
Seven resolutions for feeling good about yourself The start of a new year is the perfect occa- sion to stop and ask yourself a few ques- tions about your lifestyle and health. Just in case you’re lacking direction, here are seven resolutions for becoming a better human being or, at the very least, for feel- ing better about yourself. 6. Spending more time with your loved ones. Taking a break from the worries of daily life to build a closer relationship with family members is a rewarding experience we too often neglect. And yet it’s priceless! 4. Cleaning up. Whether you want to de- clutter your thoughts, your finances, your circle of friends, or your home, a good clean- up is always useful in starting the year on the right foot. 7. Taking care of yourself. Treating your- self to some personal care once in a while does you good — eat well, exercise, have fun, and spoil yourself a little bit.

5. Giving a helping hand. There are many ways to help others: help a friend to move, babysit your nieces and nephews, or do some shopping for elderly parents.

1. Setting an objective and achieving it. There’s nothing like the feeling of accom- plishment. Whether it involves stopping a bad habit or starting something new, the important thing is to set yourself a realistic objective and to do everything possible in order to meet it. 2. Donating to an organization. Whether it’s money, material goods, or your time and skills, giving is rewarding, both for you and the recipients. 3. Travelling. For some it’s an adventure, for others it’s a time to relax. Whatever the case, a trip is the occasion to broaden your hori- zons and stock up on some great memories.

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et leurs employés vous souhaitent, à vous et à tous ceux qui vous sont chers, un joyeux Noël et une bonne et heureuse année remplie d’amour, de paix, de santé et de prospérité! & their employees wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Love, Peace, Health & Prosperity! Constant Lalonde : (Cell) 613 678-0586 • Benoit Lalonde : (Cell) 613 678-1230 BUREAU : 613 632-9000 C.P. 304, HAWKESBURY ON K6A 2R9

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Vous souhaite un joyeux Noël et une bonne et heureuse année 2014

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