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The Russell Train Station plaque sits in a parking lot on 1st Avenue —supplied photo
the old Russell Train Station can be found at the north end parking lot on 1st Avenue in Russell. The plaque commemorating the Russell Shale Brick Company is found approximately 300 meters east of Eadie Road, Russell. Each plaque features a his- torical photo and bilingual text describing the historical significance of each site, and CPUITJUBMPOH UIF/FX:PSL3FDSFBUJPOBM Trail, which marks the route once taken by BSBJMXBZMJOLJOH0UUBXBBOE/FX:PSL$JUZ The railway ferried passengers and cargo CFUXFFO0UUBXBBOE/FX:PSLGSPN UP BOE JO UIFNVOJDJQBMJUZ purchased the route and converted it into a 10km long recreational trail linking the villages of Embrun and Russell.
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Le poteau électrique ne tient qu’à un fil —photo fournie
Russell Township unveiled two new plaques commemorating historical businesses in the township. 5IF3VTTFMM)FSJUBHF'FTUJWBMPO4FQ - tember 11 saw two new plaques erected as part of the Historical Plaque program to commemorate historic locations within the township. The program commemorates buil- dings, properties, and people with historical significance to the Township, which fosters an interest in the community’s history and roots. The plaque commemorating the site of
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
eighteen-wheeler to catch them. A Saputo truck pulled the wires taut as it passed underneath and splintered the pole, although it only needed a brace to repair it instead of a replacement. EAP received an email from a concerned citizen regarding the accidents, who said that the city should have planned the detour a little better. The citizen mentioned that while it’s concerning, one must note the humor in two accidents involving the same part of the street happening in such a short time. Drive-through/Pick-up St. Andrew’s & St. Paul’s United Church 38 Mill Street, Russell Friday, October 22, 2021 4:30 – 7:00 pm Fresh Fried Fish/Fries, Coleslaw, Dessert ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY (by Oct. 15) Adults-$20 Children 5-12 $10 (under 5 free) Join us for a FISH FRY feast! FOR TICKETS: PLEASE CONTACT 613-445-5335
Russell is having its sewer system extended, but drivers are having a tough time of it. Bank Street in Russell Township has seen two traffic accidents in as many days, both involving electric poles. Russell is extending the sewer system, so traffic is being redirec- ted down Bank St. The street is very narrow and there are no proper curbs to speak of, meaning the electric poles are basically in the street. Add in that people often park on the sides of the street, and accidents are inevitable. The first incident occurred on September 25, when an Amazon delivery truck was for- ced to swerve out of the way of an oncoming vehicle and collided with an electric pole. The front bumper of the truck was damaged, and the pole itself was splintered enough to fall. Luckily, the electric cables were strong enough to hold it up, otherwise it would have fallen onto the house behind it. The pole was replaced by Hydro-One, although residents were left without power for four hours while they sourced a new pole. The second incident occurred on Sep- tember 26. The electric lines leading to the Keith M. Boyd museum dangle low above the road, not enough that pedestrians are in danger but plenty low enough for an
Pavage Coco
Construction sur l’autoroute 417, 1,5 km à l’ouest de I/C 66 (chemin de comté 7) Jusqu’à 3,5 km à l’est de I/C 58 (autoroute 138)
AVIS: Pavage Coco fermera l’autoroute 417 en direction est jusqu’à l’autoroute 138 et l’autoroute 138 jusqu’à l’autoroute 417 en direction est pour terminer la reconstruction de l’autoroute 417 EBL entre les bretelles. La durée prévue de ces fermetures d’aires de trafic est de 10 jours à compter du 12 Octobre 2021 et la réouverture au plus tard à minuit le 22 Octobre 2021. LIEU: Voies d’autoroute 417 en direction est et ouest; 1,5km ouest de l’échangeur du chemin de comté 7 jusqu’à 3,5km est de l’échangeur d’autoroute 138. TRAVAUX: Les travaux comprendront le remplacement des ponceaux, la reconstruction de la base routière, le pavage à chaud et des améliorations électriques. IMPACTS CIRCULATOIRES: La circulation peut prévoir des retards en direction est et en direction ouest, tandis que la circulation sera déviée vers un détour à deux voies et dans les deux sens. Au cours de ces fermetures de rampe, l’accès à la route 138 de la route 417 en direction est et l’accès à la route 417 en direction est de la route 138 seront restreints. Il est conseillé à la circulation de suivre les itinéraires de détour indiqués ci-joints. L’accès vers et depuis la direction ouest ne sera pas affecté par cette fermeture. Autres services d’information aux voyageurs sont disponibles à www.ontario511.ca
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