High-rise project proposal moves on gŏđŏ
cialty trucks. What the department needs are more “high-rise packs” which include special gear that !re!ghters would carry with them inside during a multi-storey buil- ding !re situation. Planning directors for both the city and the UCPR noted that present area maps list the project site as within the Ottawa River #oodplain and also there is potential !sh habitat listing that could be of concern to the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Michel Lacasse, of LLG Develop- ments, expressed doubt to the committee that the project would pose any risk to a !sh habitat or that there was any #oodplain problem with the site. The UCPR oversees the O$cial Plan for Clarence-Rockland and other municipalities within its jurisdiction. Louis Prévost, UCPR planning director, also expressed concern during the Sept. 3 meeting at the lack of time his department had received to review the development proposal prior to its pres- entation. Both he and the city’s planning department sta" recommended putting o" approval of the rezoning application to the October meeting of the municipal planning committee to allow time for more in-depth reviews. The rezoning application, along with all existing reports and support documents, will now go on to city council for review and consideration. Both the application, and any requests for amendments to the O$cial Plan, also still have to go before the counties council.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ROCKLAND | A new development pro- posed for Rockland has cleared one hur- dle but more may be in the way before the town sees its !rst real high-rise building towering over the landscape. After almost three hours of listening and reviewing reports and presentations until late at night during its Sept. 3 meeting, the planning advisory committee for the City of Clarence-Rockland approved in a four- to-one registered vote an application from LLG Developments Inc., represented by Stéphane J. Lalonde, to accept a proposed zoning amendment request that could allow construction of a 16-storey high-rise along the County Road 17 corridor near the Chamberland Street intersection. Coun. André Henrie, committee chair- man, was the dissenting vote. He suppor- ted recommendations from city sta" and a request from the United Counties of Pres- cott-Russell’s (UCPR) planning director for a postponement to next month to allow time for more in-depth reviews of the proposal and also for !ling of any further information documents and/objections to the request. “The feeling I have from this crowd to- night,” said Henrie, “is we should give it a little more time, to do what needs to be done, so that everyone is a little more com- fortable (with zoning request).”
The other four members of the planning committee disagreed. “Personally, I feel comfortable deciding tonight,” said Coun. Diane Choinière. Representatives for FOTENN Consultants Inc., the design !rm representing LLG Deve- lopments during the planning committee session, presented a power-point summary of the project. The proposed development calls for a mixed commercial use on the ground #oor of the high-rise structure while the third to 16th #oors are for 112 residen- tial units. The design includes three levels of underground parking plus a bicycle storage area for the use of tenants. Preliminary reports from both the city’s planning and emergency services depart- ments expressed concern that the present infrastructure setup is beyond the capacity to support such a “big city” type of develop- ment. An initial review from the !re depart- ment notes that the city’s !re !ghters have
neither the training nor the equipment required for dealing with a high-rise !re situation and gave a preliminary budget estimate of $100,000 needed to meet those training and equipment needs. During a later phone interview, Cla- rence-Rockland Fire Chief Pierre Sabourin noted that the department has no objec- tions to any such development proposal. The concern is that the department is not equipped and trained yet for dealing with a high-rise situation. He added that preparing for such a situa- tion is not a problem if the department can budget for the equipment needed and the training time. “It’s not a big issue,” Sabourin said. “We just have to be able to train for a high-rise situation.” He also noted that the type of equipment the department would need to add to its inventory would not involve any new spe-
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