Hola Sober April 2024

. Crying for myself, about something I'm experiencing in my life, seems much more uncomfortable, a lack of decorum and control ( though I know this isn't true.) When drinking, I would repress any feelings that lead to tears for myself, until I erupted with sorrow, grief, anger, joy, or whatever. Lava tears. It was my daughter who pointed this out to me in a recent (wonderful) conversation, she said she'd noticed that she tended to do the same. These days, I feel much more comfortable about crying ( or laughing) for any reason. I try to think of the tears like April showers, they can come and go with no drama, just as naturally as the rain. All a part of the rainbow of emotions that I haven't really allowed myself to feel since I was a young girl

IWhen drinking some evenings would end up where I would get emotional whilst watching music videos from the past, stirring up memories, and gut-wrenching emotions. Alcohol fuelled of course. That’s the problem (one of many) with alcohol, it can go either way, you can slip down into a depressive hole or an elated joyous celebratory one. You would never know which one it would be, even the same memories could take either path. I do not miss those times one bit


Currently, I am open to the Universe to what joy and opportunity it will bring.

I do think being sober and feeling enough, I have begun to take things into my own hands to drive what happens in my life. It is like I have more courage now if I want something I just go after it whereas before I had lost all my faith in myself, I felt not enough and was afraid of rejection from the world. I became that little sad discouraged first grader who just wanted to go home, trapped in a place where I felt invisible and unlike others. Wow!! I didn’t know that about myself until I wrote it down just now. So maybe that is hope disguised as joy.


WOW. I never framed HOPE with a plan. I just hoped. The End.

I AM HOPEFUL that my sobriety will invigorate and fuel my soul to achieve goals beyond my imagination for the remainder of my life.

I AM HOPEFUL that I will live a long life with strength, vitality, health, and a youthful heart.

I AM HOPEFUL that my retirement years provide me with the fulfillment and purpose I have felt throughout my working career. (This has been a fear of mine and why I am not retired yet. I fear I will regret retiring. Work needs to be done here with this mindset and some reframing) I feel I can put a plan to those 3 HOPEFUL thoughts. My daily practice would be to break down into smaller pieces my bigger plan. Pick 1 little thing and create a positive affirmation around this or an "action". BELIEVE in myself. ― M.K. .

I guess my hope is faith that everything will come to me in its way and I am ready to catch it. I do ponder what I would like to happen and maybe that is hope.

Hmmm, my hope is to always be important to my family….that is always all

― B.K. .


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