Creative Projects at Home

Environmental Awareness at Home Series

Recycled Bird House

There are many different materials you can use to create a simple bird house in your garden.

To make a bird house you will need: • Clean dry tetra pack (milk or juice carton work well) • String or Twine • Items to colour your bird house pencils, moss, paper. Some paints can be toxic to birds. Please don’t use beads, glitter, pom poms or any items that may sit loosely and a bird could ingest.


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A wooden stick for the birds to perch on (pencil, old wooden spoon, stick found outside etc.)

1. To begin, clean your tetra pack and let it dry.

2. Punch a hole at the top of the carton and thread the string or twine

through the carton.

3. Cut a small square hole in the front of the tetra pack (consider what

size of bird this is to suit when deciding the size of the cut out).

4. Punch a hole below the square to thread the stick through.

5. Now it’s time to decorate your birdhouse.

6. Once your bird house is decorated, fill it with bird feed and hang

outside. Fix the carton firmly in place.



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