Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201607-201608

Executive Directors 4 Shelby &AJ Ford 8 PERSONAL ENROLMENTS in January 3 PERSONAL ENROLMENTS in February When asked what she and her husband AJ are doing differently to have seen so much growth lately, Shelby struggles to put her finger on it. They’re doing what they’ve always done—make connections, schedule appointments, and share the Melaleuca Overview—but she realises that they are doing more of those things. “It’s about numbers. The more people we show, the more we enrol,” she says. Shelby has also noticed that she and AJ have been more intentional in their activities—and Shelby’s Melaleuca day planner has come in handy for that. She wrote down how many enrolments she wants to have by the end of the year and broke down what it would take to get those enrolments— how many new names she would need to add to her contact list, how many phones calls and approaches, and finally how many presentations she would have to do to get the number of enrolments she wants. She made a handwritten list in her planner for the enrolments, and when a new customer enrols, she writes the name on her list. Seeing her list of names getting bigger and the empty slots getting smaller has really lit a fire under Shelby and AJ’s business. Along with that list, Shelby uses her planner to make sure their calendar is full of in-homes and one-on-one presentations. Because Shelby prefers to talk to people face to face, she doesn’t focus on making a certain number of phone calls each day or week. Instead, she focuses on the result of those approaches. “I set a goal for a certain number of appointments a week—four a week or five a week, whatever that number may be—and that’s what I work for.” Shelby truly believes anyone can experience the kind of growth she has seen lately. “Just keep it simple,” she says. “Develop an ongoing contact list. Nail down a couple of approaches you’re comfortable with. Feel good about what you’re saying. Get 20 customers, and as soon as possible, find someone to team up with.”

Executive Directors 9 RobinWaugh-Castle andGeorge Castle 9 PERSONAL ENROLMENTS in January 10 PERSONAL ENROLMENTS in February “The key to our growth has been to get really serious about making appointments,” Robin says. “We got more aggressive and took out our contact list to see what we could do, and then do. it on purpose.” Between January and February, Robin and George had 19 enrolments: three came from what they call “walking and talking” and just striking up conversations with people they meet, two came via social media, two were company referrals, one is their new tennis coach, two came from their association with Business Networking International, six were former customers or Marketing Executives who reenrolled, and three were young adults who showed up on their doorstep selling things. The first young man was in nursing school, so he was going door-to-door to wash cars to raise money. Three days later, George and Robin were about to give an Overview when their doorbell rang and they opened their door to find a young man and young woman selling guitar lessons. George invited them in to see the Overview. They enrolled on the spot and haven’t peddled guitar lessons since. “Reenrolling former customers was not happenstance,” Robin says. She and George know that timing is everything, and they make an effort to stay in touch when those in their organisation go a different way for a while. When the timing is right, Robin and George can give them the support they need to jump back in. “We’re just working harder than we did the year before,” George says, “and that’s where the results are coming from. If you’re doing the work, even if you don’t get the results right now, your time will come.”











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