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Vol. 29, No 27 • 12 pages • EMBRUN • December 25 décembre 2014
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Robert Kirby acclaimed as warden ACTUALITÉ • NEWS
holds have another alternative for home heating to the current standbys of oil, elec- tricity, and tank propane. The new warden, during his inaugural address, also promised to continue work on past projects and programs launched during St-Pierre’s term as warden, with em- phasis on economic development and re- sponsible fiscal management. “We will con- tinue acting responsibly with our budgets,” he said. “We will keep our eye on the future and what it can hold, but not at the expense of taxpayers. I look forward to the coming year, for I feel it holds great promise for Prescott-Russell.” One of the first key items of business during the hour-long inaugural meeting was approval of the 2015 budget planning schedule for the counties coun- cil. Chief administrator Stéphane Parisien noted that the past practice for the coun- ties council was to have the annual budget approved before the end of the term for the current warden. But this year the October civic elections delayed the budget review process for the counties council and also for all member municipal councils in Prescott-Russell. Ad- ministrative staff continued with their own inter-departmental reviews on operations and expenses. The new counties council will receive a preliminary report on the 2015 budget dur- ing its Jan. 14 committee of the whole ses- sion. The following regular session Jan. 28 will see suggested revisions for the budget plan. The goal is to have the final budget approved by mid-February prior to the an- nual Ontario Good Roads Association sym- posium when counties council members and UCPR staff will have a chance to meet with provincial ministers and their staff and lobby for support of particular capital pro- jects. Correction In the article titled Pierre Leroux elected mayor of Russell Township , published on page 3 of our December 18 edition, the last paragraph talked about the options council had to replace the councilor po- sition left vacant by Leroux’s election as mayor. The last paragraph should have read as follows: “Leroux’s election leaves a vacancy at the councillor level. Council will have the option of calling another by-election or selecting a candidate by resolution. While she could be conside- red, the fifth candidate who received the most votes on October 27, Russell’s Cindy Saucier, is not selected automatically. Carkner named to UCDSB executive Prescott-Russell school trustee Caroll Carkner is first vice-chair for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) as it begins its new term. Carkner also has three UCDSB committee assignments effective Dec. 10. She will be the UCDSB representative for the Native Agreements committee and will sit with other board members on the UCDSB’s Suspension Appeal and Expulsion Committee and the Accountability Framework Committee.
Township, who was warden for the counties until he passed away in October. The war- den’s seat had remained vacant since then until all of the civic elections this year were completed and nomination of a new war- den became possible. “He (St-Pierre) represented everything that it means to be a leader and a warden,” Kirby said, “and his example will continue as an inspiration for this council.” Kirby has been mayor for the Township of East Hawkesbury since 2006 and sat as UCPR warden in 2009. A working farmer with a large and varied operation, he main- tains a keen interest in rural concerns. One of his stated goals during the next year is for the counties to look into the feasibility of getting natural gas mainline extensions into all of the rural areas of Prescott-Russell, so that farmland operators and rural house-
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’ORIGNAL | No vote was needed. Every- one agreed that mayor Robert Kirby of Hawkesbury East should be warden for the counties next year. Kirby was acclaimed without contest as warden of the United Counties of Pres- cott-Russell (UCPR) during the Dec. 17 in- augural session for the new council. During his initial address, Kirby thanked everyone present, including mayors Gary Barton of Champlain Township and François St- Amour who nominated and lobbied for his appointment, for their faith in him. He also paid one final tribute to his predecessor, the late mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre of Russell
Photo fournie
Champlain Township Mayor Gary Bar- ton (right) drapes the warden’s chain of office around the neck of fellow-mayor Robert Kirby.
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Pierre Leroux officiellement assermenté
blée du 5 janvier prochain, les conseillers et lemaire décideront comment choisir le qua- trième conseiller qui complétera l’équipe au conseil municipal de Russell, poste laissé vacant suite à l’élection de M. Leroux à la mairie. Le conseil pourra soit déclencher une élection partielle ou nommer un conseiller de son choix par voie de résolution. Bien que le conseil puisse considérer nommer la cinquième personne à avoir obtenu le plus de votes lors des élections municipales du 27 octobre, en l’occurrence, Cindy Saucier de Russell, ce poste ne lui revient pas de facto.
ANNIE LAFORTUNE annie.lafortune@eap.on.ca
EMBRUN l Le nouveau maire de la Munici- palité de Russell, Pierre Leroux, a été as- sermenté mardi de la semaine dernière, dès le lendemain soir de son élection, devant une salle comble à l’hôtel de ville. Les conseillers Amanda Simard, Jamie Laurin et André Brisson étaient tous pré- sents. Ces derniers, comme le maire, ont tenu à rassurer les contribuables qu’ils tra- vailleront tous ensemble. Lors de l’assem-
Jewelry to Save the Tigers
Photo Annie Lafortune
Le directeur général de lamunicipalité de Russell, Jean Leduc, et les conseillers André Brisson, Amanda Simard et Jamie Laurin entourent le nouveau maire, Pierre Leroux.
Having difficulty hearing? This will change your life!
Photo Candice Vetter
HollyHughsonisinhersecondyearofmakingearrings(andthisyearaddedhomemade dog treats) to sell art craft to raisemoney for PantheraWildcat Conservation. Panthera focuses on conservation throughout whole ranges of the world’s most imperiled cats: tigers, lions, jaguars and snow leopards, and has conservation projects for cougars, leopards and Iranian cheetahs. Hughson, shown here with her brother Sean at the Russell Public School annual Holly Carnival, has raised nearly $1000 for Panthera. More information is available at www.panthera.org.
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