Hammond seniors home expands ŏđŏ
mand added that inquiries are coming in from both the Clarence-Rockland area and outside within the Prescott-Russell region and also Ottawa. Reasons for the outside in- quiries are either because of the a"ordable rates for Résidence St-Mathieu compared to similar facilities in the Ottawa-Orléans area or because families are moving into the Hammond-Cheney district and want their parents to be able to live close to them also when they retire. Start of construction of the expansion is scheduled for later in the month with completion planned for early 2015. Besides adding another 4600-square-feet of living space onto the existing building, construc- tion crews will also renovate 1100-square- feet of the interior where the present rec- reation common room is located on the west side of the building. This will become four of the 13 new home units planned as part of the expansion. The completed expansion will see 12 new single-resident units and one double unit for a couple. There will also be a new recrea- tion common room built on the east side of the facility, to replace the old room. The entire expansion project has an esti- mated budget of $850,000 through private !nancing. Both business operators in the Prescott- Russell region and people looking for their dream job are urged to take advantage of a chance to attend the National Job Fair in Montréal next month. Le Centre de services à l’emploi/Employment Services Centre (CSEESC), through its o$ces in Hawkes- bury, Rockland, and Embrun, is partnering in a consortium for Eastern Ontario at the fair, to both highlight employment oppor- tunities here and also provide networking help to quali!ed people seeking career op- portunities in their !elds of expertise. The National Job Fair is Oct. 16 and 17 at Place Bonaventure in Montréal. For more details on participating in the job fair contact local CSEESC o$ces. 0%+*(ŏ&+ŏ"%.ŏ %*2%00%+* 0!./$! ŏ0+1. FINCH | Get to know the South Nation Riv- er up close and personal. The South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) o"ers its annual fall watershed bus tour Sept. 23. This year’s tour focus is the northern part of the watershed region in Prescott-Russell and surrounding Ottawa. The tour bus leaves the SNC o$ce in Finch at 8 a.m. and returns 4 p.m. The $10 tour fee includes a bagged lunch. Seating is limited so book in advance by phone toll-free to 1-877-984-2948, ext. 236 or email aclark@ nation.on.ca. The tour serves to improve public aware- ness and education about the South Nation River watershed and its ecology and the re- sults of decades of #ood control, reforesta- tion, and conservation work in partnership with the regional farm community and mu- nicipalities.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
HAMMOND | The old saying that "nothing succeeds like success" seems the correct description for the latest planned expan- sion of Résidence St-Mathieu. Demand for living quarters at the Ham- mond seniors retirement home has grown to the point where co-proprietors Nicole Normand and Luc Lamarre began making plans last year. “In the last year and a half, the demand has been growing,” said Normand. “We have nine (reserves) con!rmed.” Lamarre noted that the waiting list has re- sulted without the need for any advertising, “just word of mouth”, and both he and Nor-
Flanked by members of Clarence-Rockland council and the project engineer, Nicole Normand (left) and Luc Lamarre of Residence St-Mathieu tap on the shovel for a Sunday ground-breaking for expansion of the seniors retirement home inHammond.
Gratuit !
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