DK TALBOT’ Image in the Temple Q. Please explain Matthew 24:15, especially the part that states: “ When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place.” A. The reference evidently is to some idol, presumably the image of the coming man of sin which will be set up in the temple in Jerusa lem. This ties in with 2 Thessalo- nians 2:4: “ Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” This will take place immediately after the rapture of the Church. An “ abomination” to an Israelite was an idol of some sort, and the image of the coming world dictator will be placed in the temple because Satan will desire to be worshiped in Jerusalem because that is the city where God placed His name. Before Christ Comes Q. W ill the old Roman Empire be restored before Christ comes? A. The beginnings of its restora tion have been going on for a long time but its full and visible restora tion will be accomplished after the rapture of the Church. The Egyptian Pyramids Q. Do you believe the pyramids of Egypt have any spiritual or pro phetic significance? A. No, I do not. The pyramid means no more prophetically or spiritually than the Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memo
children — only illegitimate par ents.” However, the little ones are loved by Him, and as He said when He was upon earth: “ Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 19:14). Power of the Blood Q. A certain liberal minister who has a radio program states that he does not believe in salvation by the blood. He does not accept the aton ing blood of Christ and yet he con ducts communion in his church. Is not this very inconsistent? A. Yes, but what liberal was ever consistent? Communion can mean nothing at all to anyone who does not believe that the blood of the Son of God was shed and His body broken on the cross for sinners. Let us pray that this man may be truly born again. He is doing much harm to the cause of Christ by his Christ- denying ministry. Rearing Families Q. In Matthew 24:19 we read: “ And woe unto them that are with child . . . in those days.” M y mother is a Christian and she thinks people ought not to have more children be cause of this verse. I have always thought it referred to the tribula tion period. Am I right? A. I believe you are right. I think this chapter describes the tribula tion period, the time of “ Jacob’s trouble.” It will be a time of great distress to expectant mothers but this is true of war in any age. Yet the race would soon die out if peo ple were not courageous enough to rear families in time of disaster.
rial. The teaching that the pyra mids by their measurements and structure foretell the future is one of the vagaries of the day. The devil’s purpose is to turn people from the study of the Word of God, and if he can do this by having them study the pyramids instead, he will be satisfied. When a Child Dies Q. Birth statistics show a great in crease in illegitimate births. If a baby bom out of wedlock should die before it reaches the age of two years, would it be lost eternally? A. Certainly not. I believe the Scriptures teach that the atoning work of Christ covers all people un til the time of accountability. Ro mans 5 plainly teaches this. Paul says in that chapter, verse 13: “ . .. sin is not imputed when there is no law.” Certainly a baby, whether legitimate or not, has no law, nei ther the law of God nor the law of conscience. There is a wonderful verse, Deuteronomy 1:39, that touches on this matter. God said to Moses when the children of Israel were about to leave Egypt: “ More over your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your chil dren, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.” This is very enlighten ing. W e are often asked in this day if our infants will go with us in the rapture when Christ comes. Of course, what applies to legitimate children applies to those who are so unfortunate as to have sinful fa thers and mothers of whom they cannot be proud. Someone has well said: “ There are not illegitimate
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