Texas Baseball Ranch - May/June 2020



www.texasbaseballranch.com (936) 588-6762


approach of business development and champion a new approach, one which emphasized continual re-engineering of current systems and processes. At the Texas Baseball Ranch® we have taken Kriegel at his word and are constantly retooling, polishing, innovating, rebuilding, and reengineering our systems and processes … and equipment … and tools and technology. We refuse to stand still or stand pat. We don’t wait until something is broken to enhance it, improve it, or in some cases, tear it up ourselves and begin again. This is one of the many things that makes the Texas Baseball Ranch® special. We have no fear of getting it wrong. We know progress can almost never take place without moving past our comfort zone. We take the best of our best practices right now and imagine ways to make them better. Some changes involve simply refurbishing used equipment or clarifying old processes. Some changes involve completely tearing something down and forging a wholly new approach. And some of our changes lie somewhere between those two polar opposites.

Robert J. Kriegel wrote those words as the title of his book in 1991. It was a play on the famous phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Kriegel wrote the words to challenge the conventional

One thing is certain: At the Texas Baseball Ranch® we will not sit on our laurels or on our hands. This summer is no different.

Here are some of the physical changes at the Ranch in preparation for the summer. We’ve updated the six pack, torn down the old medicine ball wall, and built a new one (in the shade!). On the technology front, we’ve added TrackMan radar for all the pitch data, becoming the first member of their Ambassador Club. We will also have Sparta individualized strength workouts coming right to players via their phones this summer. With the state of Texas opening back up following COVID-19 and with all travel restrictions lifted, we’re excited to get back to baseball, and we’re sure you are as well.

We look forward to seeing you at the Ranch this summer!

–Ron Wolforth


Where You Can DREAM as BIG as Your Work Ethic Will Allow! PHONE (936) 588-6762

Take Advantage of Our ‘Master Class’ Packages Before They’re Gone OUR VIDEO TRAINING VAULT IS OPEN!

Pitching Ph.D. Bundle — $99 • Derek Johnson, pitching coach for the Cincinnati Reds, on pitcher and hitter confrontation. • Wes Johnson, pitching coach for the Minnesota Twins, on mindset, delivery, and drills. • Dusty Blake, pitching coach for the Duke University team, on navigating performance data for an individualized plan. The Finer Points Bundle — $99 • Andy McKay, director of player development for the Seattle Mariners, on separating yourself from the pack. • Jerry Weinstein, coach for the Colorado Rockies, on a system for holding runners. • Josh Kalk, analytics specialist for the Minnesota Twins on analytics for college coaches. We’ve adapted our teaching strategies so that coaches can remain productive during these unprecedented times. All three of these fantastic packages are now available online for purchase and viewing. Make the most of your downtime by visiting www. TexasBaseballRanch.com/coaching to sign up.

For the first time ever, Texas Baseball Ranch has opened its vault to offer a new series of “Master Class” remote learning videos so that coaches can maximize their downtime during the quarantine. We’ve pulled out a handful of the very best coaching presentations and grouped them together into three great packages that you can watch anytime on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. These cutting-edge ideas and practical applications from some of America’s most sought-after pitching experts are the same presentations that many have paid thousands of dollars to see live at our Coaches Boot Camp.

Here’s what each of our available packages includes:

Performance Enhancement Bundle — $99 • Ron Wolforth, owner and CEO of Texas Baseball Ranch, on next-generation player development. • Randy Sullivan, owner and CEO of Florida Baseball Ranch, on connecting movement science and data to individualize training. • Garrett Wolforth, professional player for the Cincinnati Reds, on wake-up, warm-up and soft tissue prep for training and game performance.

DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Why Your At-Home Physical Therapy Exercises Matter for Healing

your home exercise program, you are effectively supplementing the extensive care your therapist provides for you at each appointment. Additionally, doing your at-home routine while you are in physical therapy prepares you for life after this therapy ends. As much as we love seeing you at your appointments, you’re bound to return to the real world and not see us quite as often. That is the goal, after all! But in order to continue a healthy lifestyle, you have to continue moving your joints and body in a healthy way. Your at-home exercises are a great first step, and your therapist can offer progressions to continue challenging you when those moves become second nature to you and your body. Like many things in life, physical therapy comes with a need for dedication, but any physical therapist’s goal is to make this process as easy for you as possible. If you’re struggling to commit to your at-home exercises or if you need additional instruction, talk to your therapy team. We can help you gain the confidence you need to crush those at-home exercises and get you back to the activities you love.

Seeking rehabilitation through physical therapy can be one of the wisest choices you make for your health, well-being, and life. But committing to a physical therapy routine is much more than just showing up for your appointments. Your at-home workout, or home exercise program, is just as important. Working out may seem counterproductive to healing, but your home exercise program is designed specifically for your ailments. Your physical therapist will tailor an exercise routine for you and teach you the moves while offering specific advice and providing tools to guide you through each movement. If you can commit to doing your home exercise program on a regular basis, then you may just reap the benefit of healing faster. Think about it this way: Physical therapy heals through movement, yet you typically do not see your physical therapist for this healing movement every single day. While rest is vital to the healing process, continuing to keep your joints limber, moving, and functioning at their best is also key! So, by sticking to



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THE TRUTH ABOUT WARMING UP Why the Wake-Up, Warm-Up Method Is Key

a way for every single pitcher to be thoroughly warmed up before they go in, but very few ever are, and that’s simply their own choice. Many fear that if a warmup is too extensive, it will wear them out too much to last the entire game. If that’s the case, then the player has a conditioning issue, not a warmup issue. Pitchers can find great warmup routines to mimic from players like Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemens, Roy Halladay, and Trevor Bauer. But the key is really finding the warmup that thoroughly works for you. No matter what, three versions of a wake-up, warm-up routine are needed.

One of the most frequent mistakes pitchers make is being significantly underprepared for the workload and intensity of pitching at the highest levels of competition. Humans tend to secretly hope that whatever job they’re doing won’t be arduous, complex, or difficult, even though we all know deep down that the worthwhile things always are.

1. The ideal warmup with no time constraints.

When it comes to traditional baseball warmups, this is often the case. Traditional warmups consist of a lap around the field, a quick game of catch, a few dry swings, or some light stretching. But these quaint activities won’t get a pitcher in the right state of preparation. How is any of that useful for throwing a ball 100 mph? That’s why the wake-up, warm-up method is absolutely critical to success. There’s always

2. A shortened version for getting ready to play in 25 minutes. 3. An emergency version for making the absolute most out of a 12–15-minute window. These versions are very useful for pitchers as their roles or situations change. They may need to be an emergency starter at the last minute, deal with rain delays, or be moved into the bullpen. Any way you slice it, having three different versions of wake-up, warm-up method is incredibly valuable.



ELITE PITCHERS BOOT CAMPS: June 5–7 July 17–19 June 19–21 Aug. 7–9 July 3–5 Sept. 5–7

In the midst of the Great Depression, baseball was suffering. Professional baseball clubs were folding left and right, unable to produce the ticket sales needed to fund their continued play. But that all changed on May 2, 1930, when the first-ever professional nighttime game of baseball was hosted in Des Moines for a Western League game. It drew 12,000 spectators at a time when Des Moines was averaging only about 600 fans per game.

SUMMER PROGRAM: Session 1 begins June 1 Session 2 begins June 29 Session 3 begins Aug. 3

For more information, go to TexasBaseballRanch.com/events.

Photo from the Des Moines Register


The trend took off, and professional facilities across the country began hosting their own night games. They brought lights to their fields, enticed crowds, and found an innovative new way to stay in business during a time of hardship. Minor clubs paved the way for Major League teams, and today, night games have moved into the realm of ritual and tradition. It goes to show that great innovation always emerges when it’s needed most.

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Where You Can DREAM as BIG as Your Work Ethic Will Allow!

PHONE (936) 588-6762

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www.texasbaseballranch.com 5451 Honea-Egypt Road Montgomery, TX 77316

(936) 588-6762 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

PAGE 1 What the Ranch Can Learn From Robert J. Kriegel PAGE 2 Expert Video Packages Available Now Why a Home Exercise Program Is Vital to Healing PAGE 3 Wake-Up, Warm-Up Pitching Preparation PAGE4 Harvard’s Tips to Keep Your Brain Young

3 Tips for Good Brain Health From Harvard Medical School KEEP YOUR BRAIN YOUNG

of Harvard Medical School, also notes that “animals who exercise regularly increase the number of tiny blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to the region of the brain that is responsible for thought.” 2. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR MENTAL HEALTH.

As we age, our bodies change, including our mental functions. Cognitive decline is one of the biggest fears of aging, but it’s not inevitable. Though we’re still learning new things about how our brains work, there’s a lot of scientific research that shows how to keep your brain young. If you want to keep your mind sharp throughout your lifetime, then follow this advice from Harvard Medical School. 1. GET A GOOD WORKOUT. Exercising regularly helps all the muscles and organs in your body, even your brain! A good workout can lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels, which help your brain and your heart. Harvard Health Publishing, a website

Poor mental health can lead to impaired cognitive function. Chronic anxiety, depression, and exhaustion tend to cause low scores on cognitive function tests. But test scores aren’t necessarily a sign of future cognitive decline, and Harvard Health Publishing urges readers to maintain good mental health and get restful sleep, as they are “certainly important goals” for improving cognitive function and overall well-being. 3. STAY CONNECTED. It’s not enough to focus on yourself. In order to maintain your long-term cognitive health, you should also focus on your connections with other people. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “Strong social ties have been associated with a lower risk of dementia, as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.” Make new friends, stay in touch with family members, and maintain positive relationships in your life. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is certainly true when it comes to your brain health. Do what you can today to protect your mental functions tomorrow.



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