Paul E. Loth, Ed.D., President Choose from 12courses (Leaders' Guides Available)
Pictured from left to right, Don Ranson, program direc tor, Ray Syrstad, C. Chester' Larson, moderator and Western Director for Scripture Press, and Paul Dirks. by Rev. C. Chester Larson
Write today: Dept. 0000 EVANGELICAL TEACHER TRAINING ASSOCIATION Box 327, Wheaton, III. 60188
the need for such a group.” Next, the need of such a Christian Educa tion Board should be presented to the official church board and, if neces sary, an amendment made to the church constitution making provi sion for this Board. This will bring the matter before the entire church for consideration. The church should then elect a group to serve on this board, or they should be appointed by the official board. A workable size would be from 5 to 10 members, depending upon the size of the Christian Education and Sunday church, with the pastor, Director of School Superintendent serving as ex-officio members. Persons selected should be Christians who are spirit ually mature, have capacity for growth, and some training or practi cal experience in Christian Educa tion. Q. How can I be a better soul win ner? A . Most of us would find that we were far more effective in witness ing if we were simply alert to the many natural opportunities that God gives us. A spirit of expectancy and readiness each day is so essential. We must also remember, as Dr. Eu gene M. Harrison says in his book, HOW TO WIN SOULS, “Winning a soul to Christ is a supernatural assignment which demands super natural equipment.” He lists these important points among his quali fications for a soul winner: 1. His life must be a good advertise ment for the Gospel. 2. He must know God’s Word and have faith in its miracle-working power. 3. He must know the fulness and guidance of the Holy Spirit. 4. He must know the reality and power of prayer. 5. He must have a hot heart for souls.
Q. When does a Sunday school get too big? A . I do not, personally, know of any Sunday schools which I would con sider too large. In fact, most of the larger schools of my acquaintance are very well run and most effective in their ministry. The basic prob lem inherent in Sunday school growth is maintaining the proper teacher-pupil ratio. But this is true of a school of any size and often the larger school has a better ratio than the small school. When we see all of the unchurched in the average American community today, it seems that we should have many more large Sunday schools than we do. I would sound one note of caution: A Sun day school should grow in proper proportion to the growth of the church membership. The church must be able to support the Sunday school not only financially, but also with sufficient personnel. Q. How can you get adults to stay for the Sunday school hour after taking their children to Sunday school? A . Most evangelical churches today face the problem of interesting adults in Sunday school. It seems to me that, in the last analysis, the only way to keep adults coming to Sunday school consistently is, first, to offer an effective teaching program that has meaning in their lives and, sec ond, provide an attractive social pro gram that meets the basic need of belonging. Q. Please give some ideas for start ing a Christian Education Board in a local church? A . I believe this question was sub mitted by a pastor; otherwise, I would begin by saying, “Work with your pastor, be sure he is sold on FEBRUARY, 1966
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