The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 3 2023


Goal 1: Optimise Learner Growth




Target 1.1

By 2026, increase the percentage of students achieving above NAPLAN Benchmark Growth in:

Provide a safe and engaging learning environment at home

Numeracy Years 3 – 5 from 16% (2021) to 22%

Support and assist with individual student education learning plans (IELPs)

Numeracy Years 5 – 7 from 14% (2021) to 21%

Support and assist with student intermediate goal setting and reflection

Numeracy Years 7 – 9 from 3% (2021) to 12%

Writing Years 3 – 5 from 17% (2021) to 21%

Provide regular feedback to teachers regarding student progress at parent - teacher interviews

Writing Years 5 – 7 from 32% (2021) to 36%

Writing Years 7 – 9 from 12% (2021) to 16%

Target 1.2

By 2026, increase the VCE

Attend VCE Information Evenings

Median study score from 23 (2022) to 26

Support students with important VCAA & VTAC correspondence

Percentage of English study scores at or above 30 from 18% (2022) to 25%

Resource visits to careers days at further education providers

Resource students with essential learning requisites including laptops and all textbooks

Respect increased study needs by being calm and being flexible at home

Proactively support your child ’ s wellbeing

Contacting teachers and welfare staff to assist with complex matters

Target 1.5

By 2026, increase the percentage of positive endorsement on the AtoSS for:

Check that your child is being challenged with their learning and program

Students in Years 4 – 12 for Stimulating learning from 60% (2022) to 66%

Monitor student progress against individual student learning goals

Students in Years 4 – 12 for Differentiated learning challenge from 68% (2022) to 74%

Contact teachers or wellbeing support staff when you feel that your child is experiencing difficulties at school.

Students in Years 4 – 12 for Effective teaching time from 70% (2022) to 76%

Key Improvement Strategy 1.a

Build a culture of high expectations for learning with all staff, students and parents/carers.

Support 21 st Century learning skills: curiosity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication

Challenge your child to perform at their best every day

Ensure they bring the right resources to school eg technology

Be consistent with the language around school values and protocols so that high expectation is routine and promotes a high level of school pride

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