que realiza a diario. Por supuesto, esto puede referirse a cuánto tiempo pasa en el gimnasio, pero también a la cantidad de pasos que da en un día, la frecuencia con la que corre por la oficina y la frecuencia con la que usa el patio de su casa para correr con sus hijos o su perro. El equilibrio funciona en muchos sentidos de acuerdo con los mismos principios. Hay algunas actividades que realiza todos los días porque tiene que hacerlas: el trabajo a menudo cae en esta categoría, al igual que las tareas domésticas. Pero ¿qué papel desempeñan las cosas que simplemente le encanta hacer? ¿Qué lugar tienen en su vida las actividades que disfruta? Piense en la última vez que se sentó con un libro que le encantó, o preparó una taza de té o café y disfrutó al máximo de ese momento. Quizás no desea tener más tiempo para leer, sino para atender un jardín donde han crecido las malas hierbas porque no le ha dado el cuidado que merece. Podría ser un proyecto en su hogar que ha querido terminar desde hace tiempo o un viejo automóvil que desea reparar. Todos tenemos pasatiempos e intereses especiales que nos atraen, y dedicar tiempo a los suyos puede ayudarle a vivir una vida más equilibrada. Junto con la tarea de mejorar su equilibrio mental al distribuir el tiempo de manera adecuada en su vida, también debe tener en cuenta el desafío de mantener su equilibrio

físico. Hay ciertas señales que por lo general indican problemas para mantener el equilibrio, como tropezar y caercon frecuenciaosentirsemareado al estar parado por mucho tiempo. Pero incluso si no presenta estos tipos de problemas evidentes para mantener su equilibrio, es posible que tenga dificultades en lo que respecta al equilibrio de su cuerpo en general. El yoga es una excelente forma de hacer ejercicios para mejorar su capacidad de equilibrio, ya que ayuda a fortalecer los músculos centrales y a mejorar la coordinación. Usted puede mejorar su equilibrio físico al: • Incrementar la fuerza muscular • Mejorar su resistencia • Mejorar la fuerza del torso • Practicar técnicas de equilibrio In addition, taking steps to ensure that you are getting a full night of rest, that you are exercising regularly, and that you are eating a healthy diet are all strong components to ensuring you are well-balanced. Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider how much time is spent driving to and from work and around town on errands, and then consider the time spent doing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about how much time you are spending doing the things that make you feel better — including those hobbies that you love, but also being active and engaging with the people you care about. Part of becoming a more balanced person means finding ways to spend your time more wisely and taking more time for yourself as needed.

There are a million and one tips that are passed down generation to generation about the key to a long and successful life. Some say the secret to a long and happy life is to focus on family; others say it all comes down to finding the right career. Whatever choices you make in your life, and whatever your values are, there are several fundamental truths that are almost always accurate: To stay healthy, you must stay active, and to stay happy, you must stay balanced. Mental and Physical Balance Staying active and staying balanced in many ways go hand in hand. Staying active refers to the amount of activity that you engage in daily. This of course can refer to how much time you spend at the gym, but it can also refer to how many steps you take in a day, how often you find yourself running around the office, and how frequently you head out to the backyard to run around with your children or your dog. Balance in many ways works on the same principles. There are some activities that you do every day because you have to do them — work often falls into this category, as do household chores. But what about the activities that you simply love to do? What about the activities that you enjoy? Think about the last time that you sat down with a book that you loved and made yourself a cup of tea or coffee and really enjoyed the moment. Perhaps it isn’t reading that you wish you had more time for, but instead it is a garden that has grown weeds as it has been neglected. It could be a project at your home that you have looked forward to completing or an old car that you’ve wanted to fix up. There are special hobbies and interests that appeal to each of us, and spending time with those hobbies can help you live a more balanced life. Alongside with the task of becoming more mentally balanced with the things that you spend time with in your life

is the challenge of becoming more physically balanced. There are certain markers that typically indicate trouble with maintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your ability to stay balanced in this way, you may still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga is a great form of exercise to use to improve your ability to balance, as yoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You can improve your physical balance by: • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina • Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques In addition, taking steps to ensure that you are getting a full night of rest, that you are exercising regularly, and that you are eating a healthy diet are all strong components to ensuring you are well-balanced. Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider how much time is spent driving to and from work and around town on errands, and then consider the time spent doing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about how much time you are spending doing the things that make you feel better — including those hobbies that you love, but also being active and engaging with the people you care about. Part of becoming a more balanced person means finding ways to spend your time more wisely and taking more time for yourself as needed.

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