Safety Manual

yourself and others. Accidental drinking, inhalation of vapors, or skin and eye contact with certain chemicals are the most frequent hazards. Guidelines for chemical use: 1. Read the label and follow instructions/precautions. 2. Keep out of reach (and sight) of children. Never leave buckets or bottles unattended. 3. Never mix products, even similar brands of one type of product. 4. Use only products supplied by MOLLY MAID. A customer’s cleaning product may be used if the franchise owner approves it. You must have the Material Safety Data Sheet for all products you use. These are supplied by the franchise owner. 5. Avoid skin and eye contact with cleaners and polishes. Avoid breathing cleaner, polish, and aerosol fumes. Have good ventilation in the room when using them. 6. Keep chemicals in their original containers or in properly labeled MOLLY MAID trigger spray bottles. Correct labeling is essential for proper directions for use and proper poison treatment. 7. Dispose of containers properly. Wrap aerosol cans and highly toxic products in newspapers, tie them with string, and place in garbage containers on the day of pick up. Do not incinerate. 8. If you are pregnant, or suspect it, avoid unnecessary exposure to as many chemicals as possible. Many chemicals in household products may not have been tested for their effect on unborn children. You may be required to obtain doctor’s approval to incur normal exposure to the standard products used in routine cleaning. Sources of Information The best source of information for the MOLLY MAID approved cleaning products is the Materials Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the product. You will find this information in the team leader binder and also posted in the office. 4.10 Driving Safety Safe driving practices are extremely important to everyone at MOLLY MAID. Safety is an individual responsibility, and your personal safety, as well as the safety of other passengers, will depend on you and your actions. For the safety of all employees, any deliberate or willful actions or conditions resulting from negligence, carelessness, or violation of company driving safety rules and regulations may lead to disciplinary actions, including possible immediate termination. Driver’s Rules and Regulations Although it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list of all types of driver’s rules and regulations, the following are some examples: 1. Seat belts MUST be worn by all occupants at all times. No exceptions.


MOLLY MAID Safety Manual

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